When Li Xin was sitting by the lake, he thought about many things: perhaps from the very beginning, they deviated from the direction, and the further they walked, the farther they were from the official road, and now they no longer knew where they were in an inaccessible place.

Because of this, apart from a lost Turkic soldier and a lost horse, they didn't encounter any creatures along the way—in any case, if they were really approaching the official road, they should meet along the way. To more and more people right.

This oasis is clearly off the beaten track. I don't know how long the fish in the lake have grown, all of them are extremely fat and not afraid of people, so stupid, Di Zhengye and others caught five or six of them at once, and threw them all by the lake, alive and kicking.

Li Xin shook his head, stopped thinking wildly, and let's eat first before talking.

Dou Liang built a fire by drilling wood for fire inherited from the Suiren family. Without waiting for Li Xin's order, Bao Hong and Gao Zhi cleaned up the fish and grilled it on the fire.

Watching their actions, Li Xin suddenly came up with the inspiration to turn over the helmet from the Turkic soldier and use it as a pot. Just in time to cook some fish soup to drink.

Although grilled fish is delicious, the human body may have some special mechanism. After a long journey, I always want to have some delicious soup, the healing power is a must.

After a while, the fish soup was ready, and so was the grilled fish.

Li Xin picked a few leaves from the tree by the lake, folded them into a bowl shape, and scooped some fish soup to his lips. As soon as the fish soup touched his lips, his eyes suddenly lit up—it was so delicious. No seasoning, but surprisingly tasty.

He hurriedly made a few more bowls, scooped up some fish soup for Tang Jian and Run Niang each. The two drank it all in minutes, and the smiles on their faces became more energetic.

Although fish soup has a mysterious healing power, its nutritional value is not very high. After all, the solubility of protein in water is not very good. If you want to restore your body, you still have to eat meat in the end.

Li Xin ate a whole grilled fish, plus more than half of the fish in the fish soup. Only then did he feel as if he was reborn, and he also had some real feelings about his escape from death.

This time, they really survived.

At least for a short time, you don't have to worry about water and food anymore.

Twilight fell. The fire is still burning—the woods near the lake are quite dense, but there is no need to worry about lack of firewood.

Dou Liang quietly sat beside Li Xin, glanced at Li Xin who was lying on the ground with his eyes closed, and asked in a low voice, "What are you going to do next?"

Li Xin said casually, "What should I do?"

"Why are you pretending to be stupid with me? Is it interesting?" Dou Liang rolled his eyes and said.

Li Xin was silent for a while, turned over and sat up, and sighed.

Although there is no problem in a short time, but his, no, there is still an unavoidable problem in front of them: what should we do next? How can I return to Datang? You can't just be a savage in this deserted oasis all the time, can you?

"There's no way to go." Li Xin finally opened his mouth, shaking his head while speaking, "We don't have horses, and our mobility is too poor. If we venture out of this oasis, we might lose our way and we won't be able to go back."

"You mean we just stay here?" Dou Liang frowned and said. Although he is a killer with nothing to worry about, but the killer also loves the world of flowers. Every day here is a savage catching fish to play, he will not do it!

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