Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 698 The Framework of the Science Department

The six ministries of the imperial court include the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Punishment, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Officials, and the Ministry of Households. The highest officials of these six major departments are all third-rank officials, but the highest official of the Ministry of Science, the so-called Great Dean, is only a fourth-rank official. This makes the Ministry of Science seem at first glance to be one level below the other six.

In fact, this is a concession made by Li Shimin. It is also the price the Ministry of Science has to pay if it wants to be independent from the six departments.

The three provinces and six ministries are an ancient system, and the system was established in this way in the Sui Dynasty. Suddenly there is a seventh part that keeps pace with the six parts. This is a huge change in the power structure. Although the Ministry of Science does not have any power in name, who can say what will happen in the future? No one in the court's old fox would take such a promise to heart.

In their view, no matter what the name of the extra seventh part is, as long as it is extra, it is a threat.

Although Li Shimin didn't mind using strong means to confirm the matter, he had to make concessions in order to win the acquiescence of more neutrals. And the easiest way is to make the highest official of the Ministry of Science rank one level lower than other officials. This expresses a meaning: Although the Ministry of Science is independent from the Sixth Ministry, it is not on par with the Sixth Ministry, but an independent institution.

After this attitude was clearly expressed, the voice of opposition was weakened so much.

To be honest, Li Xin didn't care whether the Ministry of Science was one level lower than the other six departments. What he valued was whether the Science Department could be independent from the Six Departments—so what if the grade was lower? As long as there is no relationship between the leader and the led in terms of functions, there will be no superiority or inferiority. The Ministry of Science can still act on its own. This is the most important part.

Sitting in the study, Li Xin held a pen in his hand, and silently wrote three large characters on the white paper in front of him: Department of Science, and then wrote "Dean" at the bottom, followed by his own name.

After a long period of practice, Li Xin has gradually become accustomed to writing with a brush, and his writing is somewhat decent. Although it is not as good as a serious calligrapher, at least it is not at the level that would be laughed at back then. Of course, using a brush is limited to writing. When drawing or designing some weird things, he still prefers to use charcoal sticks that are close to pencils.

The Supreme Chief is the chief dean, so it is not too much to have three deans below him, right? With more assistants, it will be better to be a hand-off shopkeeper in the future.

Li Xin pondered silently in his heart, and finally decided: add one more, four directors.

Of course, this is not because of wanting to be lazy. It's because in a world-famous magic novel he read in his previous life, the magic school that the protagonist attended had four schools, and his science school must be aligned with others. Well, just kidding.

In fact, he thought about it carefully, and decided to divide the science department into four sections according to the basic division of "science, engineering, agriculture, and medicine" in later generations, and each section was in charge of a special person, namely the dean.

It sounds a bit corrupt to have one or two vice presidents and secretary or assistant positions for each dean.

Li Xin shook his head, drove away those messy and dirty thoughts, and continued to make drafts back and forth on the paper.

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