Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 813: News Arrives

Time goes back to the day when Li Xin was ambushed. Although the imperial guards responsible for escorting the envoys were defeated, they were not wiped out. A few people escaped with their lives and withdrew to the nearest post house.

Most of the posthouses in the border area are good places for veterans to retire. Usually, there is nothing to do, just entertain officials who have been relegated or go on a mission, and they can also do some small business along the way. Only the most appreciated veterans can get into the position of Yicheng in the posthouse.

As soon as the imperial guards arrived at the posthouse, they told the story of the envoy of King Li Xin of Chu being ambushed by horse bandits. Yi Cheng hurriedly asked where the King of Chu was now. The imperial guards could only answer: "The king of Chu was escorted by his personal guards and fled into the Gobi desert, but there was another large-scale sandstorm that day, and he is now missing. I'm afraid it's a bad luck."

After hearing the words, Yi Cheng knew that this matter was no small matter, and he had to send the news back to Chang'an as quickly as possible. So he sent the best riders in the post station to go straight to Chang'an.

Thus, Datang's most powerful intelligence system began to operate for Li Xin. Countless riders traveled day and night, and countless healthy horses died of exhaustion on the muddy road. In the end, it only took four days for the news to reach Chang'an, and finally landed on Li Shimin's desk lightly.

After reading it, Li Shimin put a few pieces of paper on the table and silently covered his forehead. He was the only one sitting on the high throne in the huge palace, his figure looked a bit lonely.

No one knows what he is thinking at this moment.

Maybe it's regret.

Li Shimin sat there motionless for a long time. After a full hour, he slowly made some movements, wiped his face, sat up straight and said, "Give me Duke Xuanlu, Duke Yi, and Duke Wei."

The servant bowed silently and walked out of the hall.

Wang Gui received the news not much later than Li Shimin. My prince has made such a long trip, and he can't follow, how could he not be worried? Therefore, he had already sent secret guards to keep an eye on the gates of Chang'an, asking them to pay close attention to the news from the north.

When the riders in the post station passed the news to the non-commissioned officers in the capital, the secret guards also got the news, and rushed back to the Chu Palace as quickly as possible to inform Wang Gui.

When he heard that the prince was missing and his life and death were uncertain, Wang Gui seemed to be a few years older suddenly.

Ever since the prince left, he has been anxious. Afraid that there will be no news, but also afraid that there will be news. When he saw the dark guard coming in so anxiously just now, he felt that something was wrong - counting the days, the prince should have just arrived in Turkic, so where would there be any news?


Wang Gui stood quietly for a while, then said slowly: "Understood."

"Commander Wang" the hidden guard looked at Wang Gui worriedly.

"I'm fine, you go down, don't let anyone see you." Wang Gui tried to calm down and ordered.

The dark guard responded and left quickly.

Wang Gui stood there for a while, then turned around and walked in.

It's impossible to hide this news from Madam, but it can't just be told to her. She is pregnant now, if something goes wrong, he, Wang Guiwan, will be blamed for his death.

Let's discuss it with Ms. Cui Yingying first.

Thinking of this, he came outside Cui Yingying's room.

Huansha happened to pass by outside and asked, "What's the matter with Steward Wang?"

Wang Gui did not answer: "Is Miss Cui there? I have something to discuss with her."

Cui Yingying who was in the room heard the movement long ago, pushed the door and went out.

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