Cell Repair

Chapter 702: ; Fierce bidding

"Four thousand high-grade spirit stones!"

When Wang Zhen heard that someone dared to bid with him, he did not hesitate to directly add five hundred high-grade spirit stones.

After the addition was completed, the King Array discovered that it was the cultivator in Box No. 4 who had increased the price.

"Hey, you are unlucky to meet me, because you are destined to not be able to photograph this milk beast."

Now the bidding with him turned out to be Box No. 4, and Wang Zhen didn't care at all and laughed secretly.

It may be hesitating, or it may be suppressed by the way the king's formation increases the price.

After the king array called for four thousand high-grade spirit stones, the fourth box did not follow the bid immediately.

The beautiful auctioneer on the stage took a look and clanged and struck the first gong.

"Dang, four thousand high-grade spirit stones once!"

"Friends who need to bid, hurry up and bid!"

"A rare milk beast can produce nine kinds of magical beast milk!"

"If you buy it, you earn it, don't miss it!"

After the gong rang, the seductive voice of the beautiful auctioneer spread throughout the auction house.

Probably affected by what the beautiful auctioneer said, the box No. 4 hesitated for a while before bidding again!

"I have four thousand one hundred high-grade spirit stones!"

"Hehe, let you be happy first, and wait a minute to let you know what it means to go from heaven to hell."

Seeing that Box No. 4 even dared to bid, Wang Zhen said with a smirk.

"Hehe, Master, are you going to cheat people again?"

Seeing Wang Zhen's smirk, the treasure hunter Dabao couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing.

Based on its understanding of the king formation, every time the king formation smiles like this, it means that someone is going to be unlucky.

"Hey, boss, what do you want to do, talk about it, let us listen!"

When the potato on the side heard it, he asked with interest.

"Hey, it's okay, but the owner is not bidding with Box No. 4 for the time being, so he thinks I'm giving up!"

"After a while after the bronze gong has sounded twice, when the No. 4 box thinks that the owner is giving up, I will bid fiercely again."

"This call gave him hope, let him despair again!"

"Hehe, this is a good idea. Box No. 4 dared to bid for the same thing with the owner. It was a court death."

"Hey, the boss has this idea! I guess the cultivator in Box No. 4 will hate you to death!"

After listening to the attention of the king, the treasure hunters secretly prayed for the cultivator in the fourth box while covering their mouths and laughing.

Pray that he is strong enough to withstand this blow!

"Dang, four thousand one hundred high-grade spirit stones once!"

"Friends who want to bid are coming soon. A milk beast that can produce nine kinds of milk. Missing is forever!"

On the auction stage, the beautiful auctioneer saw that Box No. 8 did not continue to participate in the auction, and was disappointed to ring the first gong.

The many cultivators in the audience were taken aback when they saw that Box No. 8 did not increase the price this time.

Immediately, they were all happy!

Because it means that they finally won Box No. 8 once.

Although it was not them who won, at this time, they had already regarded everyone outside the eighth box as one.

"Haha, look at it, there are no more bids for Box No. 8? Could it be that there are no more spirit stones!"

"Yes, it's possible, God bless us, now we don't have to worry about it."

"Hey, everyone, don't be too happy, because I always have a bad feeling."

Seeing the happy discussions of those cultivators, a calmer cultivator reminded him.

"Hmph, don't extinguish your prestige and raise the ambition of others!"

"Don't forget, Box No. 8 is now the mortal enemy of those of us who participated in the auction."

"As long as he is here and we want to shoot things, we need to be afraid."

"If we are fancy things, box 8 is also fancy, then give up in advance."

Hearing the words of the calm cultivator, another cultivator next to him said it a little unhappy.

When the calm cultivator heard it, he didn't argue much, because it was completely meaningless!

"Hey, I hope they are right!"

Looking at the quiet box No. 8, the calm cultivator thought in his heart.

What the outside thinks and what to say, Wang Zhen didn't take it to heart.

Next, Wang Zhen and the treasure hunter were eating in the box while waiting for the beautiful auctioneer to ring the second gong.

The cultivators in the No. 4 box over there were also nervously staring at the No. 8 box where the King Formation was located, for fear that the King Formation would suddenly bid.

"Dang, four thousand high-grade spirit stones twice!"

"The VIPs who are just about to bid have been awarded, and if you don't bid anymore, this rare milk beast will be taken away by others!"

In this way, in the eyes of many cultivators, the beauty auctioneer sounded the second gong.

Suddenly, whether it was the cultivators in the auction hall or the few cultivators in the box, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Haha, it seems that Box No. 4 has won, because so far there is no sign of Box No. 8 that will continue to participate in the auction."

"Well, this is a good thing. What does this mean? It means that our guess is correct. The owner of Box No. 8 doesn't have many spirit stones!"

"Hey, now I can finally take pictures of what I like!"

After seeing the second beating of the gong, there was no sign of bidding in Box No. 8, and the many cultivators in the auction hall were relieved.

The cultivator in Box No. 8 was also relieved at this time.

He was also extremely worried just now, for fear that the cultivator in the fourth box suddenly bid again.

However, what he didn't expect was that now the second gong sounded, but there was still no bid in Box No. 8!

"Haha, it seems that the owner of the box No. 8 really doesn't have any spirit stones!"

After all, he had photographed so many things in front of him, and the amount of spirit stones spent was not a few.

Thinking of this, the owner of Box No. 4 couldn't help but be happy to himself.

"Hey, please be happy slowly, and you will cry later!"

Seeing the happy expressions of the cultivators participating in the auction in the hall, and what they said, Wang Zhen smirked at the same time, he was also ready to pick the right time to continue bidding!

On the auction stage ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, after the beautiful auctioneer sounded the second gong, she waited quietly to see if there were any bids.

Of course, the box that she sees the most is Box No. 8, because there is always a feeling that Box No. 8 will not be so easy to give up.

Unfortunately, to her disappointment, there was no movement in the eighth box.

And in a blink of an eye, it was time for her to ring the third gong!

Thinking of this, when the hammer of the beautiful auctioneer's right hand was about to hit the gong, suddenly a cry of price echoed in the hall of the entire auction house.

"I have four thousand five hundred high-grade spirit stones!"


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