Chastity Layman

Chapter 550: Trading

Qiang camp.

On the big white flag, a black falcon is about to fly.

Under the flag, Tuoba Chici watched the offensive and defensive battle carefully, shaking his head more and more.

"No way."

Tuoba Si sat on the small book with a restless expression on his head. After being captured last time, although he was only a prisoner for one day, he was rescued.

But he was the one who advocated the peace talks of the alliance, and he was the one who underestimated the enemy and was captured. In addition to the previous defeat in Songzhou, the Tuoba people now despise him very much and think he is very incompetent. Even Tuoba Chici hasn't paid much attention to him these days.

"Sitou, tell me your opinion!"

Sitou was still in a daze, Chi Ci called him again, and he came back to his senses.

"I, I think this castle is very weird. It's not like an ordinary city in the Central Plains. Although the city is small, there are many watchtowers. The Tang people have strong bows and crossbows. We also lack siege equipment. It seems a little strange to attack the other's strengths because of its own shortcomings. It's a good deal." Sitou said with a firm scalp.

"Then how do you fight in your opinion?"

Sitou said cautiously, "Since Qin Lang is in charge of this castle, it is not easy for us to take it down easily. It is better to send troops to surround and not attack, and then we will take the opportunity to enter Diezhou, plunder and then retreat."


"Actually, if uncle is willing, we don't need to fight Diezhou. Diezhou suffered little losses last time, and its strength has been strengthened after the war, but Diezhou is a poor state after all, and there is nothing to grab. Besides, last time the Tang people burned grass, now The grass has not yet grown well. If we go around the city and go deep, I am afraid that we will not be able to grab things, and it will not be easy to supply. The benefits and risks will not match, and it will not be worthwhile. It is better to attack the front line of Taomin with all our strength. Li Daoyan broke his promise and broke his promise He tried to rob the alliance, but his uncle was wise enough to see through, counterattacked and wiped out more than 20,000 of his troops, so now Taomin should be very empty."

"In addition, there was no war in Taomin last time, and Jiantaomin has always been richer than Diesong and other places, so we should go to Taomin instead of coming to die in Diezhou."

As soon as this word came out.

Immediately, several Qiang leaders were sneering and sarcastic, saying that Tuoba Sitou was scared out of his wits by the Tang people, and now he is timid and afraid of getting into trouble, and some people asked him if his eggs are still there?

Si Tou's complexion turned blue with anger, but he couldn't refute it.

Tuoba Chici thought for a while, but stopped talking.

The siege continued.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

The Qiang people were blocked in front of the first embankment, squeezed under the sharp piles and had difficulty moving forward. The Tang people's feathered arrows flew like flying, very precise, and the Qiang people kept falling down with arrows while holding their shields.

The axemen tried to chop off the pickets, but the archers on the fort stared at them and shot.

After attacking for more than an hour, they still failed to break through the first line of defense.

Morale has long been exhausted, and the Qiang people's attacks have become weak. Many people squatted on the ground, holding their shields on their bodies, wishing to turn into a land tortoise, and they were not willing to take half a step forward.

Tuoba Chici shook his head.

"Send the order to withdraw the troops."

Although Chi Ci had been prepared for this attack and knew that it would be difficult to attack, he was still very disappointed seeing the result.

The defense of the strange castle of the Tang people was stronger than he imagined, and the ability of the Qiang people to attack the city was also worse than expected.

Tuoba Xigan, who was also a captive for a day, offered advice at this time.

"The embankment and the pickets are disgusting. We should build bigger wooden rafts, or simply build some wooden houses, pushed by many soldiers to move up the slope, and put knives and axes in the wooden houses to cut down the pickets."

Someone retorted, "If you build a wooden house, won't the Tang people on the castle burn it with rockets?"

"Then let's put a few layers of raw cowhide on the wooden roof, so we won't be afraid of fire." Xigan really wanted to show it, so as to redeem his former position as Chici's confidant.

"Mengsheng cowhide is not afraid of fire, but what if the people of Tang throw stones?"

