Chariot of Doom

Chapter 80 The Real Golden Mountain 0

City C is an urban area in Shandong Province, Kyushu Country.

The gold mine production in Shandong has always accounted for the majority of the gold production in Kyushu, and even now, it still has great potential for development.

Although the gold production of other major producing areas has been increasing in recent years, it is still difficult to form a substitute for the old gold producing areas in Shandong.

The gold mine Ye Hao found was in a mountainous area in C City, Shandong Province.

Compared with other places, Shandong, which has always been a gold-rich place, is much easier to find gold mines, and many of them are large gold mines with very high gold production.

The gold deposit Ye Hao found is in a gold belt (similar to the seismic belt).

According to the collected information, the gold mine has an average grade of 2.4 (2.45 grams of gold can be extracted for one ore on average), submitted gold resources of 127 tons, and prospective resource reserves of more than 200 tons.

There are not many gold mines that can produce more than 100 tons. This gold mine was found by Ye Hao after a lot of troubles and inquiries.

In fact, if you want to know this information, Ye Hao has an easy way.

For example, if you ask Cheng Fei or Wu Yinggui, you can get information in this regard, but he doesn't want to have too many interactions with these two people.

The first is to avoid exposing his own details. The more contacts, the more Cheng Fei and others will know about him. This is a very bad thing for him.

Second, since Cheng Fei and others all know this information, if Ye Hao doesn't know, it will easily arouse their suspicion, and may even be implicated in other things.

So he would rather spend a little more time and pay more money than ask them.

Of course, doing so also has other advantages, the amount of information obtained will be more and more comprehensive, including some of the information he needs.

For example, in the gold mine we are going to, there is news that there have been hundreds of tons of gold accumulated, and it will be transported to a certain place for reprocessing in the near future, and then sold to the world!

It was precisely because of this news that Ye Hao finally decided to go to this gold mine.

Originally, according to his original idea, one hundred tons of gold would need to be collected from several gold mines.

But if that news is true, this one gold mine will be able to collect enough gold.

Of course, Ye Hao is very clear that with so much gold reserves in this gold mine, the management will definitely be stricter, and it will be more difficult to obtain compared to other gold mines.

But now the doomsday could come at any time, and what Ye Hao lacked most was time.

So even if it is a little dangerous, as long as he can quickly achieve his goal, he is willing to try.

As the saying goes, if you don't enter a tiger's den, you can't get a tiger's son. This is the truth.

Every opportunity comes with danger!

Not long after, Ye Hao arrived at City C.

He found the address before he came, so he quickly arrived at the destination, Daxing Gold Mine!

In places like gold mines, in order to improve safety, new employees are often recruited and old employees are replaced.

Ye Hao applied for the lowest-level miner, a relatively loose position, facing the whole society.

With Ye Hao's current physical fitness, he quickly passed the recruitment process and successfully entered the gold mine.

The management of the gold mine is very strict. After a week of training, Ye Hao was finally allowed to mine and mine gold.

The gold mines he mines are called gold mines, but they are actually piles of ore. Sometimes when more than a ton of ore is broken, only one or two grams of gold can be found, and it is normal to find even a little bit of gold.

Ye Hao was lucky. He mined one ton of ore and found three grams of gold. The foreman also praised him for this matter, made him work hard, and promised to give him a regular salary increase.

For these, Ye Hao just faked a smile and ignored it.

After staying for a few days, he has basically figured out the layout of various places in the gold mine. However, the management of the gold reserves is very strict, and there are people in charge for 20 hours. In addition, the gold mine is patrolled everywhere.

There was even a time when Ye Hao just stayed there for a while, and the person in charge urged him to leave quickly with a serious look on his face.

However, this just proves that gold is likely to be stored in it, and the amount is not small.

Tonight Ye Hao decided to do it directly.

Because if he waits any longer, the more than 100 tons of gold mines may be transported away, and he will be completely busy at that time.

In addition, even if you wait any longer, you will not be able to grasp more.

It's night, the moon is dark and the wind is high, and all sounds are silent. It's the best time to steal.

A very vigorous figure, successfully evading the guards and patrolling personnel, quietly approached the gold hiding place.

In fact, the skill of stealing was also learned by Ye Hao in Doomsday.

In the apocalypse, there are mutant beasts guarding all kinds of heaven and earth treasures, and sometimes even attract a large number of survivors.

If you want to get the treasures of heaven and earth, you have to hide from them, otherwise you will be attacked by mutant beasts, and the rest of the survivors will follow suit. kill.

In such an environment, Ye Hao's ability to steal is one of a kind, far exceeding that of ordinary thieves.

As the saying goes, go away with your clothes and hide your name and name deeply, that's what I'm talking about.

If you steal, you won't be caught, you will steal!

"found it!"

After a lot of setbacks, Ye Hao finally managed to enter the place where the gold was stored, closed and covered all the surveillance and anti-theft equipment, and at the same time brought down more than a dozen security guards.

What kind of skill is Ye Hao now, one knife and one knife, those security personnel didn't even have time to let go, so they all hung up!

At such a critical moment, he would not stay.

At the end of the movie, because the security guards woke up, he would not allow the theft to fall short.

As for these security personnel, I can only blame them for being unlucky. Who let them block Ye Hao's way?

Besides, if you don’t die now, the doomsday is coming. If you die early, you won’t be frightened by the doomsday. Maybe it’s a good thing!

After solving these people, Ye Hao went directly inside, and was stunned as soon as he entered.

What is Jinshan? What Ye Hao saw in front of his eyes was the real golden mountain.

It is nearly ten meters high, and it is full of yellow gold, a golden mountain built of pure gold!

Compared with those gold mines where only a few grams of gold can be found among the tons of ore, it is completely the difference between heaven and earth!

"Daxing Gold Mine, thank you!"

There was a smile on the corner of Ye Hao's mouth. It took so much time to finally find the gold. He would not be polite.

Immediately, the doomsday chariot blueprint in his mind was immediately activated, and he tried his best to absorb the gold piled up in front of him.

Five hundred kilograms, one ton, ten tons, fifty tons...

With the continuous absorption of the doomsday chariot blueprint, the gold mine, which was nearly ten meters high, was rapidly disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The drawing of the doomsday chariot in my mind changed again, and the chariot in the picture became more and more solid, as if it would rush out of the drawing at any time.

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