Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 206 Chen Youlan's inner drama

Even in later generations, there are still many people who hold the lingering poison of feudal thinking and treat infertile women in every possible way, even harshly and abusing them, not to mention that the current Tang Dynasty is an original feudal society. The succession of the family line is the top priority of every clan. Under such circumstances, the idea of ​​treating women as reproductive machines was naturally the mainstream thought among the mainstream thoughts in the Tang Dynasty. Everyone takes it for granted.

In such an era background, it is not easy for Chen Youlan to say for Zhao Ke that she cares about the woman's own feelings, but it is even more commendable for Li Xin to express respect for the woman herself without thinking.

For a while, neither Zhao Ke nor Chen Youlan spoke.

Zhao Ke is a witness to these things. Her pain is beyond anyone's imagination. However, these inner pains that no one could resolve were all turned into worthless dust flying in the wind during the short tea time when Li Xin sat down.

What? Can't have a baby? Who said that's your problem? Maybe it's your husband's problem?

If it is connected with the fact that the concubine married by Queen Wang Yi is always unable to conceive a child, it seems that this is not impossible, and the explanation is more smooth and reasonable. You can't marry two women in a row because they are in poor health and can't have children, right?

Taking a step back, even if it was really because of Zhao Ke's relationship that she couldn't have a baby, it wasn't her fault. Why force her to bear it?

Once again, she gained understanding and respect from Li Xin, and a sense of strength as a human being emerged deep in her heart. She clearly felt that she existed as an outstanding woman in Li Xin's eyes. This is an experience she cannot refuse, even far beyond the so-called love.

And Chen Youlan didn't speak because she felt a little guilty. After hearing Li Xin say such words, she immediately recalled the scenes after she met him.

Among the dilapidated houses in Lantian County, Li Xin smiled brilliantly, saying that he wanted to let these lovely people live a good life, let them have enough food, wear warm clothes, and live in a good house. As a prince, he can eat with these villagers without hesitation, and he can also squat at the base of the wall with noodles in his hands and eat without any image, without the slightest awareness of being a nobleman. When he looked at the lively children in the village, the joy from the heart on his face was obviously not something that could be staged by just pretending.

How could such Li Xin be the kind of person who regards women as reproductive machines? How could it be possible to despise a woman just because she is infertile?

Chen Youlan couldn't help but feel guilty for her bad association just now. But she immediately realized: Is my body okay? How could it be impossible to have a child? Worrying about this kind of thing is a bit too worrying, isn't it?

Just as this thought flashed across her mind, she couldn't help but whispered to herself in her heart: "But... this kind of thing can't be said well, right? Just in case, alas! At worst, just find him a concubine and forget it "Thinking of this, her eyes turned to Xiaoling who had been listening invisible behind her. But Xiaoling didn't notice this thoughtful gaze at all.

According to the rules, when Chen Youlan gets married, Xiaoling will also marry to the Chu Palace, the so-called house girl, sooner or later she will take advantage of the thief Li Xin. Chen Youlan and Xiaoling grew up together, it would not be so unacceptable to serve her husband together.

Of course, Li Xin didn't know what strange, messy and far-fetched thoughts were spinning in Chen Youlan's little head at the moment. Otherwise, he would definitely ask her sternly: "How many more can I marry? Can you tell me?"

Of course, this is all a joke. Li Xin is not a stallion. Coming from a later generation, he couldn't distort his three views to cater to the people of Tang Dynasty, so he couldn't treat women as a tool to vent his desire like most men of Tang Dynasty. Under this premise, let him find a few women to go home to raise without any emotion, just for the crap of passing on the family, what is the difference from raising a group of walking wombs? If he had to accept this kind of experience as if his soul was being raped, it would be better for him to wipe his neck and die.

He looked at the two silent women beside him with some embarrassment, and didn't know how to proceed with the conversation for a while—what is this called? Inexplicably asked me to sit down and talk, but after saying a few words, you were all embarrassed, so what should I do?

When Li Xin was sitting on pins and needles, he finally had an idea and thought of a good idea.

He was going to see something in the backyard. Although this thing has not yet been formed, it can only be regarded as a "semi-finished product", but if you can let the girls Chen Youlan, Zhao Ke, and Xiaoling take a look, it can change the topic, divert their attention, and say It may be helpful to Zhao Ke's condition, and the other side can listen to some of their opinions so as to improve better.

The more Li Xin thought about it, the more reliable he felt, and he finally said, "That man has nothing to do sitting here, and I just made something novel recently, do you want to go and have a look together?"

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