Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 555: The Ending of One Hundred Thousand People

However, when this scene actually appeared, he did not do so. Not because he can't. He can do this perfectly, no one will say "no", everyone will say that he killed well. It's just that when he looked at the person in front of him who was once worthy of being his enemy, but was so servile at the moment, he suddenly lost that mood.

"Is this the Turkic Khan?" Li Shimin said calmly.

Ashina Duobi only felt as if a spear had been pierced through his chest, and a big hole was opened in it, and the cold wind was blowing into it. He really wanted to stand up and say something, but his knees were stuck to the ground as if filled with lead, unable to move.

He was silent for a moment like a sculpture, and then he recovered his smile, and said slowly: "The guilty minister is no longer a khan."

Li Shimin completely lost the mind to care about the loser, waved his hand casually, and said, "Stay in Chang'an from now on. You are not worthy to fight with me anymore, just watch how I will defeat you one by one in the future. "

Ashina kowtowed aggressively again: "The guilty minister hopes to live to see that day."

Li Shimin heard the implication in Ashina's aggressive words, he couldn't help but sneered, and said: "Don't worry, I won't kill you if I say I won't kill you."

This is his new wish. He wants to bring these people who oppose him to Chang'an one by one, let them take a good look at how he will become a radiant and true emperor.

From the generals who participated in the battle, to the enemies who surrendered, to Xieli who was completely defeated, everyone in this war seems to have an ending, but there is a group of people who have been ignored. That is the 100,000 Turkic men and women captured by Li Jing.

They were not Turkic soldiers, but ordinary Turkic people who were engulfed by the war and became prisoners of the victor. So now, their fate depends on Datang's decision.

One hundred thousand is not a small number. In order to prevent trouble, Li Jing didn't even bring the prisoners into the city, but found an open place twenty miles outside Chang'an to house them and sent someone to guard them.

Soon, how to deal with this group of people became a controversial topic in the court.

Many people suggested that these Turkic people be moved to Hanoi as slaves and let them reclaim fertile land for the Tang Dynasty.

You know, 100,000 people is not a small number, and the food consumed for one meal a day can be piled up into a small mountain. It is impossible for Datang to kill all these people, that would hurt the peace of heaven, and violate the Confucian principle of benevolence and filial piety. However, raising them in vain and losing them in a panic, we must let them play a role, right?

Therefore, this proposal to reuse 100,000 Turkic people as waste has won the support of many people.

Li Shimin is also a bit inclined to this plan.

However, another group opposed the plan. They said that if Datang treated the captives so harshly, no one would be willing to surrender to Datang in the future. To increase taxes.

By the way, the "Prince of Beiping" mentioned here is actually Tuli. After Xieli was defeated, he knew that he was no match for Datang anyway, so he surrendered neatly, and was made King of Beiping County.

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