Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 274 Asking What Love Is in the World

Zhao Ke, who had been prepared for a long time, took his time and apologized to the representatives of various families who came to Xingshi to inquire about the crime: "I'm sorry, Shen Xiaoxiang's body may take seven or eight days to recover, and I can't perform dramas for everyone for the time being. But Please rest assured, after she recovers, Changyilou will resume normal performances."

With Zhao Ke's guarantee, everyone finally felt a little relieved. This at least shows that Changyilou did not intend to violate the contract of the membership card. However, this is not enough to be satisfying.

I don't know which house is in charge, a middle-aged man with a beard stepped forward and said: "Miss Xiaoxiang is sick and needs to rest, we can understand that. However, it is difficult to explain to the master. We are all waiting to see Liangshan What the hell happened to Bo and Zhu Yingtai! My son, in the past few days, he has gotten angry several times, and shopkeeper Zhao has to be considerate of our difficulties." Standing behind the first floor is the Chu Palace. It has long been no secret. Zheng Taoyuan whose leg was broken is still vivid in my memory. Therefore, most people speak politely to Zhao Ke.

As soon as this remark came out, other people echoed it.

"That's it!"

"Who says it's not, my son was not happy yesterday!"

"It's hard for us slaves."

Indeed, among the people watching the drama, young nobles and rich men are the most common. Of course, there may also be noble girls like Chen Youlan who disguised themselves as men. They have money and free time, so they can't put it down for entertainment such as drama. In addition, the script of "The Butterfly Lovers" is really well-written, and the feeling of being cut off in half after watching it is definitely very uncomfortable. It must be comparable to the pain of lovesickness that a man and a woman in love cannot meet.

In a depressed mood, it seemed completely expected that these wayward young masters and ladies would get angry and complain at the servants.

Zhao Ke said with a smile: "You don't have to worry, our first floor has already prepared for you to bring back the business things. Don't worry, as long as you bring this thing back to your master's house, you will definitely not be punished." Scolding, maybe even get some reward money."

When everyone heard this, they all laughed. They have learned Zhao Ke's exquisite appearance a long time ago.

"It turns out that there are such good things. Thank you shopkeeper Zhao, so hurry up and take them out." Someone urged repeatedly.

Zhao Ke clapped her hands, and asked the waiter who had been waiting early to deliver a stack of thick paper with some words written on it.

"That's it?" one asked.

Zhao Ke nodded and said, "Each of you can take one away."

Suspiciously, everyone reached out and took a piece of paper, and after a while they divided the papers into sevens and eights, leaving only a few sporadic ones. Since they are the stewards of a big family, most of them are literate, otherwise they would not be qualified for some special jobs. Zhao Ke saw that the stewards in front of him all looked down at the paper in their hands, and suddenly felt speechless at his prince's wicked taste.

Obviously Chen Xiaoxiang was not sick, but she wanted to make up a lie to suspend "The Butterfly Lovers"; she could continue the play directly, but she had to choose to write the following story on paper and hand it over to these people, and it was still horizontal from left to right Writing is completely different from the way ordinary people write.

In front of Zhao Ke's eyes, Li Xin's eyes were too dark to be seen. Every time she looked into those eyes, she felt as if she was staring into a bottomless abyss.

Forget it, forget it, what the prince is thinking, how could she understand it?

Zhao Ke shook his head, thinking in relief.

In just a short while, these stewards also realized that what was written on this piece of paper was different from what they usually saw.

"Why is it written so weirdly? It took me a long time to understand it." An old butler with gray hair frowned and smiled bitterly, "And what do these dots and circles mean? It looks very strange. tidy"

Indeed, with the addition of punctuation marks and the rule of two spaces before each natural paragraph, the second half of "The Butterfly Lovers" appears a bit scattered on paper, not as dense as vertical text.

Zhao Ke said helplessly: "I don't know either. This thing was given to me by my boss."

"That's okay." The old butler didn't ask any further questions.

After getting what they wanted, the people who were still crowded in the room quickly left one after another, leaving only Zhao Ke sitting on the office chair, and heaved a long sigh of relief. She casually picked up the remaining piece of paper in front of her and read it, and it took about a quarter of an hour to read all the content written on the paper.

The ending of Liang Zhu's final transformation into a butterfly really makes people sigh with regret, and the poem at the end also has endless aftertaste.

"Ask what love is in the world, and teach life and death to promise each other"

Zhao Ke muttered this line of poem, a bit unbelievable that it was written by his prince who was always laughing and joking.

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