Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 551: Jade Seal of Chuanguo

In fact, after this great war, Li Shimin rewarded not only the generals who made contributions in this great war, but also some special people. Such as Kang Sumi, Empress Xiao and Xieli himself.

Kang Sumi was highly praised by Li Shimin for decisively abandoning the dark and turning to the bright, and he was named a general. At least in terms of grade, he was no lower than when he was in Turkic. It's a pity, after all, this place is not Turkic, but Datang.

In Datang, being a Turkic person itself represented a different kind. And human instinct is to reject aliens. Not to mention that many scholars in the Tang Dynasty held the view that "people who are not of my race must have different hearts". Therefore, Kang Sumi's actual status is far worse than when he was in Turkic.

However, he didn't regret it.

He can see clearly. Since Xieli retreated without a fight, the Turks had no chance of winning against the Tang Dynasty, the difference was only sooner or later. If he does not surrender and insists on fighting for the Turks, then there are only two results, either to die in battle or to be captured. No matter which one, it is far worse than it is now.

Kang Sumi comforted herself like this.

Empress Xiao and Yang Zhengdao also returned to Chang'an with the victorious army. In fact, Empress Xiao was one of the first few people to be interviewed by Li Shimin - don't get me wrong, it's not because Empress Xiao was born with a beautiful country or something. Although there are indeed unofficial records that Empress Xiao is a peerless beauty, the reason why Chuluo Khan wanted to snatch her to Turkic was also because he coveted her beauty.

However, unofficial history is unofficial history.

No matter how beautiful Empress Xiao is, she is now in her late forties, and she is very old. What's more, Li Shimin has never been a womanizer.

There was only one reason why he was so eager to meet Empress Xiao: Chuan Guo Yuxi.

Legend has it that a long time ago, a man named Bian He found a stone at the foot of Jingshan Mountain and claimed to King Li of Chu that there was beautiful jade in it. However, after King Li of Chu at that time asked the craftsman to check it, the craftsman said that it was a broken stone. King Li of Chu was furious and cut off Bian He's leg.

After that, King Li died and King Wu succeeded him. Bian He took the stone to King Wu again, claiming that it contained beautiful jade. In the end, King Wu still didn't believe it, and cut off Bian He's leg again.

It was not until King Wen succeeded to the throne that he believed Bian He's words, cut open the stone, and found a piece of extremely beautiful jade, namely He's Bi.

There are of course a lot of irrationality to this story. For example, why didn't Bian He cut open the jade himself? He just spent money to find a craftsman to cut up the broken stone, so that everyone can clearly see the jade inside, and then present it to the monarch, so wouldn't his legs be cut off?

It can only be said that maybe Bian He has a grudge against his own leg. It's not enough to cut one, and it's only comfortable to be cut off a second.

Anyway, don’t ask, if you ask, Bian He is persistent, if you ask again, King Wu and King Li are idiots, King Wen is wise, He Shibi is a gift from God to this wise man, and no one can get it except him Jade

In fact, there are many such stupid stories in history, most of which come from the imagination of literati or fictional stories written for some kind of political propaganda purpose.

Yes, not really.

But one thing is certain: He's Bi is a unique and precious treasure.

Even so, what does it have to do with Chuan Guo Yuxi?

This will be traced to the first emperor Yingzheng.

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