So many ministers of civil and military affairs have contributed so much to the establishment of the Tang Empire, but none of them can win the preferential treatment of titles for future generations. How can you, Li Xin, get it for a yellow-mouthed child?

While accepting this kind of preferential treatment, it will instantly become a thorn in the eyes and a thorn in the flesh of everyone in the court. Although it looks like a bunch of flowers and flowers, it is actually a raging fire, and it is in danger.

Li Shimin also understands this truth. Not to mention that he knows how to protect Li Xin, but in terms of his world-mindedness and lofty aspirations, it is impossible for him to allow himself to make such a super-standard reward that seriously damages the Tang Dynasty's government. Even if the object is the only son of his favorite brother. Therefore, he added this restriction.

Canonization, yes. But there is no fiefdom, no food, only a title of title and salary.

In fact, such a title is not without precedent, and many people in the court have such titles. It can be regarded as a transitional means from conferring "real nobles" to not conferring nobles, perhaps it can be simply regarded as "conferring false nobles".

In this way, the specification of this reward was reduced to a range acceptable to everyone. For the vast majority of ministers, they all understand that these titles are just random rewards and have no practical significance. Naturally, they will not oppose or be hostile to Li Xin. For Li Shimin, such rewards also fully express It shows his trust and appreciation for Li Xin.

In the end, for Li Xin himself, his children are doomed to eat imperial food for a lifetime before they even make a sound. Isn't that something to be happy about?

It is simply a three-win or even a four-win situation. The emperor's method is worthy of the emperor's method.

Li Xinxin pulled Chen Youlan down on his knees in a convincing manner, and said to Li Shimin: "Your Majesty's congratulatory gift is too generous. I am afraid that I am ashamed of receiving it. Please take it back."

Although I am very willing in my heart, I still have to work hard on the surface. When Li Yuan accepted the abdication from acting king Yang You, he also made a lot of drama with three words and three requests. This is called ritual.

Li Shimin laughed and said: "Boy, all of us are aware of your contribution to Datang. You deserve it. Besides, it's not for you, it's for your children. Why do you How about rejecting my reward for them?"

Indeed, starting from double-entry bookkeeping, such as the regulations on the management of the wounded barracks, the alliance with Xue Yantuo, the division of Eastern and Western Turks, and a series of strange things such as horseshoes, behind every step of Datang, there is a faint shadow of Li Xin. Although these things did not directly contribute to the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty, who can say that the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty today does not have any credit for these things?

Adding these things together, it seems reasonable to replace a son who is more honorable than practical.

Cheng Yaojin smiled and said: "Your Majesty gave it to you generously, so you can accept it quickly. What does it look like? If His Majesty changes his mind, I think you will be caught when you enter your wife's bed at night." Kick it down!"

This made everyone laugh. Chen Youlan also blushed, and she didn't know if it was because everyone was talking about her and Li Xin's child, or because of Cheng Yaojin's teasing just now. Anyway, she really didn't think too far, she just felt that such an award from Li Shimin was undoubtedly a great thing for Li Xin, and she must agree to it.

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