Han Donghua and Zheng Bowen, who were speechless before, had already been used as precedents. Now after Li Xin asked, no one made a sound for a long time.

Therefore, Li Xin smiled, and said to himself: "I don't know what you adults think, anyway, in my opinion, the existence of merchants may not necessarily harm the interests of the common people."

Li Shimin sat on the throne silently, looking at Li Xin motionlessly. As the controller of the Tang Dynasty, he naturally has some views on the group of merchants, but these views may not be correct. He wanted to hear what Li Xin had to say.

Li Xin once said that he learned a lot in Dreamland. Maybe, what he is going to say now is the immortal's point of view?

However, Li Shimin also clearly remembered. Li Xin also said at the time that he himself did not listen carefully to the lectures of the immortals, so although there were many things he knew, they were all just superficial. Thinking of this, Li Shimin gritted his teeth with hatred for no reason.

Tell me about you, after finally going to the fairyland, what you learned was the knowledge of a fairy, what a rare opportunity this is? To put it bluntly, even if it is just a few words of a fairy, it is a treasure worth studying tirelessly by countless masters in the world! But Li Xin was fine, he entered Baoshan and returned empty-handed, like a monkey who lost watermelon and picked up sesame seeds, why don't you think this is annoying? It's so pissing off, isn't it!

But it's useless to be angry, Li Xin probably won't have the chance to enter that fairyland again in his lifetime, so the superficial things he remembers, no matter how superficial they are, are worthy of the emperor Li Shimin's serious listening. This is awe and respect for truth.

If Li Xin could know what Li Shimin was thinking at the moment, he might have a deeper understanding of why this man could become an emperor through the ages.

Li Dao: "Let me give you an example."

"Suppose that Mr. Zheng is no longer Mr. Zheng, the servant of the Ministry of Rites, but just an ordinary woodcutter." Li Xin pointed to Zheng Bowen and said, "He works hard every day to go up the mountain to cut firewood, but he can only earn a penny or two. The money is just enough to eat, and life is very hard."

Zheng Bowen snorted, but did not speak. He wanted to protest Li Xin's use of himself as an example, but he was afraid that Li Xin would be ridiculed if he opened his mouth, so he just expressed his dissatisfaction slightly like this.

"As for Mr. Han, he is still Mr. Han, with a good family background and no worries about food and drink. It's just that he is a little dissatisfied." Li Xin said after a little convincing, "The table at home is uncomfortable to use. After studying for a long time, I always feel neck pain. .what should I do?"

The vast majority of people reacted now and smiled slightly—their yamen had a complete set of furniture changed not long ago, and everyone benefited from it, so after Li Xin mentioned this, everyone remembered After picking up a useful desk and chair, he couldn't help but nodded. In fact, after they experienced the new-style furniture in their own yamen, everyone went home and asked around where they could buy new-style furniture. This is also the biggest reason why IKEA made a lot of money in the furniture boom that followed.

At this time, Li Xin pointed to himself and said: "You are not talented, just came up with a way to make very useful new furniture. So, I cooperated with the wood merchant and bought wood from him, and I will process it into furniture, and sell it to people who need furniture like Mr. Han.”

Li Shimin nodded slightly.

"So now, I'm a so-called businessman. I make money from Mr. Han. Right?" Li Xin asked.

No objection was raised.

"And my suppliers, that is, timber merchants, they make money from me, right?" Li Xin asked again.

It was still silent.

Li Xin smiled and said, "Then I have to ask, where does the lumber merchant get his lumber from?"

"Of course they come from the mountains." Someone replied.

Li Xin didn't ask who answered this question, but nodded and said, "That's right. All the adults have ignored this point all the time. The wood comes from the mountains, and the workers cut it down and It was transported to Chang'an by water or land. In this process, the timber merchant needed a lot of manpower, so he posted a notice to recruit workers. Then, many woodcutters like Mr. Zheng saw this notice. They chose to become loggers. work, earning the wages of three to five Wen a day from the timber merchants."

"May I ask, in this process, whose life has become worse? Whose life has not become better?"

Is it a buyer like Master Han? Obviously not. They lost some money, but they got the more comfortable experience they wanted. Not to mention Li Xin and the timber merchants in the middle, all of them earn a lot of money. And what about the ultimate lumberjacks? Their lives have been turned upside down. Their income has more than doubled. How could their lives get worse?

In order to be able to explain clearly, Li Xin simplified some links in this business process. In fact, there are more people who can benefit from the furniture industry than he mentioned.

The people in the main hall were thinking hard, but they really couldn't think of anyone who was suspected of being victimized in this whole link.

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