Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 404 Playing tricks

Li Xin watched Yang Bao's actions quietly, until he calmed down, he said, "Do you know where this is?"

Yang Bao's eyes were still covered by the black cloth, but his ears could still hear the surrounding voices. He remembered Li Xin's tone very clearly. After all, Li Xin was the first time in his life that he met a guy who dared to smash teeth.

"I don't know where this is. But I can guess who you are." Yang Bao tried his best to be calm, but his voice was still slightly trembling, and he didn't know whether it was because of the coldness of the cell or fear.

"Then tell me, who am I?" Li Xin asked with a smile.

"Isn't it His Highness the King of Chu?" Yang Bao asked.

Li Xin was noncommittal. Although he doesn't mind being guessed, it doesn't mean he wants to confirm Yang Bao's guess. This is an advanced psychological technique.

Always control the rhythm of the conversation, whether to ask or answer questions, must be in your own hands. If Li Xin answered Yang Bao's question at this time, what would happen to the situation between the two? It is to ask each other a question and get an answer. Invisibly, this will reduce Li Xin's aura and form a posture where the two are talking as if they are talking on an equal footing, which is absolutely not advisable.

During the interrogation, you must always strengthen a concept: you are the master of the other party, and everything is under your control. This will make the other party fall into uneasiness, distract attention, and weaken the psychological defense line. If your will is not firm enough, you will naturally be more inclined to believe your promises, and even reveal the truth.

"Do you know why you were tied here today?" Li Xin asked again.

Yang Bao swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his throat moved slightly. Not getting a definite answer from the other party made him flustered. Although the voice in his ear at this moment was exactly the same as the voice of Chu King Li Xin in his memory, but in terms of his current mood, he suddenly felt a sense of uncertainty, and even began to doubt his own judgment.

Do these two voices really resemble each other? Am I remembering wrong or am I hearing it wrong now?

Why neither affirm nor deny? Could it be that the person who arrested me deliberately made me think that it was the king of Chu who arrested me? What good does it do him?

His thoughts flew at an extremely fast speed, reaching an indescribable level.

The smile on Li Xin's face did not change at all, but continued to ask: "Tell me. Do you know why you were tied here today?"

Yang Bao gritted his teeth, moved the masseter muscles on his face slightly, and said, "I don't know."

"Well." Li Xin responded casually, and said, "Then let me tell you. Today, I have a few questions I want to ask you, which is why I invite you here. I promise you that if your The answer satisfies me, and you can leave in a moment."

Yang Bao didn't answer, but raised his head slightly, as if expressing his tacit attitude.

Li Xin's gaze flickered slightly.

He used to like to read some miscellaneous books related to psychology. So he knew that the small movement of raising his neck subconsciously meant showing weakness and exposing his weakness to the other party. This is a manifestation of gradually admitting defeat in the heart, showing that one is at the mercy of others.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Wang Gui couldn't help admiring: My prince is so wise and close to a monster, but he can play Yang Bao in the middle of applause just by saying a few words casually.

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