Celestial Masters Alliance

Purifying Mantra Chapter 206 Blessing Ceremony

The two wisps of white smoke in the air finally slowly descended towards the large rhinoceros horn cup in the center of the hall while chanting. Only then did I see clearly that they were heart-purifying mantras.

After the Purifying Mantra entered the large rhinoceros horn cup, it emitted golden light, and the vertical stripes of the rhinoceros horn cup were dyed gold. Those golden vertical stripes twisted in the low voices of the villagers, as if they were threads floating in the water. Parasite-like parasites.

I suddenly felt that my body was so heavy, and I felt that the air around me was pressing down on me, and the gravity of the ground was not letting go of me, as if it was trying to knock me down to the ground. When I turned around, I realized that Miao's grandma was nowhere to be found, and Zhu Jing was also crushed to the ground. I desperately moved toward her, grabbed her little hand, and tried to pull her up from the ground.

The low-pitched chants of the villagers turned into countless steel needles as thin as silk threads in the air, each of which pierced my body. "Ah!" I screamed in pain, and this space blocked my voice, and finally I let go of Zhu Jing's hand and was knocked to the ground by invisible pressure.

The moment I landed, the tiny steel needles in the air began to launch a collective attack, piercing my skin, drilling into every nerve and blood vessel, penetrating my bones and entering my marrow, removing all symbols of life. Everything was peeled off from my body and drained to the golden groove on the ground.

In the end, the steel needle penetrated my skull and went straight to my brain. I thought I would faint from the pain, or I hoped that I could faint so that I could escape the pain of eroding my bones and shaving my flesh. However, I was pressed to the ground. Not even qualified to close my eyes, I watched my blood, bone marrow, and brain fluid flowing in the grooves.

The golden threads on the big rhinoceros horn cup broke away from the cup and mixed into my life and Zhu Jing's life along the groove. They ran happily and flowed to the small rhinoceros horn cup beside the groove. They were filled up and then were exiled again, following the villagers. The chanting returns to our bodies, fills it up and then pulls away again, simulating the cycle of life over and over again, refusing to stop.

In the pain, life was injected, and the power flowing out of the big rhinoceros horn cup was also injected into my life. It is the Purifying Mantra! No wonder Grandma Miao said that practicing the Purifying Mantra is like stepping into hell. In this cycle of life and death, I feel the rising and setting of the sun, the full and waning of the moon, the birth of a century of life, and then experience its death and destruction, and feel that another life comes to take over, experiencing prosperity, decline, and again. perish.

Losing hope, struggling for rebirth, and heading towards death. Pain is nothing in front of these. Losing the desire to live is the most terrifying thing. If there is someone who can help me put an end to this cycle, I will be grateful to him.

"You have to go back and save him with your life!" The villagers' chants contained a sarcastic comment that was particularly abrupt. who is it? I remembered, it was Grandma Miao! Yeah! The wood is still waiting for me! I can't die here, I have to give him medicine. I want to live!

The pain gradually disappeared, and some other things were taken with it, but I didn't know what those things were. Finally, I can close my eyes and no longer have to watch my life go back and forth like dialysis. But the sound of chanting did not stop. Listening to it did not make me feel irritated, but made my heart calmer. Finally I fell into a black hole and kept falling...

When I could open my eyes, I saw an extremely familiar environment, Miao Hospital. I was wearing hospital clothes, and all the injuries on my body were healed, not even a bruise could be found. The medicine was made of wood. I fell to the ground and rummaged through the bedside table. My clothes were all folded and placed in the cabinet. The porcelain bottle was still in the inner pocket of my coat. I took it out and shook it a few times. The medicine was still there. Fortunately! The wallet is also in the pants pocket. The strange thing is that my clothes are very clean, without a trace of blood, not even dust, and there is a scent of laundry detergent. Someone must have washed and dried my clothes. How long was I unconscious?

I quickly put on my clothes and suddenly found that I had no feeling on my body. No matter where I touched my fingers, I could not feel any feedback from my skin, and my skin could not feel any touch either. What's going on here? Are there any side effects of dialysis?

I couldn't care less, so I rushed out of the door. The hospital staff were a little at a loss when they saw me. They wanted to come up and say hello, but they were also a little embarrassed. Seeing that they didn't stop me, I walked out of the hospital in a big way.

It is noon in early autumn, the sun is shining brightly, the sky is clear, and the breeze is blowing through the leaves. Even the cicadas hidden among the branches feel tired and only chirp from time to time. There wasn’t even a single person on the whole road. I guess it was too hot and everyone went home to escape the heat! But I couldn't feel any warmth. I could see the breeze lifting the corners of my clothes, but I couldn't feel its existence. The falling footsteps stirred up dry dust on the ground, but I couldn't feel the impact of the ground on my feet.

I started to panic, but I couldn't feel my heart beating in my chest either. My side effects are so severe, what about Zhu Jing? She is still a child! I was the only one in the ward just now. If we were sent to the hospital at the same time, she should be next to me. Could it be...

I dare not think about it anymore. I can't even take care of myself now, let alone take care of Zhu Jing. Besides, if I take her away, what will I do in the future? Who will take care of her when I'm gone? Keeping her here, Miao's grandma can't leave her alone.

I walked until I reached the intersection before I saw a vehicle. There was a shabby taxi parked under the shade of an old hotel. The driver was taking a nap with his chair flat on his back and his feet up on the steering wheel. I didn’t want to cause any more trouble on the way. I just gave away two thousand yuan and asked the driver to take me to the hospital where Mu Mu was located.

When I arrived at the hospital, the visiting hours were about to end, so I rushed into the ward, carefully poured every drop of the potion given by Miao's grandma into Mu Mu's mouth, pressed it against the back of his neck, closed his chin and lifted it. Tuo, seeing his Adam's apple moving, he slumped down on the ground with peace of mind.

Then I was shocked again, why didn't I try it? Grandma Miao played tricks on me once or twice, and I fed the potion to the wood so recklessly. She also specifically told her that this was an insect-killing pill and would not work immediately. Was there any ulterior motive behind her words? I held the hand with the needle stuck in the wood, helpless and anxious.

When the visiting hours came, I pestered the nurse for a long time to say good things and stayed in bed with her. I stared at the wooden instrument with vital signs all night without even daring to blink. My body wouldn't feel sleepy anyway. As a result, the conclusion reached throughout the night was that nothing had changed.

The morning light gave the heavy curtains a fresh color, and the corridor of the hospital gradually became lively. The ward door was gently pushed open, and Mao Yingnan's surprised voice came over: "Zhu Mo?"

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