Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 513 The Key Person Empress Xiao

At the gambling table, not to mention losing five hundred and losing one thousand, even if it is losing five hundred and losing six hundred, it is as good as heaven to lose only five hundred. However, on the battlefield, this is not the case.

One wrong step and one wrong step, this is the most common situation. Every step of failure will be exploited by the opponent. Once the defeat begins to show, it will be difficult to recover. The so-called "defeat is like a mountain" is the truth. It is basically impossible to get rid of such a situation without strange or dangerous moves.

Jieli Khan's decision to retreat without a fight seemed calm and rational, but in fact he missed the opportunity and exposed his traits of being strong outside but capable in the middle. This will only make the Turkic army under him lose their fighting spirit and become alienated from Germany. In this way, An Neng is undefeated?

Sitting alone in the room, Li Jing seemed to have seen the end of Jieli Khan's failure. Under the light of the candlelight, Li Jing's stern expression became more resolute, like a sculpture.

He was seriously thinking about how to make the most of Xieli Khan's wrong response this time.

Since the opponent has already made a mistake, if the opponent cannot be made worse, it is the general's dereliction of duty. So, how can we continue to expand the advantages?

Frankly speaking, although Jieli Khan's response this time has shown signs of failure, he still has so many Turkic cavalry in his hands. With complete victory, the loss is bound to be huge.

There is a saying in the art of war that the best policy is to subdue the enemy's soldiers without fighting.

So what is the way to accomplish this supreme goal?

Li Jing stretched out a finger that was thickly callused from playing with swords all the year round, and tapped the table in front of him lightly and rhythmically. The crisp clicking sound echoed in the air.

At this time, he suddenly thought of a person.

Empress Xiao.

Empress Xiao was the wife of Sui Yang Emperor Yang Guang. After Emperor Sui Yang was defeated and died in the army, she was kidnapped by the rebel army and took a group of princes and daughters to live in Liaocheng. Later, Dou Jiande captured Liaocheng and took control of Empress Xiao and her princes and grandchildren.

At that time, the world was in turmoil, Emperor Sui Yang died, and everyone with a military force wanted to win the world and become the next emperor. Among them, the closest to success is Li Yuan. Because at that time he had captured the Xijing Chang'an, dominated Guanzhong, and still held the acting king Yang You in his hand. Under the banner of adhering to the orthodoxy of the Sui Dynasty, he played Yang You's plan to support the emperor and hold the emperor to the princes very smoothly.

Dou Jiande was extremely jealous. However, this kind of thing can not be separated. Li Yuan had already supported the acting king Yang You as the emperor, and it was still in Chang'an, Xijing, which sounded very formal. If Dou Jiande rashly supports some kind of emperor in Hebei, he may not be able to exert his political influence, but may cause ridicule.

So Dou Jiande turned his goal to another thing - Chuan Guo Yuxi. This treasure disappeared mysteriously after the death of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty. According to legend, only Empress Xiao knew its whereabouts. If Dou Jiande could find it, he might be able to use its title to make some fuss.

However, before he could get any result from Empress Xiao, something happened.

At that time, Luo Khan's wife, Princess Yicheng, was the sister-in-law of Empress Xiao and Yang Guang's cousin. It was she who begged Luo Khan to order Empress Xiao to be sent to Turks.

The Turks were already at odds with the Tang Dynasty, and there were still a large number of people from the Sui Dynasty in exile in the Turks. Chu Luo Khan thought that welcoming Empress Xiao back could really disgust the perfidious Li Yuan, so he agreed.

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