Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 661 Li Xin is very straightforward

The dowry was delivered to the door so ostentatiously, but if it was turned away by the Chu Palace, or even returned, it would be a devastating blow to any woman's reputation.

Unless the woman's status is very high, no one dares to gossip. Otherwise, within three or two days, the rumors about the girl being ugly, suffering from a hidden disease, or having a chaotic life style will be rampant. After the baptism of such rumors, the vast majority of women find it difficult to maintain a stable mentality.

Moreover, even if she could stabilize her mood, her family members would not be able to - which girl would be able to marry after having such a notoriety?

Even in later generations, a girl who has been unable to marry will be laughed at as an old leftover girl, let alone in Datang? The pressure of public opinion is not small.

Li Xin thought of these things because of Chen Youlan's point of view, but he immediately said, "But... do you know what it means for you to take these things away?"

Chen Youlan nodded and said, "I know."

"That..." Li Xin was at a loss for words for a moment, and he didn't know what to say.

If you accept the dowry without saying anything, it is tantamount to admitting that the dowry is reasonable, and it is tantamount to acknowledging that Cui Yingying married into Chu Wangfu and became the second wife of Chu Wang Li Xin. Why is Chen Youlan so calm when faced with such a thing?

Li Xin was puzzled.

Judging from his poor experience, Chen Youlan should be very angry and annoyed in such a situation, she would be considered enlightened and reasonable if she didn't play the trick of crying, making trouble, and hanging herself.

"Anyway, it's impossible to return this dowry." Chen Youlan said slowly, "You don't know what this kind of thing means to a woman."

Li Xin smiled wryly. He really wanted to explain that with Cui Yingying's mental strength, maybe she wouldn't mind so much.

"Aren't you going to ask Cui Yingying what she thinks?" Li Xin couldn't help but said, "Isn't this too unfair to her? I married someone without knowing why. Is this a good thing?"

For a while, Chen Youlan didn't know how to tell this Yumu head.

Didn't he see what Cui Yingying thought of him? Do you really think that Cui Yingying just regards him as a reliable partner?

"Then what if Cui Yingying agrees? If she agrees, are you willing to marry her?" Chen Youlan asked.

Li Xin was speechless.

Agree, it seems to be taking advantage of others, and there are suspicions of impure purposes. I don't agree, it seems that I dislike Cui Yingying too much, she is obviously a good girl

"No. This is not the case." Li Xin shook his head.

But Chen Youlan said: "It's just such a simple thing. The dowry is returned more than what Cheng Qin sees. The big deal is to be wronged and marry you. If she has someone else she likes, she will remarry with you. That's right."

indeed. In this year's Tang Dynasty, the reputation of remarrying is much better than being annulled from the beginning.

Li Xin didn't know from what angle he could reject Chen Youlan's plan. In his opinion, this plan was not only unfair to Chen Youlan, but also unfair to Cui Yingying. The only one who benefited was himself - he had an extra wife for no reason.

"Do you think Cui Yingying would accept such a thing?" He tried to make Chen Youlan understand the absurdity of this plan.

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