Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 328 Beyond Saints

"The words of a sage should not be taken lightly." Li Xin thought for a while and gave a balanced answer.

When Chen Xinheng heard this, he burst out laughing. He looked at Li Xin and asked, "Brother-in-law, are you not guilty of saying this?"

"What?" Although Li Xin didn't understand what he meant, his momentum was a little weaker.

Chen Xinheng shook his head and said: "Think about the things you have done recently. Which ones were taught by the sages? Which ones were found from the Four Books and Five Classics? Feng Yasong, University Analects Zhongyong Mencius, I don't know if you can recite Which paragraph? Are you ashamed to say 'the words of a sage should not be taken lightly'? In my opinion, you are the one who is the most lighthearted."

Li Xin didn't expect Chen Xinheng to speak so directly, so he could only smile embarrassingly. No way, what Chen Xinheng said is right, he really doesn’t know how much to recite, and the words he recites forcibly can’t exceed the three-year-old children who can do it like "threesomes must have my teacher" and "it’s hard to say that friends come from afar". It's better to just shut up than catchy sentences.

"Brother-in-law," Chen Xinheng said with a long sigh, "I started reading when I was three years old. I have read everything I have at home. Everyone says that the words of a sage are the truth in the world, but the more I read, the more I read." Confused. I often ask myself, do I really understand why? My answer is, no.”

Li Xin's expression gradually became serious. He gradually realized that the young man in front of him was not joking with him, but really had unsolvable doubts in his heart, and he couldn't let go.

"Of course there is nothing wrong with the words of the saint. Everyone values ​​benevolence and filial piety. This is of course very good. But what about other people?" Chen Xinheng was silent for a while and said, "The world is so big, there are flowers, birds and fish besides people." Insects, and birds. If there are so many truths between people, how many truths should there be among them? Do sages know these truths? If they know, why don’t they mention it? Why don’t they tell everyone? ?”

Although the atmosphere at the moment was very heavy, Li Xin felt like laughing for no reason.

This is not intended to ridicule, but a happy smile.

Yes, I am not inferior to other people in Huaxia, how could I not be able to conceive science? Look at the confusion in Chen Xinheng's heart, isn't this the germ of science?

Science begins with curiosity, doubt and exploration of the complex world. The problem with Confucianism is that it kills this spirit of doubt and exploration prematurely. It tells people that there are only so many truths in the world, as long as you study them thoroughly, you will know everything. As a result, countless scholars plunged into the voluminous Confucian classics like crazy, trying to find this shortcut to understand the world.

But unfortunately, there is no such shortcut in the world. This is a doomed attempt.

Chen Xinheng is smart and sober. So instead of compromising with reality, he continued to pursue what others might see as illusory. This aimless and determined pursuit is silently proving his courage.

Idealists are like that, always possessing extraordinary courage.

Although Li Xin is not a complete idealist, he has a strong appreciation and sympathy for this group of people.

The Chen Xinheng in front of him even reminded him of a person——Wang Yangming. This sage, who was disfigured by all kinds of chicken soup and success stories in later generations, also started from questioning Confucius and Mencius, and finally developed a brand-new philosophy of mind.

So, could it be that my second uncle is also a saint embryo?

"Brother-in-law, I have always seen what you do." Chen Xinheng said seriously, "From the first day I saw your carriage with my own eyes, I knew that you were different from everyone else. .The horseshoe you took out later confirmed my judgment even more. You have a different way of thinking than everyone else, and you have knowledge beyond my imagination."

Li Xin neither denied nor admitted.

In fact, he didn't know how to react - deny it, it's a bit fake, it looks very hypocritical, after all, Chen Xinheng has poured out his heart and soul; admit it, it looks a little swollen, as if it is very great, and it is not necessary. It is still the default.

"I sincerely ask you, please tell me, what kind of knowledge is this?" Chen Xinheng looked at Li Xin with burning eyes.

Li Xin was originally determined to spread science in the Tang Dynasty, not to mention such a pious seeker sitting in front of him. Looking at the expression on Chen Xinheng's face as if he had heard the truth, he raised his lips slightly and said, "You are right. There is indeed a kind of knowledge in this world that explains all the truths, and its name is science."

"Science?" Chen Xinheng repeated it slowly, as if he wanted to savor the meaning of these two words.

Li Xin immediately shook his head and said, "No. Rather than saying that science is a kind of knowledge, it is better to say that it is a method. As long as you master it, you will be able to constantly discover the truth in the world."

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