Celestial Masters Alliance

Purifying Mantra Chapter 119 Abandoned

My consciousness left me, but my hearing did not, and it was much more sensitive than usual. Distinguishing the sound of the copper bells, the whimpering moans and screams of the sharks, the sizzling sound of the oil pan, and the crackling of burning leaves, I could clearly hear what each of them said.

"I see you are very interested in that boy?" Ma Tiantong was provoking Zhang Lingxi again. Has his broken brain recovered now?

"Don't forget that he also risked his life to save you! I owe him once, but you owe him twice." Zhang Lingxi's voice was stiff and different from the usual quarrels with Ma Tiantong.

"Why did I do it twice?" Ma Tiantong also became serious.

"Although there is no need for him to rescue you in this sea area, he still came to search and rescue you immediately. And you are the only one who needs to be rescued." Zhang Lingxi explained lazily.

"You're not right. Just because I fainted, it's all on me..." Ma Tiantong was about to argue loudly, but the fat man's voice stopped him in time.

"There are still ten hours before the dragon absorbs water, and the sharks won't survive long on the shore. You hurry up and put the refined oil into barrels, and then find a way to get more."

"Have you not found Sharen Yu yet?" Huang Xiao asked.

They were silent for a while, and then Zhang Lingxi said: "The shark feather used by the master was left by the master. I have only seen it once. When it entered the water, it turned into a big bubble. Take out the water and put it in your hand. As soon as you hold it, it turns into a pearl. We just peeled off the skin of the living shark, and we didn't find anything like a film. We also opened the shark's belly, but there was no pearl."

"The shark feathers cannot be found on every shark. If we search carefully, we will leave the cooking of oil to you later." Ma Tiantong arranged.

Huang Xiao responded softly.

"First find two healthy ones and transport them to the ship so we can go back and study them," said the fat man.

"Is the boat repaired?" Huang Xiao asked. The fat man didn't answer, probably expressing his affirmation with his actions.

"It's a bit difficult for the dragon to absorb water. Can you hold it?" Ma Tiantong said weakly.

"Work quickly!" said the fat man.

After that they were all busy and stopped talking. I lay there with my whole body numb and unable to move. I also couldn't feel the pain in my body. After a while, I became confused and fell asleep.

When the pain struck again, I felt that my fingertips had returned to a controllable range. The touch told me that the wind was blowing, and it was not small. Is it because the dragon is sucking water?

There was a jingling sound next to me. "Is it possible that he can't think about it? That kind of dead-headedness..." The person who spoke was Ma Tiantong, and it sounded like he was not far away from me.

There was a rustling sound beside me, and then a crisp bell rang, falling on top of my head. "Have you kept everything? Check again!" The fat man said, standing up and quickly leaving my side. A burst of sand and dust hit my face. I held my breath and my mind raced.

Dragon Breath Water is the passage between Dragon Breath Island and the outside world. Fatty predicted the arrival time of Dragon Breath Water, so he kept urging it. Are we leaving Dragon Breath Island now? wrong! Did the fat man keep all the things he said just now? In other words, someone is going to stay on the island. Who is it?

Thinking of this, I have a particularly bad premonition, because Ma Tiantong just said, "Will he be confused?" Ma Tiantong has never been on the same page as my thinking logic, so he always said that I am a single-minded person. Isn't that just another way of saying brain-dead?

"Fat man, can you confirm the time when the dragon will drink water next time?" Zhang Lingxi came to me with light steps, lifted my head up, and covered it with something unknown. His question made my heart sink to the bottom of my heart. It seemed that the person left on the island was me. What about Huang Xiao?

I struggled to break away from the control of numbness, concentrated all my strength in my throat and shouted: "Huang Xiao! Huang Xiao!" The sound I made was not satisfactory, like a sob.

Zhang Lingxi sighed and said suicidal: "He is not Huang Xiao."

A "pop" sound sounded in my ears, and the sound was so loud that it hurt my eardrums. "Don't give him anesthesia. The wind is too strong. He can still handle it when he wakes up. If he falls asleep, he's afraid of what might happen." It was Huang Xiao. I guess he grabbed Zhang Lingxi's hand that was about to give me medicine.

"But it would be more dangerous if he happens to wake up and chase the boat!" Zhang Lingxi said in a cold voice.

