Li Shimin was still struggling in his heart. The ministers in the DPRK could not tolerate such indecision anyway-what are you kidding? Everyone is in a hurry to bet, okay? What if the banker always doesn't open the market!

As a result, countless ministers wrote directly to persuade Li Shimin to "determine the foundation of the country early, so as to calm the hearts of the world".

What is "country"? The position of prince is the foundation of the country.

And the candidate they recommended was none other than Li Chengqian.

Of course, Li Shimin himself can be entangled in his heart about who to make the prince, but no one else has such room for hesitation. Li Chengqian is the only possible choice. After all, it is Li Shimin who is sitting on the treasure hall and pointing the country at this moment, and Li Chengqian is his eldest son. According to the rules of the past dynasties, who else can be established if Li Chengqian is not established?

Who dares to write a letter asking Li Xin to be the crown prince?

You know, what does it mean to ask Li Xin to be the prince? It means that he has opinions on the current emperor, that is, His Majesty Li Er himself, and thinks that he is not worthy of being an emperor; it means that he falls in love with Li Xuandao and thinks that Li Xuandao is more suitable to be an emperor, so he wants to return the throne to his own son Li Xin's hand.

Of course, maybe not so much. However, making such a suggestion at such a juncture is easily interpreted by the emperor himself.

What's more, between Li Xin and Li Chengqian, there is no obvious superiority or inferiority - aren't they just two brats, what difference can there be? In other words, you can choose anyone.

So, of course, both civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty favored the establishment of Li Chengqian as the crown prince.

Li Shimin may also have made up his mind because of this.

Just setting the position of prince is not enough to reassure the officials. They were dissatisfied with Li Xin's special treatment of "the degree of application is exactly the same as that of the prince". After all, this is a guy who was once so close to the throne. If he continued to be treated like a prince, it would be unjustifiable in terms of status, and it would easily attract people's daydreams, and even cause troubles, shocking Chao Gang.

Therefore, they made a suggestion at the same time: hope that Li Xin can move out of the palace as soon as possible, set up a mansion outside the palace, and live independently. In their view, as long as Li Xin's title of "King" can only be confirmed, the possibility of causing chaos can be greatly reduced.

Li Xin at that time was not the current Li Xin. His thinking is very simple. He has lived in the palace since he was a child, and there are brothers and elders he likes here. Facing the situation that the whole world wanted him to move out of the palace so abruptly, he would of course find it difficult to accept.

Li Tai is very supportive of Li Xin's idea. He said to Li Xin: "As long as you insist on not moving out of the palace, Father will definitely not force you to leave. Then you can live in the palace forever."

Li Chengqian didn't say anything at first. Seeing that this matter could not get a result, and the government and the government were arguing endlessly over this matter, he finally couldn't help but persuade Li Xin to consider the overall situation and move out of the palace as soon as possible.

That day, Li Xin was very angry.

"Even you want to drive me away?" Li Xin asked.

Li Chengqian didn't know what to say. He intuitively felt that the current situation was very bad. It is the best result for Li Xin to leave the palace. However, he couldn't answer in the affirmative so cruelly. And Li Tai was also helping to speak.

As a result, the three broke up unhappy.

The next day, Li Xin took the initiative to write a letter, requesting to leave the palace.

Li Shimin will play.

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