Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 700 Li Xin's mouth is very sweet today

Many young people inexplicably have a face-saving mentality, as if it is such a shame to bow their heads to ask others for advice. Fortunately, Li Xin has never had such a problem.

The more he values ​​something, the more he is willing to ask others for advice when he is not sure about it—the reason is simple, the more he values ​​something, the more he cannot accept failure in it, The easiest way to do this is to be fully prepared.

What is preparation? No one really thinks that hard work is called full preparation, right? Of course, it is to find a knowledgeable person to give pointers, or to find information somewhere to look at.

In the blink of an eye, Li Xin arrived at Chen Youlan's natal family, which was Zhongshuling Chen Yin's home. Although this important minister of the Tang Dynasty doesn't know much about "science", he can definitely give a lot of advice on the matter of "Ministry of Science".

When the servants of Chen's house saw the young master coming to the door, they all warmly saluted, and while welcoming Li Xin into the door, they informed the inside.

After a while, Li Xin was led to Chen Yin's study and sat opposite him.

Chen Yin asked his servants to serve tea, and asked casually, "Did Lan'er come with you today?"

Li Daodao: "My son-in-law came here today to ask his father-in-law about something, so he didn't bring her along."

When Chen Yin heard this, he felt a little funny in his heart: How could Li Xin be so respectful in normal times? This stinky boy who speaks one "son-in-law" and "father-in-law" only knows what politeness is when he asks for something.

However, as the saying goes, there are a lot of adults, and Chen Yin will not be as knowledgeable as Li Xin. He smiled and said, "What can the extremely clever King Chu do? This old man may not be able to answer it."

Li Xin smiled wryly, "Father-in-law, don't make fun of me."

Chen Yin pushed a cup of tea in front of Li Xin and said, "Tell me, is it something about your science department?"

Li Xin nodded quickly, and said: "Your Majesty asked me to write a charter for the Ministry of Science. Where have I done such a thing? I have no experience, so I can only ask my father-in-law to give me pointers. My son-in-law must treat my son well." Lan, I will bring gifts to honor you during the holidays.”

Chen Yin became speechless the more he listened, he waved his hand, signaling Li Xin to stop his glib talk.

What the hell. Treat You Lan well, and come to show your filial piety by sending some gifts to your door during the holidays. Isn't this what a young master should do? The kid who co-authored Li Xin didn't intend to express anything for this "pointing". Fortunately, he still said it so generously, as if he really paid his money to show his gratitude.

"Okay." Chen Yin said, "You can tell me about your thoughts first."

He still quite recognized Li Xin's brain. And he also knew that what Li Xin said was "instructing", which meant to let him do some detailed work of modification. This shows that Li Xin already has a general framework.

They asked you to speak up, and Li Xin was even more unconvinced, and directly talked about his vision and plan for the future of the Ministry of Science.

Chen Yin listened without saying a word, and even forgot to drink the tea, letting the cup of hot tea gradually cool in the air and lose its fragrance.

After a long time, Li Xin said that his mouth was dry, he picked up his teacup and drank the cold tea, then wiped a little water stain from the corner of his mouth and asked, "How is it?"

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