Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 332 Confucianism is Huaxia

Higher iron production, high quality steel, what does that mean? Let Chen Xinheng talk about it, he would say sharper weapons and more durable farm tools. Let Li Xin talk about it, he would say higher productivity.

Science and technology are primary productive forces. This is an unassailable truth.

Chen Xinheng said with emotion: "If there are more things like this, why worry about the downfall of the Tang Dynasty!"

"These things are just a result. The important thing is the method. Only by mastering this method can we continuously produce more products like this." Li Xin said dreamily, as if he was talking to himself or What to emphasize.

"Yes." Chen Xinheng categorically agreed, "What kind of benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness, how can there be such power? The inner sage and the outer king have no meaning at all. This thing called science is what we should pursue and learn from. Confucianism and Taoism can be stopped."

Li Xin smiled and glanced at Chen Xinheng, as if he saw a young cynic in the period of Secondary School Disease, he couldn't help shaking his head slowly.

"Why, did I say something wrong, brother-in-law?" Chen Xinheng returned to his foolish look, looking at Li Xin with a half-smile.

Li Xin smiled and said, "It's like seeing me from the beginning."

"What?" Chen Xinheng was a little puzzled.

"Science cannot completely replace Confucianism. Confucianism is necessary for Tang Dynasty." Li Xin said slowly.

Chen Xinheng frowned silently, and said, "Why did you say that?"

Li Xin smiled, but didn't answer right away.

Although Confucianism has greatly influenced the progress of science, it is an indispensable core for Chinese people. This was something Li Xin wanted to understand later.

The simplest example is the sectarian struggle in the later Western world, the struggle between monarchy and theocracy, these things have never happened in the East. Why? Because the ancestors of Confucianism have long said, respect ghosts and gods and stay away. Therefore, Chinese local sects rarely get involved in politics. To be able to confuse the emperor and make him build a large-scale construction project is already as high as the sky, and he can't do any more evil.

Moreover, just this has to be criticized to pieces by Confucians who are passionate and full of sense of justice. At every turn, I dare to give you a head-on death under the jade steps, fulfilling your notoriety of being a faint king through the ages. You said, if you were the emperor, would you be afraid? This kind of subtle game limits the emergence of faint kings to a certain extent—of course, it really has no effect on tyrants.

This is the real benefit of Confucianism.

Confucianism does not believe in gods, so what do they believe in? They are the ancestors, the ancestors who have worked hard to create life for today's people. What does this bring? It is the fighting spirit of the sons and daughters of China who do not believe in heaven and fate. Without fire, Suiren drilled wood to make fire; without medicine, Shennong tasted one by one; there were too many suns, Hou Yi shot them down with both hands, and even the last sun in the sky was saved because of his kindness. keep. What kind of heroism is this?

Thinking back carefully, how did China in the later generations have a smooth sailing? Earthquakes, floods, plagues. When did the sons and daughters of China ever admit defeat? What supports them is the heroic soul of Confucianism rooted in their blood.

People today have taken over this piece of land from their predecessors, and they must also hand it over to future generations in its entirety. The sense of responsibility brought about by this kind of inheritance is difficult for the West, which does not have Confucian culture, to understand. In their view, everything is a calculation of economic interests, and everything is a consideration of gains and losses, but it is not.

In the world, there is a spirit of sacrifice that is exclusive to China, which is called the rise and fall of the world, and everyone is responsible. This is an extremely valuable value.

Maybe we don't usually see it, and there are even many people who will say that the inferiority of the Chinese people. In fact, they are all nonsense and generalizations. You see, when it comes to life and death, when it is time for people to stand up, why have the Chinese ever backed down?

Whether it is a fire scene or an epidemic area, among countless ordinary people fleeing, there are always retrograde heroes. They are also flesh and blood, and they are afraid, and they are thankful that no one is forcing them, that it is their own values ​​that drive them to do such things.

This value is the core of Confucianism that every Chinese person has acquired from childhood and inherited from their elders.

Perhaps people have not realized that this is what Confucianism brought to them, but it is indeed inseparable from every Chinese.

If Confucianism is completely overthrown according to Li Xin's ideas, what will China be like in thousands of years? Will Chinese people still have that kind of spirit? Is Huaxia like that still Huaxia?

Ever since Li Xin experienced the spirit of Confucianism from famous masters such as Xiao Yu, he has been thinking about these issues.

Confucianism is necessary for China and Tang Dynasty, and it is an unchangeable root.

This is Li Xin's conclusion.

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