Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 314: The Military Exercise Begins

At the same time, the instigator of the bustling scene in front of him, His Royal Highness Li Xin himself was soundly asleep on his own bed.

The slogan matter was indeed a sudden whim decision on his part. After all, when he mentioned the military parade, he could easily think of the lively scenes he saw on TV in his previous life, so he couldn't help but set up these two slogans, asking the soldiers to meet the great His Majesty Li Er under the gate of Chengtian , shouting such slogans loudly.

Thinking about it makes me feel exhilarated.

However, he himself did not appear in the parade in person in the end.

Because according to the system, the leading generals in the military parade must ride horses, and Li Xin's riding skills are really bad for all to see. Even if he barely got on the horse, he didn't have the majestic style of others. What's more, in addition to riding horses, generals must also wear full body armor. Li Xin's body wasn't weak, but if he had to carry a few kilograms of armor around the city for a week, then forget it.

So, he threw this glorious mission to Cheng Chumo and Qin Huaiyu, while he secretly ran back to Chu Palace.

He has been living in the camp for a month. The cost of food and accommodation is basically the same as that of other people, without any special treatment. This made him, who had already been corrupted by the extravagant life of feudal landlords, really uncomfortable for a few days.

Considering that Runniang is a girl after all, it is not suitable to be brought into the barracks. But Li Xin always felt unaccustomed to letting Wang Gui, a big man, serve others, so he had to do it himself. As soon as she got home, Run Niang rushed forward and hugged Li Xin. This was the first time that the little girl had been separated from Li Xin for such a long time since she was brought back to the palace by Li Xin, so she was extremely affectionate.

Li Xin also enjoyed the feeling of being cared for, smiling and hugging the little girl in his arms, and gently stroking her head.

The so-called home, that is. Someone loves you when you are at home, and misses you when you are not at home.

I don't know how long time no see, how is this girl Chen Youlan doing?

This thought flashed through Li Xinxin, but he immediately dismissed it.

He just sneaked back to the palace to have a rest, and in the evening he will return to the barracks to prepare for the official military exercise—the bet between him and Chen Xiao is not over with just a military parade, but to defeat Chen Xiao through a simulated exercise. The opponent counts. Therefore, before this matter is over, it is better not to bother Chen Youlan, so as not to be separated for several days after meeting, which will only increase troubles.

After briefly comforting Run Niang, Xiao Run Niang started to work obediently. Prepare bath water for the prince, order the kitchen to prepare meals, and rub the prince's back. Don't think about it, it's really just a back rub. Li Xin is not so beastly that even Xiao Runniang will not let it go. She is still a child.

After taking a comfortable hot bath and eating the "welcome the lord back to the mansion to soothe the body and mind" carefully prepared by the chef of the palace, Li Xin really felt that he was healed several times from the inside out.

Sure enough, it's still comfortable at home. In contrast, the life in the military camp is simply not a human life. Hey, does this mean that all the brats are not human? Forget it, forget it, they can't hear it.

After Li Xin relaxed, he suddenly felt sleepy, and went to bed to sleep soundly. He was really exhausted during this time. I thought it would be just an hour to sleep on it, but who would have expected that it would take a full three hours to sleep, and it was already evening when I woke up.

Looking at the sunset sky outside the window, Li Xin rubbed his eyes in bewilderment, then realized what happened, got up and changed quickly, and rushed to the barracks without even having dinner. After all, he just came back to recuperate during the military parade. It would be too outrageous if he wasn't in the camp on the first night of the exercise.

The rules of this military exercise are very simple. Li Shimin circled a large area outside Chang'an City as a simulated battlefield. Li Xin and Chen Xiao led two teams of soldiers to fight, and the side that cut off the commander or captured the flag won—of course, both sides in the battle used unsharp weapons, which would not cause real damage, and were judged as wounded or dead sergeants Will withdraw from the battlefield and cannot continue to participate in subsequent battles.

When Li Xin arrived at the scheduled battlefield, Cheng Chumo, Qin Huaiyu and others had already led the troops to set up a stable tent. This made Li Xin suddenly feel relieved about the following exercises.

It turns out that these two unreliable guys have unknowingly become a little more reliable than before.

After all, today is a military parade. Both Li Xinbu and Chen Xiaobu had been tossing around all day, and their physical strength and energy were not good enough. Therefore, both sides chose the safe strategy of setting up camp and burying the pot to make food. This also satisfied Li Shimin and the officials who were paying attention here, and they waited quietly for the coming of the next day.

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