"They are not afraid of throwing stones, how many stones can they have? Stones are not allowed, and those sharp piles will hinder their rolling stones instead."

The thin and dry strategy is very simple, when the soldiers come to block, the water comes and the soil is flooded. The people of the Tang Dynasty were good at bows and arrows, so they made more shields, even the roughest wooden shields could have a strong anti-arrow effect.

However, the picket piles of the embankment of the Tang people blocked the road, so a large cart was built to cover the sharp piles by the knives and axes.

Chi Ci finally spoke.

"For Qin Lang, this embankment is only his outermost fortification. There are three such embankments, and breaking one is useless, unless we are sure to break through their three embankments and two trenches. But the embankment And trenches, it doesn't really matter."

He pointed to the tall bunkers, "See those bunkers? There are no less than twenty bunkers of different shapes and sizes, but the common feature is that they are very tall. Have you ever thought that even if we break through However, when we enter under the main city wall, it means that we will be completely attacked from all directions or even overhead? The attack at that time will be several times or even ten times that of now. , are you sure and capable of making us withstand that attack?"

"One more thing. This fortress is very small. Even if we have a large number of soldiers, I have calculated that no more than 3,000 people can actually attack the city. This means that our superior force is useless."

For a while, all the leaders of the Qiang people were silent.

"You can't just give up, can you?"

Some people are unwilling, that Qin Lang is in the castle, everyone wants to catch this guy so much, that is a real big fat sheep.

There is also Li Daoyan, who is the clan of the Great Tang Dynasty and the governor of Minzhou. He is also a big fat sheep.

Chi Ci also hesitated.

He really didn't want to let Qin Lang go, let alone Li Daoyan.

But this weird castle is indeed difficult to attack. Today, it took an hour to attack, and even the outermost embankment could not be crossed. The loss has already been several hundred.

But they estimated that the number of Tang troops killed or injured would never exceed a hundred, and perhaps only a few dozen were killed or injured.

No one can bear a one to ten battle loss.

And the deeper you go, the harder it is to fight.

But giving up is really not reconciled.

At this time, a leader offered a strategy, "I have a strategy to destroy the steeple piles of the Tang people, and another strategy to destroy the blockhouses."

"Let's talk and listen."


In the afternoon, the breeze blew, and the bloody smell gradually dissipated.

Qin Lang came to the outer half-moon fort through the tunnel, inspecting and condolences to the soldiers who participated in the battle.

"The fifth regiment of the five-star fortress of the Zhenxi Army, Zuo led the Zuo team, and Zheng Guo waited for the seal to meet the governor!"

Qin Lang patted Guo Daifeng, "My boy, this beard is getting thicker and thicker, and I don't trim it, I look like a savage. How is today's battle? Is there any injury? Does your team have any?" How many people were injured?"

Guo Daifeng pulled his messy beard, "Go back to the governor, this battle was fought happily, just like the usual training, it's full of good targets."

Speaking of casualties, he happily told Qin Lang that in his team of fifty people, only two fire brothers were dispatched today, and the remaining three fire brothers were resting below and waiting for orders.

Twenty brothers, only one guy was unlucky and injured.

"Where is the injury, is it serious?"

"It's not too heavy. That guy was lucky. He was shot by a stray arrow, and he only scratched a few edges, and it was just a little red."

Qin Lang called that guy over, looked at it carefully, and personally re-cleaned and bandaged the wound for him, and gave him three days off to go back to the main city to rest.

"There are plenty of opportunities to fight. You don't need to fight for this moment. You have to give other brothers some opportunities to kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds, don't you?"

As he said that, Qin Lang also asked Join the Army to write down the names of the wounded soldiers, and announced in public that he would be given a 600-dollar injury subsidy.

"If all the Qiang people attack like this, then our archers in the front row will take all the credit for it." Guo Daifeng said with a smile.

Qin Lang announced that the archers who participated in the battle today would be credited with rewards.

