Celestial Masters Alliance

Purifying Mantra Chapter 108 Set sail and leave

"What about Huang Xiao, Fatty and Xiaozhi?" I glared at Ma Tiantong, a little angry.

Ma Tiantong stared back at me expressionlessly. I was not afraid of him, but I reacted in the next second. Even if I waited here, I would not wait for the result, but I would also put myself in danger to the maximum extent, and even die. The only hope to search and rescue Huang Xiao.

I sighed, nodded slightly, spread out my bloody hands, and raised my chin towards my almost useless legs.

Ma Tiantong put down the gauze in his hand, straightened my legs, kneaded and checked through my pants. My body was replenished with some water, and the numbness had disappeared. My keen sense made me grin in pain. In a tone of voice, he just didn't say a word.

"The bones are fine, but the composition of the knee is more complicated. I'm not familiar with this, so I need him to do it." Ma Tiantong glanced at Zhang Lingxi and said.

"Are you okay? Are those yellow floating objects corrosive?" I asked quickly.

Ma Tiantong picked up the gauze and wiped Zhang Lingxi's brown face and said: "After we fell last night, Zhang Lingxi opened your medicine bottle, and the seaweed all around immediately turned yellow and turned into what it is now. In order to make it look like this, we The drug covers a wider area and is spread as it travels to the periphery." He touched his palms that were burned to a dark brown color and said, "I think this is caused by the corrosion of the drug and has nothing to do with seaweed."

After saying that, Ma Tiantong continued to wipe Zhang Lingxi's face vigorously. Seeing that I didn't talk to me for a long time, he added an explanation: "If he wakes up and sees his face like this, he will go crazy!"

Ah! What a weirdo! I muttered in my heart, but I didn't dare to be negligent in my mouth, so I quickly explained: "The color corroded by potassium permanganate will not go away for a while, and it will be useless to scratch the skin. I will find a way to wake him up. However, I have to ask you to move us into the cabin first.”

"Well! We have to leave this sea area before dark." Ma Tiantong looked up at the sun in the sky, threw the gauze in his hand to me, and walked into the cabin.

I looked at my watch. It was now 10:15 Beijing time. I didn’t know where I was in the sea, but judging from the dark time yesterday, there were still ten hours before the sun disappeared. In other words, we have to complete the search and rescue within these ten hours, otherwise Huang Xiao and the others' chances of survival will be slim.

I sighed, poured a bowl of water from the bucket, moved Zhang Lingxi's head to my lap, and poured it into him slowly. The fresh water flowed down his neck, but he didn't drink any of it. Only then did I realize that I had made a fatal mistake. It's normal for me to be dehydrated after being left out in the sun for a long time. But they soaked in the sea all night, and they must have filled their stomachs with sea water.

I put my knee on Zhang Lingxi's cervical spine and opened his mouth with my hands to check. There was no foreign matter. Maybe Ma Tiantong had already cleaned it for him.

I unhooked his life jacket, took off his clothes and found the right position to press on his chest. There was obviously fluid in his abdomen, but he couldn't squeeze it out. Helpless, I pinched his nose, poured air into his mouth, and then applied pressure. After repeating it three times, brown water spurted out from his mouth and nose. Zhang Lingxi moved his fingers, which seemed to have some reaction. I cursed in my heart, I wish I had done this earlier, but I am still too anxious and not calm enough when things happen.

Ma Tiantong walked out of the cabin, glanced at me expressionlessly, squatted down, took Zhang Lingxi's arm and lifted Zhang Lingxi on his shoulders. As he walked towards the cabin, he said in a deep voice: "Pack up." Okay, go in by yourself!"

"I'm going to go! Why can't my legs move on their own? No matter what, I saved you two, who are you showing off to?" Of course, I cursed in a voice so quiet that I couldn't hear it. After all, with Ma Tiantong's skill, he could grasp the result with one finger.