"Let's go!" Huang Xiao urged.

The sound of their leaving footsteps could be heard, and even the grains of sand blown by the strong wind could not cover it up. I froze there, trying to figure out their words. Zhang Lingxi said he was not Huang Xiao, so who was he? Who was the person who followed me down to the tree hole and came to Longxi Island? What happened to the two ones I confirmed their identities?

Now looking back on Mu Mu's alienation and scrutiny of this person, it turned out that he had noticed it a long time ago. But why didn't Mu Mu make his suspicions clear to me?

The wind blew the sand grains and slapped my exposed skin. I opened my eyes and saw yellow sand flying all over the sky. There was no sky. A thin white net was blown by the wind and stuck to my face. When I lowered my eyes, I could see Zhang Lingxi. Help me put on the mask.

My body was still stiff, and the only thing I could do now was to save my life, so I bent my arms to protect my head, knelt on the ground, buried my head in my chest, and waited for the strong wind to leave.

The sand covered my body in layers, the weight increased little by little on my back, and it became increasingly difficult to breathe.

I don't know how long I spent in panic. It was during this period that I completely regained control of my body. I broke away from the pressure brought by the sand and returned to the ground. The strong wind had left, and the remaining figure was It poses no threat to me. I sat slumped on the sand and watched the waves crashing on the beach. Fatty's boat was no longer visible in the empty and boundless sea.

They left me alone on the island. We have gone through hardships together, passed through the sea of ​​death, fought against dragons and sucked water. No matter what, it is a life-changing friendship. Why?

I took off the dust cap on my head and put down the mask so that I could see more clearly. However, reality hit me hard. They left, really left, and left me alone on the island. .

"There is a feeling called guilt." Zhang Lingxi's words came to mind again. Yes, I knew the answer early on, but I was just stubborn and didn’t want to admit it. That’s why I didn’t go to Shan Yu. Just like now, I still don't want to admit that I have been abandoned.

My head suddenly became empty, and I stared blankly at the gray sky and gray sea. The place where the sea and the sky meet slowly turned yellow. I was struggling with the gray, and gradually eroded it, and finally drove away the gray. The arrival of the red clouds made the yellow color unprepared. , I originally wanted to coexist with red and let the sea and sky appear bright orange, but how can the domineering Hongxia tolerate the existence of yellow and dominate the loneliness and vastness at the fastest speed.

"Asshole! Why did you lie to me!" I whispered. "Asshole! Why did you lie to me!" I sat up straight and clenched my fists. "Asshole! Why did you lie to me!" I roared hysterically with all my strength, my body shaking from my own roar. All the sadness and grievances turned into anger, which made me kick the sand like a madman, let resistance trip me up, and beat me like a rebellious child to vent my anger.

The "Dingling" hiking bag was overturned by me from the pile of sand. I stared blankly at the silver bell wrapped around my backpack. Isn't this the Five Mysterious Bells? I recalled the sound before the fat man left. Did he leave the bell here? Is it because of guilt or because I took away the compensation that Jade Suo gave me?

I was playing with the little bell. Could it be a fake? I guess Zhang Lingxi said that this is a very important step in the soul-changing technique. How could Fatty give this to me so easily?

wrong! Fatty and the others came here not only to get the shark feathers, but also the calming pestle. But when Ma Tiantong asked for the Dingshen Pestle, the fat man said that he would get it next time. I laughed at him in my heart at that time. Looking back now, I think that the fat man had made plans early in the morning, so he kept such an important thing. I gave it to me to tell me that they would definitely come back to pick me up.

Thinking of this, I felt relieved. The fat man gave me instructions: As long as you follow your duty, there is no need to worry about your future! In this case, it doesn't matter if I believe them for once.

I don't know when the wind stopped. I think it was when the red clouds came. The sea surface turned back to a mirror again, reflecting the red clouds. It was quiet. I could hear my own breathing clearly. Occasionally, "gudong" came from the other side of the reef group. "The sound should have come from the big shell.

The shark's body was buried in the sand blown by the strong wind, but the stench could not be concealed. The fat man and the others may have walked in a hurry, and fell down the observation tower that was blown away by the wind. The iron pot was buckled in the sand of the shallows, revealing a little black bottom. . I walked over and kicked it with my feet.

"Gudong, Gudong, Gudong." There is something under the pot!

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