Celestial Masters Alliance

Purifying Mantra Chapter 129: Calming Pstle

The skeleton has not been eroded by moss, and is white and slightly yellow. A large rust-colored iron nail is inserted between the eyebrows. The tail of the iron nail is connected to an iron chain. The end of the iron chain is a ring, which tightly fastens the bones. There is no gap in the hands. What surprised me most was that the corpse was tightly wrapped in a gold shawl.

The shawl was wrapped so tightly that the shoulder blades of the corpse were pressed and broken, causing the entire skeleton to form a twisted and weird shape. how so? Shouldn't the body still have muscle and water when it is placed in the coffin? The sunken shape of the copper block proves that after the corpse decomposes, the clothes on the body will become wider and expose gaps. Could it be that the corpse was poured to death with copper water, then pulled out, shaved, wrapped in a gold shawl and put back ?

In my wild thoughts, I stretched out my hand as if possessed, and pulled out the big iron nail between the skull's brows. The bones began to change rapidly. I was so shocked that my hand trembled, and I dropped the iron nail back into the coffin, and took two steps back. , the bones gradually turned from light yellow to dark yellow, then burnt to brown, and finally blackened into a pile of black ash. As the bones turned into black ashes, the three coffins behind them also made the sound of falling iron rings. I cautiously looked over and saw that the three bones also turned into ashes.

I go! what's the situation? My whole body tensed up and I looked around, paying attention to the subtle changes around me. No, there was nothing. There was nothing in the hall except the crackling sound of burning branches. Even if the most ferocious monster turns into ashes, it probably won't be able to make waves.

I became bolder and gently pulled out the gold shawl on the black ash. Now it can be confirmed that it is made of rare metal. It is very light and has the unique drape of gold. It is as thin as A4 paper and is about the size of a 1.5 meter sheet when unfolded. It is covered with complex patterns and characters created by tapping from the inside out. It is not as hard as armor. When you hold it, it hangs as softly as a sequined dress worn by a woman, but there are no connecting points visible to the naked eye.

This shawl is a priceless treasure both in terms of beauty and workmanship. Why is it used to wrap dead bodies? I admired the pattern on the shawl and folded it gently. After folding, the entire shawl formed a Rubik's cube the size of a table tennis ball, with edges and corners, as if it was originally supposed to be placed this way.

I put it in my backpack, then picked up the iron nails on the skull and studied it. At first glance, this nail looks like an ordinary coffin nail, but upon closer inspection, its shape is indescribably weird. The pointed end of the nail is flat and diamond-shaped, more like the tip of a gun in a cold weapon.

The tail of the nail is in the shape of a twist button, and the chain trailing below is also in the shape of a twist button. The circle at the end of the chain was thick and strong. I held the circle in one hand and the iron nail in the other, and turned it slightly in the direction of the chain. With a "click", the chain fit tightly and turned into a stick. I held it in the center of the stick in disbelief and carefully examined this new discovery.

By visual inspection, the length of the entire stick is two and a half meters, and it looks a bit like the precious pestle in the hands of Skanda Bodhisattva in the Temple of Heavenly Kings. Is this the Dingshen pestle that Fatty and others call it? It doesn't have the style of a golden shawl at all.

Then again, Fatty and the others knew about the Dingshen Pestle, but didn’t they know about the existence of the golden shawl? Since I had been in a state of mental stress, I was a little tired now. I sat casually on the ground leaning against the black coffin. In order to save electricity, I turned off the flashlight. Anyway, there was nothing to fear now.

I used the dying firelight to inspect and summarize the layout of the entire hall. Obviously, this is not a normal funeral ceremony. The four outer coffins are all facing the center. The iron chains connected between them are respectively placed on the hands and feet of the corpse. However, the rings covering the hands and feet are large and can fall off easily. So those bones were put on voluntarily.

Moreover, the four outer coffins only use door latches to gently close the doors from the outside. There are round holes on three sides of the coffins. Although these holes are set up for passing iron chains in, it is easy for human hands to reach out from the inside to open the door latches. .

The fourth empty coffin is the best proof. The people inside escaped and the coffin door was closed again. So where did the people who escaped go? Did he escape among the builders? Or will you die alone on this island?

I have already visited the island and found no trace of anyone living here, so he must have left. As for the method he used to leave, it is particularly worthy of further investigation.

I turned around and fiddled with the iron chains on the black coffin. It was obvious that the owner of this coffin was treated specially and viciously. Are the four outer coffins there to contain the person in this coffin, or are they a pious burial? This idea does not seem to be very reliable. If the person in the big black coffin could get a little sympathy from everyone, he would not be poured with copper water and nails.

So who is he? And why did it arouse public outrage? Judging from the Dingshen pestle piercing his body, he should be a god, but gods only exist in legends. Besides, gods should be immortal. How can they be called gods after they die.

The chain that fell on the ground and the bell hanging on my backpack rang. I was so scared that I jumped up from the ground. The ground was shaking. At first, I thought it was an illusion caused by my lack of strength and dizziness. Now the chain and bell were definitely there. The ground told me that there was an earthquake!

I quickly picked up my backpack and flashlight, and ran out with the Dingshen pestle. When I left the cave, the earthquake had stopped. The temperature in the cave behind him rose sharply, and the heat wave rushed out like a flood.

I suspected that this island was made of volcanic lava. Now I am sure that it is a volcano, and that it is about to erupt. In my exploration of the doorway, I only went as far as the main hall. What will happen if I go further down? I no longer want to know, the most important thing now is to find a way to escape from this island.

I looked back at the door and suddenly thought that the black coffin was the only thing on the island that could carry me floating on the sea. But how should I remove the copper block inside the coffin, and I must ensure that the coffin is not punctured during the removal process, otherwise I can only wait for death on the island. And those big chains locked on the sides of the coffin...

well! Even if I succeeded in clearing the black coffin, how would I transport it to the coast? I looked at the rope hanging on the lake shore and calculated the maximum load-bearing capacity of the rope. There was no pulley. I speculated on the possibility of hoisting the coffin only by arm strength, and how much resistance the dry lake wall would cause to the coffin.

When the aftershocks hit, I put all these difficulties behind me. I dropped the tranquilizing pestle in my hand by the door, and instantly chipped off a large piece of diamond. I was stunned, and said with a smile: "It seems like this thing is really a magic weapon. .”

I picked up some leaves that had been dropped from the shore in the morning, and rushed towards the main hall under the doorway with the Dingshen pestle again. I couldn't wait any longer. The main hall might collapse, and unforeseen variables would kill my only little hope. destroy.

All the fires in the hall have been extinguished, and the temperature is rising rapidly. The Dingshen pestle can cut iron like clay, but it still takes a lot of effort to remove all the copper blocks in the black coffin, and I am worried that the black coffin will be leaked and the work will be in vain. He didn't dare to use all his strength with his hands. I cut off the iron chains on three sides of the black coffin, leaving only one side for pulling.

In order to protect the black coffin, I wrapped it layer by layer with large leaves, especially the corners, which took a lot of time. The predecessors planted trees, and the descendants enjoyed the shade. The sliding platform in the main hall finally came into use again. I dragged the black coffin and pulled it to the cave passage without much effort. The dry moss in the passage also played a certain lubricating role, allowing me to reach the entrance of the cave in one go.

I collapsed on the ground and transported the black coffin here. It was already the limit of my ability. Today there is no way to send the black coffin to the lake shore.

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