The hull of the boat was no longer rocking, and the shark still had some intelligence. It understood that the duck flying around its mouth would not help if it lost its temper, so it gave up.

I poured a bowl of water again and washed my bloody hands. Like a reptile, I arrived at my backpack, swallowed two antibiotics, and some painkillers, and started treating my wounds. Normally, I would have rushed to the hospital to get tetanus, but now, I have to thank my strong vitality. After doing this, I grabbed the broken railing that served as a walking stick and dragged my backpack like a crab into the cabin.

The inside of the cabin was even more shocking than the outside. There was a big pit in the middle of the deck, and many spots inside the pit were rotten. Although Ma Tiantong opened all the windows for ventilation, the smell of rust always lingered unabated.

Since the bed was welded to the deck and wall, it was relatively well preserved except for the missing items on the bed. A pile of cotton wool was slumped in the corner, unrecognizable, and the table embedded on the deck emitted another strange smell from the dampness.

Ma Tiantong found a raincoat somewhere and spread it on the bed to protect Zhang Lingxi from moisture. He also helped Zhang Lingxi put on a slightly dry black T-shirt and black quick-drying pants. I'm sure these are not Zhang Lingxi's own clothes. When he saw me coming in, Ma Tiantong said, "I'll leave this to you, I'll go to the cockpit." Without waiting for my reply, he quickly disappeared behind the half-broken door.

I was about to curse when the tall and thin figure appeared again, put down the bucket and bowl brought from outside and disappeared again.

Soon the engine started and the ship opened another channel in the golden sea. I looked at the unconscious Zhang Lingxi who was at a loss as he rummaged aimlessly in the first aid bag. In desperation, I took out a bottle of camphor oil and smeared it on his temples and forehead.

"You rubbed something into my eyes." My gauze-wrapped hand was grabbed by a brown and swollen hand, which made me gasp in pain.

"I thought you were brain dead!" I shook off Zhang Lingxi's restriction on me, went to wash the bowl of water, and poured him a bowl of fresh water.

Zhang Lingxi sat upright, glanced around the cabin, picked up the bowl and drank the water in one gulp: "I really hate salty things! What's wrong with your legs, and what's wrong with your hands?"

I told him the situation since I woke up in detail, telling him the truth and not exaggerating in any way.

After hearing what I said, Zhang Lingxi lowered his eyes, took off the whip from my waist and said, "Fortunately you still have it, this thing is a treasure." He put the whip away and pinned it to his waist, moved his body and said : "Thanks to that bottle of potassium permanganate, otherwise we would have had no chance of survival. But why did you bring such a big bottle of potassium permanganate in your bag? You know it will explode when mixed with many substances."

I didn’t want to talk about the experience under the locust tree, so I just said curtly: “Veterinarian’s habits!”

"It's a pity that they all fell into the sea, otherwise your hand would have recovered quickly." Zhang Lingxi's eyes only glanced at my hands and focused on my knees: "But I can help with this. Get busy. Take off your pants!"

Our chat last night made me realize that he is very taboo about sexual orientation, so this time I quickly followed his instructions without any hesitation.

Seeing my swollen and shiny knee, Zhang Lingxi shook her head. I was frightened by his action and quickly asked, "Aren't you going to have the leg amputated?"

"It's not that exaggerated! Take off your clothes too!" He got out of bed and looked for his shoes. Then I remembered that when Tiantong came up to rescue Ma Tiantong, he was wearing shoes, but Zhang Lingxi was barefoot all the time.

Just when I wanted to remind Zhang Lingxi, he muttered: "I like those shoes very much. I don't know if I have to sell them!"

I quietly rolled my eyes. I had just recovered my life and was still thinking about my shoes. Whether I could go back alive was a question!

Zhang Lingxi lay barefoot under the table and turned the deck. There was a storage space underneath, which was filled with items tightly wrapped in plastic waterproof bags. Zhang Lingxi pulled out a bag, opened it, rummaged through it, found a pile of clothes and shoes, and began to replace them.

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