Tuli Khan is inclined to Datang. But Que Teqin is not necessarily so. If Que Teqin became Khan, would the relationship between Turks and Datang still tend to be cooperative? Can Li Xin's plan still be implemented?

The answer is probably no.

How could someone as ambitious as Que Teqin be willing to live under the Tang Dynasty for a long time as a minister? After recuperating in the future, sooner or later the war will resume. Datang absolutely did not want to see such a thing happen.

Li Xin briefly explained these things. Qin Qiong nodded slowly beside her. Both of them are mature foxes, and they can see through each other at a little bit. Standing in the shadow not far away, Dou Liang listened to these conversations, and couldn't help being amazed. It was the first time he heard Li Xin talk about these political matters in such a serious way, and he said it so clearly.

So this guy is so smart?

Dou Liang muttered to himself. He had always thought that Li Xin was actually an idiot, that he was more affectionate than ordinary people. Well, it seems that he was mistaken.

Fortunately, Li Xin didn't know what Dou Liang was thinking, otherwise... Forget it, it's okay, otherwise, he couldn't beat Dou Liang.

Cui Yingying also understood the worries of Li Xin and Qin Qiong, and couldn't help admiring in her heart: Li Xin is really not an ordinary person. He is clearly trapped in the desert and isolated from the world, but he can still know the internal situation of the Turks.

Qin Qiong asked Li Dao: "So, what are you going to do?"

"What should we do?" Li Xin said with a smile, "We are good friends with Tuli. How can we just watch him being bullied? We have to help him. By the way, I also have something to ask Que Teqin to clarify. .”

Qin Qiong reached out and patted Li Xin on the forehead, and said: "I told you what to do, did you tell me to shut up? We only have 5,000 soldiers and horses. If you want to use this force to make troubles in Turkic, that's really true." I'm thinking too much. If I don't have a complete and detailed plan, I'd rather go back to the pass first, report the matter here to the imperial court, and wait for His Majesty to make a decision."

While rubbing the back of his head that hurt from the beating, Li Xin said, "Then what can I do? This time and again, the day lily is cold."

Qin Qiong was noncommittal.

Li Daoxin: "I suggest that we first send some spies to infiltrate the Turkic King City to find out what's going on secretly. If the current Turkic Khan has been replaced and Que Teqin's position is also very stable, then pull him down. I agree to go back and make a long-term plan. But if not , I think we still have a few plays that we can sing."

Qin Qiong raised her eyebrows. Anyway, what Li Xin said sounded very steady, which made him feel like he could give it a try.

In the morning of the next day, Li Xin and others set off with Qin Qiong's troops and returned to the official road. Then, the scouts in the team dispersed non-stop, and were responsible for gathering the other forty or so teams that were still searching the desert outside. It is estimated that if there is no three or two days, the team will not be able to gather.

So Li Xin walked back along the official road and found a post house to stay. He really wanted to take a hot bath and eat some hot noodle soup. Although the grilled fish and fish soup were both delicious, no one could bear to eat them for dozens of days. Or the noodle soup suits people's appetite.

Li Xin asked Xiao Er to boil a large bucket of hot water, and after washing himself from the inside out, it happened that Cui Yingying pushed the door in from the outside, holding a bowl of steaming soup cakes in her hand.

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