The reason why monks want to be ordained is to show that they have abandoned their identity in the world of mortals and sincerely devoted themselves to the Buddha. Li Xin borrowed the same logic to argue that the soldier removed his long hair to say goodbye to himself who used to belong to a small family, and from then on to dedicate his heart to thousands of small families worth protecting in the Tang Dynasty. The latter is clearly greater than the former, and far greater.

Li Xin's expression was very serious, with a slight sense of sublime.

The people standing in front of them on the training ground stood silently. Even Niu Jianhu stood quietly, unable to say a word.

Li Xin's long-winded speech really has a wonderful charm that is infectious, especially when the audience of this speech is all soldiers, his words can speak to people's hearts even more.

"Although this is just a military training, and it is not really going to be on the battlefield soon, I still hope that you will always keep in mind the mission of the soldiers. Because unexpected things may happen every day. Who can guarantee that Turkic Will people really obediently abide by the agreement of the Weishui Alliance? The day you become a soldier, you should have the awareness to treat yourself as a dead person."

Li Xin said slowly at last, and then gestured to the health servants standing on the sidelines of the training field to come over.

These people were prepared by Li Xin a long time ago, responsible for cleaning the barracks in advance, as well as distributing clothes just now, and shaving everyone's heads. This "everyone" also includes Li Xin himself.

A healthy servant walked up to Li Xin with a razor and saluted respectfully. Li Xin waved his hand, signaling him to start directly. So, he let go of Li Xin's bun, and began to shave Li Xin seriously.

Cun Xu's short hair is easy to cut, it's not difficult. In a short while, a lot of black hair fell down Li Xin's feet, and he turned into a neat short-haired boy.

Everyone watched this scene silently. Especially in the eyes of those noble children, all of them are shining brightly.

The reason why they come to the camp to participate in military training is to seek challenges and a great meaning beyond their ordinary life. Cutting hair, which originally seemed a bit deviant, turned out to be a meaningful ritual after Li Xin's exaggeration. This made them eager to try, and the blood that had been stirred up by Li Xin's words just now was also ready to move.

Cheng Chumo and Qin Huaiyu are the most innocent. Now that Li Xin had already cut his hair, the two of them immediately accepted the baptism of the razor without hesitation.

After a while, the two looked at the short hair on each other's head and laughed out loud.

Li Xin did not reprimand the two for their violation of discipline, but turned to the others and asked slowly, "What about you?"

No one can resist getting a haircut anymore. Needless to say, honorable ones. And ordinary soldiers have long been moved by Li Xin's words. Most of them came from poor backgrounds, and their original intention of enlisting in the army was just to get ahead, but some of them also had the idea of ​​serving the country with their own lives. Li Xin's words, as well as his respectful attitude towards ordinary soldiers, were like a fire falling into a pyre, instantly igniting a raging fire, making everyone's bodies a little hot.

More than twenty healthy servants worked together, and in less than an hour, all the long hair of the sergeant was shaved into a refreshing short hair.

Li Xin looked at the scene in front of him and nodded secretly. Finally something.

Compared with long hair, short hair does have objective benefits. Among other things, it is at least easy to maintain personal hygiene, reduces the spread of parasites such as lice, and reduces the risk of disease transmission in military camps. But these tangible benefits are hard to counteract the Confucian logic of filial piety.

Li Xin knew that what happened in the barracks today would never be a secret. If there is no accident, many people will know that he forced everyone to shave their hair, and some people may even impeach him.

Similar things have happened more than once in history. These guys who can only chew their tongues just like to use their own bullshit logic to reason. From the fact that you force others to cut their hair, it can be deduced that you are not filial, and from the fact that you are not filial, it can be inferred that you are not loyal, and then, since you are not loyal, you are afraid that you are planning to rebel, right? In the end, the original motive for punishing you with a mortal crime of beheading was actually just cutting your hair. It's really ironic.

Although Li Xin is not afraid of others chewing his tongue, he is afraid of trouble, so he simply starts with the logic of Confucianism and uses his spear to attack his shield. Now no one can trouble him.

He can practice this group of young people who are finally looking much more pleasing to the eye now.

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