Celestial Masters Alliance

Purifying Mantra Chapter 203 On Exchange

Along the way, I was predicting what would happen after meeting Grandma Miao, but the flat road made my mind go blank. The closer I got to Phoenix Tomb, the quieter it became. There was no vehicle passing me on the road, not even the roadside. No one was seen in the fields.

After entering Phoenix Tomb, I parked my car under the tree of the guest house at the entrance of the village, because the parking shed of the guest house was unusually full of cars. Even the entrance of the guest house was occupied by five or six cars, but the door of the guest house was closed. The surroundings were so quiet that the only sound I could hear was the friction between the sand and gravel as my footsteps fell.

Since there was no one around, and there was no need to exchange pleasantries with the villagers, I turned around and headed straight for the ruins of the Nine-Gang Tower. I didn't meet a single villager along the way. When I passed by a villager's house, I peeked inside. The TV in the house was on but there was no one around. Where have they gone? Are you avoiding me?

At that time, the ruins of the Jiujiang Pagoda were cleaned up, the shabby walls were demolished, and the wild grass in the courtyard was replaced by a neat cement floor. A semicircular tomb was built high on the foundation of the original site of the Jiujiang Pagoda. The tomb is surrounded by fences carved from granite, and the top is paved with small granite slabs. This decorative structure is particularly similar to the tombs of famous people in scenic spots.

In front of the tomb stands a large stone tablet three meters high. I walked closer and looked around. There was no inscription on the stone tablet, but three intertwined phoenixes were carved in relief, two large and one small. The look of the three phoenixes was very similar to the sculpture on the central load-bearing pillar of the Nine-Gang Pagoda.

I sat on the granite fence and looked up at the sky. It was now four o'clock in the afternoon. I didn't know how to contact Grandma Miao, but I had an inexplicable belief that I could find her here. After seeing the tomb of Jiujiao Pagoda, everything changed. Not so sure anymore.

A few hours later, the sun set in the west and dyed the clouds in the sky red. I began to suspect that it was a mistake to hand over the only bargaining chip, the Heart Purification Mantra. Everyone in the village has disappeared, and Grandma Miao cannot be contacted yet.

Ah... how stupid. But I can't stay at home and wait for trouble to come to my door! Judging from my experience in the past two years, if trouble comes to you, it will be a massive and unstoppable disaster. Only by taking the initiative can you effectively grasp the direction of the development of the situation.

I bid farewell to the last afterglow of the sun in this constant denial and affirmation. Finally, in the direction of the Shentiemu Temple, a vague black shadow swayed towards me. I jumped off the railing, feeling that that was the person I was waiting for. Before the person came close, I started to feel at a loss again. The manuscript I had spent several hours preparing turned into blank paper in an instant.

The visitor stopped one step away from me. She was wearing the same weird costume as when I first saw her in the Nine-Gang Pagoda. She had a loose scarf on her head, covering most of her face. I could smell it. There was a strong herbal smell coming from her body. It was an unacceptable smell, but I found it to be a bit pleasant.

The air was still as we couldn't see each other clearly, but kept staring at each other. The buzzing of insects that originally filled the surroundings also instantly became quiet, and even the breeze took a detour obediently. I clenched my cheeks, my mind in confusion.

"Did you come here on your own?" Grandma Miao surrendered first. I cheered in my heart, at least I won the first move.

"Yeah!" I replied calmly. Afraid of leaking information.

Grandma Miao sighed heavily and walked around me. Her steps were much heavier than when she came. She came to the towering stone monument and sat down against it. In the darkness, I couldn't see her movements clearly, but I could feel her waving to me to sit next to her.

I hesitated for a moment, then slowly walked towards her, sitting cross-legged one step away from her.

After I sat down, Grandma Miao spoke again: "Have you found the Heart Purifying Mantra?"

She still doesn’t know that I have given the Heart Purification Spell to the village chief. It seems that the village chief is determined to play against Grandma Miao. The big family is really chaotic and can cause divisions at every turn.

"Mumu... no, Zhao Shuang is in the hospital. The doctor said he is brain dead. You should be able to save him!" I asked tentatively.

"You can save him by bringing him along with the Purifying Mantra!" Grandma Miao's tone was full of doubt.

This is to talk to heaven to death! I was silent and didn't know how to answer. The awkward atmosphere made me stiff.

"You are the only descendant of the Miao family!" Surprisingly, the Miao family's grandma did not confront me, but what she said frightened me even more, because she was about to use her trump card, the emotional card.

"The Miao family gave birth to twins, and my father named you Miao Qing and Miao Dan. Twins have always been the first choice for sacrifice, so Miao Dan was chosen to sacrifice the phoenix feather, and you were chosen to sacrifice the dragon spirit. But the old generation of heavenly masters are gone, leaving only the ancient books for sacrifice. The ancient books only record that the head is needed to sacrifice the dragon spirit, so we thought that after sacrificing the phoenix feather, we would use Miao Dan's head to sacrifice again. Just sacrifice the dragon spirit. And the Phoenix Feather sacrifice deadline is earlier, so Miao Dan..."

"Then why were Zhu Mo and me exchanged?"

"The rejection reaction after the blessing of the Purifying Heart Mantra has always been a difficulty that we cannot overcome. After discussion, we decided to try to select children for blessing. The Tianshi Alliance is withering, so we decided to let you continue the incense as soon as possible, and then in the Zhu family, The children of the Zhang family and the Zhao family were selected. The two children of the Zhu family planned to leave their place of origin, so that Miao Zheng and you could break away from the alliance, but not only was Zhu Mo left in the Zhu family, but they were also candidates to bless the Purifying Heart Charm, so I I just exchanged you and Zhu Mo, and what will happen next depends on how you go!"

I had basically guessed these things, but when grandma Miao told them, I doubted their authenticity. I am sure that the exchange of blood lines in the family is by no means a random selection. There must be a reason why the Miao family's grandma is unwilling to tell.

Grandma Miao paused, cleared her throat, and then continued to speak. It was obvious that the tone of her voice this time was full of sadness: "Miao Dan has been growing up by my side since he was a child. I watched him learn to speak and walk. He used his little hands to Hold my hand and greet me, you are so sensible, what a good child..." Her gentle sobs made it impossible for her to continue the topic.

Should I comfort Grandma Miao? Or should it be more appropriate to cry with him?

When she was still thinking about how to deal with the Miao family's grandmother's grief, she suddenly said in a voice full of resentment: "Yes, raising a child is better than giving birth to a child. Why didn't I think of it?" There was a dense rustling of clothes, she should be in Shake his head.

We fall silent again after she sighs heavily. Raising a child is closer than having a child? A bunch of messy images flashed in my mind. My biological mother Zhu Wenzhu handed me the jade lock with the Purifying Mantra. When the real Zhu Mo appeared as Huang Xiao for the first time, he couldn't explain to me. Feeling guilty, Zhen Zhumo said: "You should have stayed out of the incident..."

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