"Just tell me what you want." Qin Lang actually likes Guo Daifeng, who is about the same age as him, not only because they all have similar backgrounds, they are all from Shandong Military Group, and their fathers are both from Wagang. It is also because their brothers belonged to the prince Lu Ben before, and they are his old subordinates.

Now in this Diezhou, they have turned into the Zhenxi Army, and they, the prince's Lu Ben's former troops, naturally became Qin Lang's confidantes.

Chatted for a while.

The kitchen brought extra meals.

According to Qin Lang's order, they rewarded the soldiers participating in the battle with extra meals. Originally, each castle also had food reserves, so they could fire their own fire and eat dry food during the war. But today the battle was fought beautifully, and the Qiang people have retreated.

So Qin Lang deliberately handed over to the kitchen in the main city of the bank to provide extra meals for the front line.

"Bacon stewed with seaweed, and fresh stewed lamb, stewed with pepper, it is delicious."

The Huotou soldiers brought up pots of delicious dishes, accompanied by white and soft steamed cakes, which caused all the soldiers to growl.

Qin Lang stood there and divided the cakes for everyone. After the distribution, he also grabbed two and ate them.

Squatting on the city wall, everyone ate very happily.

After eating, a group of Qiang soldiers came down from the fort. They held up white flags, but they asked to come to collect the corpse.

While eating the steamed cake, Qin Lang looked at the Qiang soldiers who stood far away and dared not approach.

"Has the battlefield been cleaned?"

"As soon as the Qiang people withdrew, we sent people down to clean them up. We took back all the bows and arrows that could be used, and those that were damaged also took back usable arrows and feathers. The weapons that the Qiang people had no time to take away, and the dead bodies of the Qiang people We brought back armor, shields, etc., and picked up a lot of tatters, but few of them are eye-catching, so let’s use them as materials for repairing equipment in the future.”

In addition to picking up a pile of rags, they also cut off many ears, more than two hundred.

One ear represents a beheading.

"It's a pity that some corpses were taken away by the Qiang people, and the ears were not cut off. Otherwise, in this battle, I estimate that we have killed at least 250 Qiang people, not counting those who were injured and fled back. Now we only bring back Two hundred and thirteen left ears were lost."

Qin Lang laughed, "I'll ask the recording room to join the army to record today's 300 kills."

It is normal to falsely report some merits, and basically all officers will do it. Qin Lang wasn't greedy for merit, but soldiers needed military merit, and if they had military merit, they would be rewarded.

Last time, Qin Lang intentionally falsely reported his achievements in going deep into the party and fighting in the party. He falsely reported several times, and reported a figure of 30,000 kills.

He was dismissed from office and demoted to the governor of Diezhou. Obviously, false reporting of military achievements was also one of the reasons, but Qin Lang didn't care much about it. As an employee, the credit is too great, and it is actually a good thing to take the initiative to make a small mistake, and it can make the boss feel at ease.

Of course, falsely reporting some credit can also satisfy the subordinates.

"Tell those Qiang people that they can collect the corpses if they want. Let them send me eighty-seven left ears first. When the ears are delivered, they can collect the corpses at any time."

This request surprised the Qiang people, and immediately returned Tuoba Chici.

"I heard that Qin Lang is used to cutting off the left ear instead of the head to record merits. Could it be that he wants us to cut off the ears of the recovered corpses so that he can record merits?"

"Too much deceit!"

"The corpses we brought back were only thirty or so. Where did the eighty-seven come from? How did this number come about?"

Tuoba Chici said slowly, "It is estimated that the surname Qin wants to collect three hundred Zuo Er Ji beheading three hundred military merits, and there is still a shortfall of eighty-seven."

"But we only brought back thirty or so corpses!" someone said.

"Didn't some of the seriously injured die after returning?" Tuoba Chici said with a dark face, "Cut off the left ears of these incompetent guys' corpses, and make up enough to send them to eighty-seven."

"That's probably not enough."

"Then cut off the ears of the leader of this command to make up enough to send." Tuoba Chi resigned.

A group of Qiang people looked at each other in blank dismay.

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