Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 502 Li Xin Looking for Something

Wu Zhen was a little proud, but he still lowered his head and said, "Your Majesty has put so much effort into cultivation, and His Majesty has given you so much preferential treatment. Naturally, we should work hard day and night and come up with useful results as soon as possible."

Li Xin looked at Wu Zhen who had lost a lot of weight and the dark circles around his eyes, and subconsciously wanted to say: "The body is also very important, but it turned out that this thing is not in a hurry."

However, when the words came to his lips, Li Xin remembered the real purpose of his trip to the base, and couldn't help but swallowed the words abruptly. He knew that if he wanted to do what he wanted to do most now, at least for the past few days, Wu Zhen should stop thinking about resting. After all, even he himself hadn't considered these two words.

The metallurgical base was first established because Li Xin wanted to develop high-quality steel. When it was actually established, the two topics that Li Xin gave immediately were stainless steel and springs.

It is a well-known fact that iron products are prone to rust. However, many people don't know what a huge loss this small matter will bring. After all, there is no way to use rusty ironware. If there is stainless steel, it can save a very large amount of expenses within the scope of Datang.

As for the spring, it is Li Xin who thinks that this thing is not a big or small problem in metallurgy, and the spring can play a very important role in many fields, so he deliberately brought it up. When researching this topic, I can accumulate more experience and discover some other metals along the way.

It is for these reasons that there is a special bookshelf in this room for storing test records, which is used to store all test materials related to springs.

Li Xin stood in front of the bookshelf and began to browse one by one. The pages of the book were turned by him at the fastest speed, and it was very loud in the quiet room, like an autumn wind suddenly and violently blowing across the ground full of fallen leaves.

Neither Wu Zhen nor Wang Gui knew what Li Xin was looking for, so they stood quietly.

Li Xin flipped through for about a quarter of an hour, and read through the entire row of records on the bookshelf in front of him, but he didn't see what he wanted. He realized that this was too slow, and then he suddenly remembered something, slapped his thigh and said, "Damn, why don't you just go and find it?"

After finishing speaking, he turned to Wu Zhen and said, "Where do you keep the ore sent from all over the place? Hurry up and take me to see it."

Hearing Li Xin's tone, Wu Zhen was very anxious, so he dared to be negligent, and immediately led the way out of the room without even closing the door, and finally closed the door with the help of two guards.

The place where the raw ore is collected is not far from the archives. The three arrived at the place after walking for a few minutes.

There are also two guards in black and black armor guarding here. Wu Zhen opened the door here and invited Li Xin in.

Although this room is similar to the storage of archives, it is at least twice as large in size, and the shelves are also larger. There are countless rough stones of various sizes on it, some of which are very bright in color, which is really beautiful.

There is a piece of paper pasted on the side of each stone here, which states where the stone was produced, and it is accurate to the level of a certain stinky ditch in a certain town, a certain city, a certain town in a certain state. This is all for the future, in case any useful materials are made and you want to expand production.

Li Xin wandered between the shelves, and subconsciously reached out to stroke the surface of these ores, feeling the rough touch from the skin of his palm.

"Where is it. Where is it?"

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