"Hahaha, nephew Wang Xian, you didn't see the expression on the king's face at that time." Que Teqin said happily while holding up his wine glass, with a very proud smile on his face. On his right hand, Wang Jing accompanied him to drink the wine in the glass with a smile, and said with a smile:

"Now that the prince is in the court, it can be said that he is really under one person. No, that person may no longer dare to say that he is firmly above the prince."

Of course Que Teqin knew who Wang Jing was talking about, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Then when is the lord going to do it?" Wang Jing asked casually as if putting down his wine glass.

The joy on Que Teqin's face faded slightly, and he said slowly: "Although this king has received the support of the majority, there are still a few generals who are still loyal to Tuli Xiaoer."

After all, Wang Jing was not familiar with the political structure of the Turkic side, so he asked further: "It's just a few generals, can they still influence the overall situation?"

Que Teqin shook his head and said: "It's not about controlling the overall situation. It's just that these generals are responsible for guarding the royal city, which is a bit troublesome. The power in their hands, plus the more than 10,000 forbidden troops that Tuli still holds, this It's not good for the king to act forcefully, otherwise it will be easy to stalemate and change things."

Wang Jing frowned and didn't say much. He and Que Teqin are in a cooperative relationship, not a superior-subordinate relationship. Therefore, no matter how impatient he was, he couldn't force Que Teqin to replace Tuli now.

Moreover, it is not completely unreasonable for Que Teqin to judge that it is not suitable to do it at this time. If the situation is really as he said, the forceful action is indeed very likely to fail. Wang Jing didn't want to see such a loss. After all, the Wang family has invested a lot in Que Teqin.

As early as more than two months ago, Wang Jing learned from Que Teqin that his plan had succeeded. Turkic soldiers disguised as horse bandits successfully intercepted and killed the Tang mission. Li Xin hurriedly fled westward into the depths of the desert, but encountered a rare large-scale sandstorm, and he was in a perfect situation of ten deaths and no life.

Cui Yingying is going to be a widow.

Thinking of this, Wang Jing was very happy and wished he could go back to Chang'an right away. But he knew he couldn't. Because he has other things to do.

Since he has a relationship with a Turkic high-level like Que Teqin, why not use it? The royal family provided funds to assist Que Teqin to win over other tribes and enhance its prestige in the court. If Que Teqin can really take that step and ascend to the position of Khan, it will definitely be a very profitable investment for the Wang family.

First of all, as the most important ally of Que Teqin's success, the Wang family will have a wide range of opportunities to cooperate with Turks, any of which can bring huge profits. That alone is worth the price of admission.

Secondly, Wang Jing had already seen that Que Teqin was a poor man, he only had a little insight in court battles and military affairs, but he didn't understand the real way of governing the country at all. The Wang family can completely continue to cooperate with each other, quietly nibble on the lifeline of the Turks, and even actually control the Turks.

By that time, the Taiyuan Wang family would have become the real royal family behind the Turks, so what was the Li family worth? In the future, if one day in the future, the Turks have accumulated a lot of money and the Tang Dynasty is in decline, the Wang family takes the opportunity to take over the Central Plains and become the emperor himself, why not?

The letter Wang Jing wrote back to the family was favored by the elders of the family, so he was ordered to take full responsibility for the matter in Turkic, and at the same time mobilized a large number of resources for his use.

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