Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 531 High Standard Hospitality

Contrary to what most people think, surrender is not simply a matter of raising the white flag. There are many issues of interest division and treatment that need to be negotiated. For example, how Xieli will be treated after he surrenders to Datang is a very important issue.

If after surrendering, he would be chopped off by Li Shimin, then he would definitely not surrender. In other words, if instead of being cut off, he was demoted to a commoner, and he could only live a hard life from now on, without a beautiful wife, beautiful family, good wine and good food, then he would definitely not be happy. After all, he hasn't reached the end of his life yet.

For Xieli, the most ideal situation is of course that Li Xin still throws him in Turkic and lets him continue to manage the Turkic people. In this way, he was still the Turkic khan in essence, but he became a vassal of the Tang Dynasty in name only. If Datang was willing to agree to such a condition, Xieli would definitely not want to escape to Mobei.

But, is Datang likely to agree? In other words, even if he agreed, would Xieli dare to believe it?

He certainly dare not.

What price Datang will offer him depends entirely on what conditions he has at hand. Today, he still has at least one army in his hand, and he still has considerable prestige in Turkic, and there is a great possibility of a comeback in the future. However, it is absolutely impossible to open the conditions that allow him to continue to be the actual khan of the Turks.

If Xieli heard the overly generous conditions from the envoys of the Tang Dynasty, he, who was suspicious by nature, would definitely take this as a strong danger signal: the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty probably wanted to trick him to Chang'an to cut him down, or First appease him, in fact, he is planning to do some tricks behind his back.

All in all, it was a process that required many negotiations and consultations.

Tang Jian originally planned to have a hard time with Jieli. However, the progress of the matter was completely beyond his expectation. Since he arrived in the Turkic camp, he didn't even see Jie Li's face for the first two or three days. The person in charge of serving him said: "The angels have come from a long way, and they are tired all the way, so they need a good rest."

Tang Jian couldn't be more forceful and said that we had to see Jieli today, so we delayed for three days. Afterwards, he was finally received by Xieli, but after seeing Xieli, Xieli didn't mention the matter of surrender at all, but just took him to a banquet.

To be honest, Tang Jian didn't know how Jieli managed to carry so many orchids, fine wine and other resources with him on the way to flee, obviously he didn't even have much left for soldiers and horses. Anyway, when the scantily clad Orchid danced to the sound of music, Tang Jian couldn't talk about the serious negotiation matters.

Even if Tang Jian directly asked Jie Li when he planned to have a formal talk, Jie Li would just smile and say, "There is no rush for these things, Ben Khan must treat the angel well and express his admiration for Datang. "

Every time after the banquet, Jieli would stuff two extremely hot orchids into Tang Jian and An Xiuren's tents, the kind that it would be difficult for anyone to remain rational when sitting with them .

An Xiuren didn't think about it that much, and felt that Xieli's attitude was so low, and the meaning of surrender was very sincere. Tang Jian was different. On the one hand, he enjoyed these orchids without hesitation, but on the other hand, he gradually understood one thing in his heart: this boy Xieli said he wanted to surrender, but he didn't know that he was fighting in his heart. What the hell idea.

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