In fact, what Xiao Yu said was not quite right. At least in the history that Li Xin knew, there was no clear statement about who the inventor of the abacus was. In other words, most people don't really care about the minutiae of who invented something. To give the simplest example, who is the inventor of the steam engine? There are likely to be many people who will answer "Watt".

Although the name is indeed known because of the steam engine, in fact, his achievement is not "inventing" the steam engine, but "improving" the steam engine. The true inventor of the steam engine should be traced back to the ancient Greek mathematician Ciro. Watt actually improved the steam engine that could only be pumped at that time into a steam engine that can be widely used in many other fields on the basis of many predecessors, and then promoted the rise of the industrial revolution. Rather than saying that he is remembered for the steam engine, it is better to say that he is remembered for kicking open the door of the industrial age.

For another example, everyone in the future cannot do without a computer, but who knows what the name of the first computer in the world is? It's called Eniac. As for who its inventor is, hehe, to be honest, Li Xin doesn't remember either. I said that most people don't care about such details.

However, although what Xiao Yu said was wrong, his attitude of admiration and appreciation for Li Xin was very clear. Otherwise, he didn't need to explain the origin of the abacus in his hand, let alone say so many compliments to Li Xin.

Li Xin, who was still a little nervous at first, finally calmed down, and sincerely said to the elder in front of him: "Mr. Xiao praises it."

Xiao Yu waved his hand and said: "I heard your words in the court that day, and I have a deep understanding. To tell you the truth, I have studied the documents of previous dynasties before, and found that business is often related to the prosperity of the dynasty. The more prosperous the country, The business is more prosperous. This old man is very puzzled. If it is not because of your words, I am afraid that it will be difficult for the old man to understand the truth."

Li Xin smiled slightly, but did not answer. The phenomenon mentioned by Xiao Yu is actually easy to explain: in a peaceful and stable domestic environment, the characteristic of the small peasant economy is that it can accumulate steadily. According to Marxism, that is, the quantity of surplus commodities gradually increases, which in turn creates the demand for transactions, that is, The prosperity of the commodity economy.

To use a popular analogy, during times of war or chaos, the common people cannot farm well, and the grain harvested cannot even support themselves, so naturally they will not have other needs. When the world is stable and everyone has land to plant, as long as there are no natural or man-made disasters, every household will have some surplus food. When there is more surplus grain, people will naturally have the capital to exchange. Exchange food for some cloth and farm tools. These are all normal needs and ideas. This is the origin of the commodity economy.

Of course, this is only a superficial explanation, and there are many omissions. After all, Li Xin is an engineering student through and through, and humanities and social sciences are just his hobbies, and it’s okay to talk about it, but if he really wants to talk about it in detail, he can only be blind. Moreover, it is a bit troublesome to talk about these historical materialism things. Therefore, since Xiao Yu already has his own ideas, Li Xin does not intend to say more.

Xiao Yu continued: "Your Majesty's idea is right. The long-term peace and stability of the world depends on the cooperation of all ministries of the imperial court, and the Ministry of Accounting is related to the national economy and people's livelihood. Other departments can be ignorant of business, but the Ministry of Accounting is absolutely not. Your Highness Chu can rest assured. If you take the position of consultant of the household department, I will definitely support you."

As the saying goes, when you shoot a man, you shoot the horse first, and when you capture the thief, you capture the king first. Although this line of poetry is subtly inappropriate here, it is still enough to express its meaning. When Li Xin first came to the Ministry of Finance, he was worried that someone would trip him up. Now that the top officials of the Ministry of Finance appreciate him very much and express their willingness to support his work, things will go much smoother.

Li Xinxin was overjoyed, and quickly said gratefully: "Thank you, Mr. Xiao."

Xiao Yu laughed and said: "It is His Royal Highness Chu who has learned from others, and this old man is like this."

Li Xin laughed, and began to reflect silently in his heart.

He is not the only smart person in the world, and there are not a few people with feelings. It is too superficial for him to have a certain prejudice against the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty because of some things. Although Chaotang is a place full of struggles, it is also a place where people with dreams, feelings and abilities pursue their ideals. Master Xiao in front of him is an example. Although he is a pure Confucian scholar, his thoughts are not solidified, and his speech and behavior are full of grace, which makes Li Xinsheng admire.

To put it bluntly, if Li Xin hadn't stood on the shoulders of so many giants in later generations, he really wouldn't be qualified to talk about "talent and learning" in front of such a person. Bah, considering the knowledge beyond the times, if he is just a native Tang Confucian scholar, then he is probably a second idiot at the level of scolding cynics.

Perhaps it is precisely because of the Great Tang court, the subordinates of the great His Majesty Li Er, and such a group of capable and compassionate rulers like Xiao Yu, that the future prosperity of the Tang Dynasty will truly come.

Li Xin will always have respect for such people.

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