Celestial Masters Alliance

Purifying Mantra Chapter 189 Transaction

There is no sun here! Where does that light come from? There is no green vegetation here at all, and even the Kowloon Statue, a place that is always humid, has no moss at all.

Mu Mu and Ma Tiantong had jumped down from the statue. "How are you?" Mu Mu asked nervously.

"Even if you want to attract Yingyu's attention, you don't have to work so hard! If it uses all its strength to deal with you, you may have been washed away by the current and only your bones will be left." Although Ma Tiantong said annoying words, his eyes He nervously scanned my whole body. After confirming that I was not injured, I changed into a casual look and went to fix my hair.

I gave Mu Mu a reassuring look and then looked around and said, "Where do you think the light source here comes from?"

"I feel like my body is being radiated, a bit like being enveloped by a blue light screen." Ma Tiantong rushed to express his opinion, squinting toward the sky and reaching out his hand.

"What a bold hypothesis." This hypothesis is not unfounded. After Ma Tiantong said this, I also felt that my whole figure was illuminated by a giant computer screen.

"Empty city?" Rare wood also joined the discussion.

As if to refute Mu Mu's conclusion, the sound of wind started from nowhere, accompanied by the humming sound of the engine. These conclusions were soon overturned again, because the so-called wind sound is the sound produced by jet aircraft cutting through the air, while the buzzing sound is the sound produced by thousands of small propeller aircraft.

A giant jet aircraft is piloting in front of this small black aircraft. The large aircraft is brightly colored, composed of light purple and white. It is shaped like a half-moon flying disc. The oval-shaped jet behind it emits blue fire. Its speed Extremely fast, it takes less than two seconds from the moment it is spotted to hovering above our heads. The smaller craft was obviously slower, following the larger craft as it hovered around us.

The small aircraft is painted with charcoal gray metal spray paint, has a shape similar to the flower-shaped chandelier in my living room, and is larger than a family car. The propeller is placed at the bottom of the main lamp holder in the middle, and there is a horn-shaped gun barrel under the scattered shell-leaf-shaped lamps. Each small aircraft has eight cannon barrels, and at this moment, the cannon barrels of thousands of aircraft are neatly pointed at us.

If a small aircraft is about the same size as a car, then a large aircraft is a flying aircraft carrier. The wind and waves stirred up by the two aircrafts were up to ten levels. I suddenly felt a little ashamed. Such a big scene was actually used to deal with small people like us. It was overqualified and overqualified. What's more, these aircraft are so advanced that they can't even match the alien spacecraft in science fiction movies.

The large aircraft covered our heads, covering the entire sky, and was targeted by thousands of cannons at the same time. My cold sweat was unconsciously mixed with my soaked clothes, and I was pulled by the airflow and kept beating my body. The three of us gathered defensively back to back for the first time, the tension building up and not being able to be blown away by the air.

Soon the white hatch underneath the large aircraft opened outwards, and a stream of transparent liquid extended outwards like running water to form a ladder. I held my breath and peered into the hatch. Will any aliens come out of it?

A pair of slender legs wearing silver-blue scaly leather pants slowly descended the ladder. On such a thin and perfect figure was a small head that was completely out of proportion. When the person was completely revealed in front of me, I was shocked. That was my twin brother’s head. It was the head that I sent to the Tomb of Giants from the Phoenix Tomb.

At this moment, the man holding my brother's head was looking at me with surprise. He is the headless corpse in the Tomb of Giants! His body has grown much bigger than before, and he is at least twenty centimeters taller, so my brother's head looks very awkward on such a body.

He looked at me with my brother's eyes, twitched the corner of his mouth, and waved his pale hand. The big aircraft closed the door and stayed a little further away with the small aircraft.

"What should I call you?" he said to me in my brother's voice.

"Call me Zhu Mo." I tried my best to act neither humble nor overbearing.

He nodded, pursed his lips, glanced at Mu Mu and Ma Tiantong, walked around me and said, "My name is Feng Lun Shu, I never thought you would chase me here."

Um? Did he think I was here to get my brother's head? I never thought about this issue before meeting him, and I never expected to meet him here.

"We weren't the first people here." I tried to steer the conversation away from the most pointed questions.

"Oh?" Obviously, he was a little unhappy that I started the topic. At the same time, his expression also told me that he had known about the arrival of the intruders for a long time and was not even interested in the group of intruders.

"Is it okay to use your head?" I asked deliberately. It was obvious that his body was growing rapidly, but my brother's head still stayed in the initial state.

Feng Lunshu reached out and touched the delicate stitching I had done, and his eyes darkened. Mumu immediately noticed something strange about me, grabbed my elbow and pulled it back hard. I put my other hand on his hand, looked into his eyes and said, "Don't worry, I'm good at doing business and dealing with customers." Then I gave him a wink and asked him to look at Ma Tiantong. Don't let this gossip lead to bad things.

Feng Lunshu became interested when he heard this and raised his head slightly to look at me.

"What do you think of my head?" I raised my chin towards Wind Wheel.

"Zhu Mo!" Mu Mu shouted loudly behind me.

I quickly raised my hand to stop him, and then said to Feng Lunshu, "How about making a deal?" I asked tentatively.

"If it's your head, I'm happy, as long as it doesn't go too far." Feng Lunshu's thoughts were all reflected in the eyes that belonged to my brother.

It seems that this guy doesn't know that I am the one who should be sacrificed to the dragon spirit, and he is the dragon spirit.

"Three conditions." I stretched out my fingers and gestured easily.

"Tell me about it." His tone became obviously urgent.

"First, I gave you my head, and you have to give my brother's head back." Before I could finish my words, Feng Lunshu hurriedly responded: "That's natural."

"Don't worry, just listen to what I have to say." I clasped my hands in front of me and rubbed my nose with my knuckles, trying to hide my panic. After Feng Lunsu nodded in agreement, I slowed down and continued: " My head is still useful for the time being, and you can only come and get it after you find my brother’s bones.”

Feng Lunsu tilted his head in confusion, and I quickly explained: "His body must be left intact so that he can accept salvation and re-enter reincarnation."

Feng Lunsu nodded, "Okay! I promise! And I will help you find it. Let's talk about the second condition."

"Second, wait a minute, no matter what we are doing, you must send us out of Fuxian Lake ten minutes before the system restarts." I waved my hand back and pointed at Mu Mu and Ma Tiantong.

Feng Lunsu raised the corner of his mouth and smiled softly, then nodded and said: "That's natural, otherwise how would you find his body." As he spoke, he poked his brother's cheek with his finger.

"Third, among the people who came in before us, there was a man with burns all over his body, six toes, and an arm missing. Take us to find him." Seeing Feng Lunshu's willingness to agree, I quickly handed over the last request. superior.

"Who is he?" Feng Lunshu didn't rush to agree this time, he frowned and asked thoughtfully.

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