Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 786 Wild boar and deer

Tang Jian was really optimistic. Although Li Xin smiled wryly, but he admired him in his heart.

Fortunately, although this place is a barren mountain with few people, it may be because of this reason that there are still a lot of wild game in the wild forests on both sides. Li Xin sent two teams of guards to hunt, and asked them to compete who caught the most prey, and the side with the most could make an exception to drink tonight, without having to stay overnight.

As soon as this remark came out, the guards all cheered and rushed to sign up to join the hunting team. In the end, he had no choice but to rely on the chief of the Forbidden Army to choose by himself-according to the rules of the Forbidden Army, it is absolutely impossible to drink any alcohol along the way, unless it is on the Turkic side, it is possible to relax a little.

Seeing the two teams of imperial guards set off happily, Tang Jian couldn't help but glance at Li Xin: a simple game, a small reward, can fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the subordinates. This is not a simple task. matter.

What is even more commendable is that Li Xin put forward such a plan without thinking at all, as if he instinctively made a judgment that crime is beneficial to the result. This kind of talent is extremely rare, and most people have to struggle in court for many years before they gradually figure out such a vague way.

After about an hour, a group of imperial guards came back with their prey.

It was a wild boar, obviously dead. It was pierced with a spear from head to tail. Two men were carrying it out of breath. It weighed at least three hundred catties.

Li Xin and Tang Jian laughed straight at the sight.

"I've heard that His Royal Highness the King of Chu is good at cooking, but I don't know about me today." Tang Jian glanced at Li Xin and said.

Li Xin smiled and said, "Uncle Tang doesn't need to hint me. I'll let you have a taste of my handicraft today. Go, help me get some spices from the car." He subconsciously touched Dou Liang beside him with his elbow.

Dou Liang shrugged, walked obediently to the side of the car and turned out a bag of spices, as if he didn't remember that he was a "rebellious" assassin a few days ago. By the way, although a whole bag of spices sounds like a lot, it is a whole pig after all, and it is still an uncastrated wild boar. It is not easy to cook, and a lot of spices are needed to cover up its own fishy smell.

Li Xin was instructing the sergeant to dismember the wild boar, remove the internal organs, and cut it into suitable pieces. Another team of imperial guards also came back, bringing a small deer, which looked tender and delicious.

As soon as the two guards met, they smiled at each other and began to praise each other's luck, but there was not much gunpowder. After all, it's just two sips of wine, so it won't hurt the peace of these sergeants who have been together all year round.

Although the meat of the deer is obviously more tender, and has less fishy smell and tastes better, but according to the evaluation standards in the military camp, the wild boar is undoubtedly the better prey. As the saying goes, one pig, two bears and three tigers, the pigs here are wild boars. Being able to subdue a wild boar is a man's heroism.

Therefore, today's drinking quota naturally belongs to the team that hunted back the wild boar.

As for Li Xin and Tang Jian, hey, they are the privileged class, what is a couple of drinks? When they came to Turkic in the future, Turkhan Khan had to invite them both to drink.

The camp was preparing dinner in full swing, but Dou Liang suddenly raised his head and glanced in a certain direction, then casually turned to Li Dao: "I'm going to take a pee."

Li Xin ignored him, waved his hand casually, and said, "Remember to come back quickly."

Dou Liang nodded, and walked slowly towards a dark corner not far away.

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