Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 770 The First Assassin

Li Xin said slowly: "What I am worried about now is that the enemy is in the dark, and we don't know what they want to do. I am not afraid of what they will do to me, but I am afraid that they will be bad for Youlan after I leave."

Wang Gui lowered his head and thought for a while, then said: "The palace should still be safe. There are guards and secret guards guarding it day and night."

Li Xin asked: "Are they as good as you? What if they are taken advantage of?"

"Uh..." Wang Gui licked his lips, "My lord still has to trust the hidden guards."

Li Xin smiled bitterly and said, "How can I believe it? I almost died myself, and now Youlan is pregnant. My mind is very confused. It seems that people all over the world are trying to kill me."

In a very short period of time, he experienced consecutive escapes and his wife's pregnancy, and his special state of mind made him a little bit crazy.

"I want to keep you in Chang'an and take care of You Lan." Li Xin said seriously.

"No." Wang Gui resolutely said, "What if those people attack the prince again?"

"I am an envoy to the Turks, they shouldn't dare to kill me so blatantly, otherwise wouldn't they be right?" The more Li Xin said, the more confident he became. How dare you? Didn't the other party tell him the answer with actions today?

Wang Gui also smiled wryly. He could see that the prince was upset.

Yuelai Building, elegant room.

A young man in sackcloth was sitting at a table eating and drinking. The table was made of sandalwood, and the wine and dishes on it were even more delicate and exquisite. However, this young man acted like a storm, and quickly messed up the cups and plates, and spilled soup all over the table.

"Couldn't you be nicer, Dou Liang?"

There was a screen in front of the young man, and there was another figure looming inside. That figure said so.

Dou Liang sneered, and said disdainfully: "Why don't you children of aristocratic families like to play tricks on you. It's just eating, why isn't it a food? No matter how good the food looks, it will turn into shit later on!"

"Vulgar." The figure said.

"Stupid." Dou Liang retorted, "You think I won't know who you are through a screen?"

"Then who am I?" The figure asked with a smile.

Dou Liang wiped his oily lips and said, "I don't know."

The figure behind the screen fell silent, as if not knowing how to respond to the joke.

"It doesn't matter who you are. The important thing is who is behind you." Dou Liang said with a smile, "When you go back, remember to tell Mr. Wang that I have tried this job. Although it failed, the money he should give is not less .Otherwise.Be careful of being wiped on the neck in the middle of the night."

After speaking, he tore off another chicken leg from the table, and walked out of the private room while chewing on it.

Behind the screen, Cui Yishu sat quietly, his face pale.

After returning, he went to see Wang Jing and told Dou Liang exactly what he had said.

Wang Jing was calm at first, but then he became grim.

"Dou Liang. Hehe, the number one assassin? That's it?"

He muttered, and suddenly grabbed the kettle on the table and threw it on the ground. With a bang, the debris and the tea in the pot splashed everywhere.

Wang Jing's mood at this moment is really indescribable, angry and aggrieved. He was really pissed off by this Dou Liang.

That's right, this Dou Liang was invited by Wang Jing, the assassin who went to assassinate Li Xin that day.

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