Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 775: Really a Killer?

How to put it, it's a very weird feeling. In a sense, Li Xin and Dou Liang should be enemies, right? After all, Dou Liang's short arrow almost killed Li Xin. Even if Li Xin didn't die in the end, when the two meet again, it doesn't seem like it should be in this atmosphere, right?

Lord, do you remember me? No matter how this kind of words sound, it sounds like a drama of Suffering Qiong Yao, or an idol fan meeting.

For a moment, Li Xin really wanted to pry open the head of the young man in front of him and see what he was thinking.

"Are you really the guy who wanted to kill me that day?" Li Xin didn't answer Dou Liang's question, but asked suspiciously.

"Yes, yes. It's me." Dou Liang nodded repeatedly. But somehow, his words were subtly unconvincing.

"Why do you want to see me? What's the purpose?" Li Xin asked.

He is really curious. He could see that Dou Liang had paid a very high price in order to see him.

Dou Liang replied with a smile: "I want to follow the prince."

Li Xin's brows were almost twisted into two pimples.

What do you mean I want to follow the prince? What the hell is this guy thinking? Wasn't he hired to kill himself? What do you mean?

Li Xin decided not to be led by the nose. He said, "Let me ask you a few questions first."

"You ask, you ask." Dou Liang said straightforwardly.

"Who hired you to kill me?" Li Xin asked a key question directly. However, he didn't expect to get a clear answer from the question. Didn't they all say on TV that killers have professional ethics and professional rules, and employer information is their foundation, and they must never betray. Presumably the young man in front of him should not be able to answer such a question.

However, he guessed wrong. He didn't even think about it, which words and actions of Dou Liang up to now are in line with common sense?

"According to the rules, I don't know." Dou Liang shook his head and said, "We don't have direct contact with the employer, usually there is an intermediary to help with the connection. However, this time it is a special situation and I have almost figured out who the employer is. .”

"Who is it?" Li Xin asked quickly.

"Wang Jing. A direct son of the Wang family." Dou Liang replied without hesitation.

Li Xin narrowed his eyes, with a look of bewilderment written all over his face.

That's it? Answered so quickly? real or fake?

"Didn't it mean that killers can't leak employer information at will?" Li Xin couldn't help asking. The once incomparably vivid magnificent world about killers in his heart is collapsing little by little. It was really hard for him to associate this young man with the smell of salted fish with the profession of a cool killer. He couldn't even imagine that such a young man could shoot such a tricky arrow that day, and even run away from Wang Gui's hand unscathed.

Dou Liang smiled and said: "You can't leak it casually. But I'm not casual. I'm already like this." He twisted his body, as if he wanted to show that he had no power to resist now, and then continued: "Isn't it you who asked What do I have to answer? Otherwise, what if you are unhappy and cut me off?"

Inside and outside the words, there is a sense of pride that those who know current affairs are heroes.

"A killer?" Li Xin smiled wryly.

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