Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 316 Unpalatable millet

Li Xin only needs to choose a reasonable one from the ideas of the few people in front of him to implement.

Thinking about it, I can't help but want to praise my wit.

Li Xin nodded secretly, with a sly smile on the corner of his mouth.

Cheng Chumo and the others never thought about the fact that Li Xin was not very good at fighting, so they continued to discuss with each other for a while. Li Xin sat on the side with a smile without saying a word, listening to all these discussions, and asked a few questions about the map.

Niu Jianhu never thought that Li Xin had this question because he was not familiar with military affairs, and thought that he was deliberately testing everyone in the school, so he answered them in detail one by one—who would have thought that Li Xin would train soldiers in a set way, In fact, they don't know how to fight at all?

Li Xin nodded slightly pretending to be profound, as if he was very satisfied with Niu Jianhu's answer. And Niu was very happy because of this, and even raised his head a little bit.

After going through a whole month of training, no one with eyes could deny Li Xin's achievements against his conscience. It is also because of this that every dude in this group counts as one, and they are all convinced by Li. In private, they are all big brothers and big brothers. As a loyal younger brother, Niu Jianhu was naturally a little happy after being praised by the elder brother he admired.

After a lot of discussion among the people, the final conclusion was unexpectedly not that big of a deal: the troops were divided into two groups, the large force feigned a frontal attack, and at the same time, one force was divided to sneak attack the camp.

For such a plan that was so simple that it was hardly a tactic, Li Xin had some doubts at first. He rubbed his chin, thought for a long time, and then he was a little relieved.

Also, it seems that I thought about the war too complicated before.

War, where are there so many ingenious strategies? The most common form of war is a bloody fight between the two sides. This situation probably occupied more than 90% of the time of the war. Secondly, it is the time for both sides to show their talents and make full use of the information known by their own side and unknown by the enemy to design and implement a combat plan against the enemy.

That kind of intriguing and ingenious strategy that is linked together and is shocking to watch can basically only exist in novels. If it is put on the real battlefield, I am afraid that more than 99.9% of the strategies will not work. In a sense, there is only one tactic that is easiest to achieve results on the battlefield—surprise attack, or sneak attack for short.

For example, when the Japanese army attacked Pearl Harbor back then, why did the well-equipped US troops suffer heavy losses? To put it bluntly, there are only four words: caught off guard.

As the saying goes, soldiers are deceitful. The more the enemy can't figure out your veins, the greater the initiative and advantage you will have.

Finally, Li Xin made the decision.

This is the basic strategy for the battle between the two parties.

The next day, before dawn, the wake-up signal sounded from Li Xin's side. After rigorous training, among the thousand or so people on Li Xin's side, none of them dared to stay in bed. Even if the soul is still on the bed, the body has already gotten up on its own and started cooking.

The common military ration in the Tang Dynasty was millet, because it is currently the food with the longest shelf life. It is said that it can be stored for up to nine years. Li Xin expressed doubts about this. If someone dares to point to a handful of millet that has been stored for nine years and say that it is still edible, Li Xin will be the first to let him taste whether the millet will die after eating it.

Of course, the military rations brought by Li Xin's Ministry can't be the millet that has been stored for so long. They are all newly distributed by the Ministry of War. The dry food for five days is packed into small bags, which are heavy, and each person has one bag. It was the same with Chen Xiao.

Li Xin took a bowl of millet porridge from Wang Gui. Although it is steaming hot, it looks like something, but the taste of drinking is really not flattering.

"Our soldiers of the Tang Dynasty usually go out to fight, so don't they just eat these?" Li Xin asked. As soon as he said this, he felt a little stupid - what else could he eat if he didn't eat this?

Wang Gui also knew that his prince had never experienced hard times, so it was normal for him not to understand these situations. He smiled gently and said, "Yes. It's good to eat something. How can a killer be so particular."

Li Xin looked at the half bowl of porridge left in his hand, feeling a little complicated.

The most direct reason why Datang can have such a reputation as later generations, and Li Shimin can get such an honorable title as "Heavenly Khan" is that Datang has a strong enough army. It was these hot-blooded men who spared no effort to fight on the battlefield that made Datang what it is today. However, when they were risking their lives, what Datang could give them was just a handful of hard-to-swallow millet. It always makes people feel uncomfortable.

How about trying to get some canned food?

Li Xin's eyes suddenly brightened, and he secretly thought that after the military exercise ended, he must find a way to get some new military rations.

We can't treat these passionate people fighting for the country badly!

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