Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 592 Chen Xiao Arrives

Different from the incomparably lively atmosphere floating above the Prince Chu's Mansion, Cui's Courtyard located in another corner of Chang'an City was a bit deserted and desolate, exuding a melancholy temperament.

Although Li Xin did deliver the invitation to Cui Yingying as she said, Cui Yingying still felt that she was not suitable to appear on an occasion like Li Xin's wedding after much deliberation.

First of all, she thought that the ministers of the court and China would be present at that time, and she had a very different status from them, and she had no friendship with them, how could she really be equal to them just because of Li Xin's face? Moreover, almost all the people present at that time will be men, and everyone will definitely drink a lot of wine. She seems out of place as a woman.

Secondly, for some reason, when she thought of Li Xin getting married, she felt a little pain in her heart, so she didn't dare to witness Li Xin's wedding in person.

In the end, Cui Yingying just sent someone to send a congratulatory gift, while she hid in the room and lay on the bed with disheveled hair, thinking silently: The corals in the South China Sea are so expensive, and I gave him such a big one, he should be happy, right?

Li Xin's cheerful smile appeared in her heart, and Cui Yingying pulled up the quilt to cover her face.

Chu Palace.

Soon, the ceremony of three knocks and nine bows was over. A maid came up with a pair of scissors, cut off a strand of hair from Li Xin and Chen Youlan respectively, and put it into a dragon and phoenix bag.

This is the so-called hair knot. People have always said that married couples married couples refer to couples who have gone through this ceremony, which means that they will never be separated.

Li Xin looked at Chen Youlan, with a strange emotion surging in his heart. He could tell through Chen Youlan's clear eyes that she was not at peace at the moment.

Humans are social animals. Ceremony is an important embodiment of sociality. In many cases, there is only a thin line between ceremony and form, and what distinguishes the two may be just whether the people participating in the ceremony are sincere. If there is no sincerity, no matter how complete the ceremony is, it is just a formality.

Obviously, both Li Xin and Chen Youlan have this sincerity.

After the ceremony was completed, another servant girl served two glasses of wedding wine under the watchful eyes of Li Shimin and Empress Changsun, and presented them to Li Xin and Chen Youlan.

This is Hejiu wine, also known as Jiaobei wine. Drinking this wine together means sharing joys and sorrows and staying together until death.

Chen Youlan picked up a cup with a pink face, passed it awkwardly through Li Xin's bent arms, and brought it to her lips. Li Xin's actions are also the same. The two were so close that they could even clearly feel each other's breathing.

In the eyes of everyone blessing, the two drank the wine in the glass and put the empty wine glass back into the tray of the maid next to them.

At this time, the guests burst into cheers again. Cheng Chumo and Qin Huaiyu were the most courageous and made the most noise.

Xiao Yu was about to announce the completion of the ceremony, but suddenly there was a strange movement outside the palace—it was not a secret that Li Shimin attended Li Xin's wedding in person today, so the imperial army in the imperial city had already surrounded the palace of Chu and took over the outside of the palace. The security guards, but now there is a commotion for some reason, it must be because someone wants to rush in to assassinate, right?

Xiao Yu stood at the same spot, not in a hurry to speak, seeing a soldier running in quickly from outside, came to Li Shimin's side, and whispered a few words.

Li Shimin's expression changed from doubt to amused. He immediately raised his head and said to Chen Youlan: "Your brother is here."

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