Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 259 Convince the Veteran

Although the post of Household Advisor was set up by His Majesty Li Er, it is not a formal official position within the framework of the Household Department, and he does not even have a salary. Naturally, it is impossible for Li Xin to go to the Household Department yamen every day so honestly. . Isn't that making yourself unhappy? Is it because the bed is not warm and you can't sleep well?

Anyway, apart from attending classes, Li Xin would never show up at the yamen of the household department.

The second class was five days after the first class, and Li Xin went to the yamen of the Ministry of Households in advance to inform. When he came to class the next day, fortunately, there was a large group of people missing again. The only thing that is slightly better is that the number of people this time is finally a little more than the last time.

Li Xin put down the handout, scanned it habitually, and noticed that the faces of these extra audience members seemed to have slightly hostile and disdainful smiles on their faces. It seems that the reason why they appear here is not because they have much interest in the content of the class, but because they have certain thoughts about the people attending the class.

This kind of psychology is not difficult to understand. Originally, the reason why these people chose to ask for leave was because they looked down on Li Xin and didn't want to listen to him in class. The result they most want to see should be those poor newcomers who have to attend the class with painful expressions on their faces, instead of being surprised by Li Xin after the class, and even discussing some classes in twos and threes after class. on the content.

These veterans boasted that they were senior, well-informed, and ate more salt than the newcomers, so they took the initiative to listen to what the newcomers were discussing, and wanted to give them a few casual words to show their abilities. To some extent, this is also a derogation of Li Xin. Unexpectedly, it’s okay not to ask, they casually asked: “What are you discussing?” Afterwards, the newcomers spit out words like “currency” and “commodity trading” that they didn’t understand.

The veterans talked nonsense with incongruity, but the newcomers didn't buy it. Those who can hang out in the officialdom are not idiots, and the veterans can naturally see that although these newcomers who have attended Li Xin's class do not say anything, they are somewhat dismissive of them in their hearts. So, the veterans who became angry from embarrassment denounced what the newcomers heard from Li Xin as fallacies and heresies, and announced that they would give him a look at Li Xin's second class, and let him know what is the right way in the world.

Therefore, today's office has become such a scene.

Li Xin didn't take it seriously, and opened the handout indifferently, as if he was unaware of the bright hostility in front of him.

"Last time, I talked about the origin of currency. So today, I will talk about other concepts related to it, that is, value and price." Li Xin opened his mouth slowly. He was really glad that he met a political teacher who could give lectures when he was in high school. He explained these popular science-level economics knowledge in a simple and fascinating way. It is precisely because of this respectable teacher that Li Xin cultivated his interest in humanities and social sciences. He still read one or two works in this field from time to time when he was in college. It is impossible to explain these great principles.

As soon as the class started, the newcomers who had attended the class last time took out a pen and paper and began to take class notes seriously. They had suffered a lot last time: what Li Xin said was too profound, completely different from the ideas of those Confucian classics, if they didn't take notes, it would be cool if they couldn't keep up. In fact, this is also an important reason why Li Xin's lecture notes were scrambled by the students last time.

And those veterans scoffed at the actions of the newcomers.

It's just listening to a seventeen-year-old boy's lecture, and he's doing it in such a serious manner, with a sense of ceremony!

With the passage of time, Li Xin described more and more content, from the value determined by the socially necessary labor time required to produce a commodity, to the value law that the price always fluctuates around the value of the commodity, in the middle It also interspersed with several failed disaster relief activities in history as examples, and precisely pointed out the fundamental reason why these disaster relief activities could not really change people's livelihood.

The veterans who wanted to find fault could not find an entry point to question Li Xin. Needless to say what they don't understand. With their sophistication, of course they would not rashly step into this dangerous field—what if these things they didn't understand were what Li Xin said last time? What should I do if I question rashly and get slapped in the face by a newcomer? That would be stupid! You have to find a place where you can understand, right?

However, what they could understand was enough to turn their expressions from disdain to contemplation. After all, they have worked in the Ministry of Households for a long time, and they are well-informed, and they are even participants in the examples mentioned by Li Xin. They knew very well that what Li Xin said was correct. This is the first time for them to experience the sense of transparency in which their accumulated experience is highly summarized by abstract language. This feeling of enlightenment is really addictive.

While Li Xin was lecturing, he was a little surprised. He was also wary of these self-righteous old birds finding fault, but he didn't expect them to be as quiet as chickens in groups.

Are you intimidated by the bluffing concept of "socially necessary labor time"?

Of course it was good that no one interrupted him. He didn't waste his thoughts on these things, and since he couldn't think of a reason, he just let it go. He finished the class on his own, and then came to the time for answering questions after class as usual. Cao Yuntian, the thorn in the previous class, has become an activist, and he even asked two very sharp and good questions.

Li Xin praised without hesitation, and answered in detail. After that, he still left the handouts to Cao Yuntian and asked him to circulate them to the students who needed them in turn. He didn't notice that after he walked out of the classroom, the veterans forcibly borrowed the handouts he left behind because of their seniority. The newcomers had no choice but to shake their heads helplessly.

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