Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 560 The Secret of Peace

Li Shimin's understanding of Li Xin is quite sufficient. He knew that the young man in front of him, who seemed cynical and careless about everything, actually valued life the most. So, in fact, long before Li Xinzhen opened his mouth, Li Shimin probably guessed which plan Li Xin would prefer.

"Why?" Li Shimin asked casually, letting Li Xin continue.

Li Dao said: "Since Your Majesty has assessed the Turks and captured Jieli Chang'an. The little Khan Tuli also bowed his head to His Majesty. Then it is a certainty that the Turks will be included in our territory of the Tang Dynasty. In this way, the Turks are not just The Turkic people are also the people of our Tang Dynasty. Your Majesty has always been lenient, why should you be ashamed of your kindness for these Turkic people?"

Although Li Xin is a bit of a cynic and has a little bit of nationalist tendencies, he is not a cruel person after all. Otherwise, he wouldn't have pleaded for the Wang family and the Cui family back then.

Ask him to accept all 100,000 people as slaves, and directly move them to Hanoi to reclaim wasteland, regardless of their lives. He can't do such a thing anyway. Even if this plan sounds like it is really beneficial to Datang, it is also very smart.

Li Shimin rubbed his fingers and sighed: "It's not that I don't want to be tolerant to the Turkic people, it's just that the Turkic people are capricious. I'm worried that after letting them go back, they will breed tigers. My Tang Dynasty, I can't go to the Turkic people to fight every now and then. Bar?"

Li Dao said, "Actually, it may not be as bad as His Majesty thinks."

"Huh?" Li Shimin slightly raised the end of his voice to express his doubts.

"The Turkic people are indeed capricious. But this kind of capriciousness is not what they want." Li Xin smiled wryly, "They are nomads, and they are very dependent on the weather. Once the autumn is cold, there will be no pasture on the grassland, and If they lack food for the winter, they will definitely go south to invade, otherwise they can only freeze and starve to death."

Li Shimin nodded slowly.

"So, it's not that people are capricious, but that the weather is capricious." Li Dao said, "No one is born to like fighting. If it is possible, who doesn't want to hold his wife and children at home and eat three full meals? ?”

Li Shimin's eyes showed approval. Li Xin's words were on point.

"Then why do you agree to return the Turkic people to Turkic?" Li Shimin asked, "Can you make the climate less changeable?"

Li Xin laughed dumbly and said: "Where do I have that kind of ability? Otherwise, I will first give Datang a hundred years of good weather."

Li Shimin was amused by these words, and immediately shook his head and said: "So, you actually have no way to guarantee that the Turks will not repeat themselves in the future."

"Who said that?" Li Xin asked strangely.

"Isn't it?" Li Shimin asked strangely, "Didn't you say you couldn't change the weather?"

Li Xin said with a wry smile: "Although it is said that the Turkic people's capriciousness is due to the capriciousness of the climate, it does not mean that the only way to make them less capricious is to change the climate."

Li Shimin was a little dizzy from being surrounded by Li Xin, frowned and said: "Okay, okay, don't go around in circles, just tell me, what is your solution?"

"Business." Li Xin spat out these two words from his lips.

Li Shimin remained silent noncommittally, as if waiting for Li Xin's explanation.

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