Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 200 Reasonable, but Not Forgivable

As the saying goes, people don't kill themselves. At the juncture of life and death, abandoning any principle and persistence is understandable and should not be condemned. After all, it is impossible for everyone to have such a high awareness and be ready to sacrifice their lives for what they insist on at any time. Otherwise, what can be used as a boundary between greatness and ordinaryness? To measure all people by the standard of greatness is to conclude that the world is full of villains and that life is not worth living. Only by realizing that there is a wide road called "ordinary" between greatness and insignificance can we reach reconciliation with this world.

As a Chinese, Li Xin's feelings about these things are too deep.

In the humiliating history of Huaxia in the later generations, there have been so many epic characters. And the reason why they were able to achieve greatness and get the respect of so many Chinese people is precisely because of their persistence in their beliefs. This kind of perseverance is unimaginable and even more difficult for ordinary people to achieve.

Just imagine, facing the enemy's butcher's knife and inhuman punishment, who can have the confidence to say that he will never betray the country and the people? If so, then Li Xin can only say that this person is really naive. People who have never tasted the pain of a knife cutting through their flesh, how can they judge that they can stick to their beliefs and bottom line? If this conclusion is reliable, it would not be surprising for a sow to climb a tree.

Therefore, the forced betrayal is actually an ordinary and reasonable choice. However, that by no means means it deserves to be forgiven.

For example, assuming that a person once took refuge in the enemy, and now he has turned his back on the dark side and returned to our camp, then as the leader, even if you did not blame him, you even accepted him and let him return to his original position. Position. However, in this case, is it possible for you to trust him as unreservedly as before? Is it still possible to continue to entrust him with important tasks?

If your answer is yes, then there may be two conclusions: either you are a top leader with extraordinary bearing and superhuman talent, or you are a brainless brainless person who will sooner or later lead your team to The abyss of collapse. And if your answer is no, then you don't have to worry about it. Because it just shows that you and your subordinates are just ordinary people.

Trust is a fragile thing. Although "betrayal as a last resort" is a reasonable choice on a personal scale, no matter how reasonable it is, betrayal is betrayal, and its damage to trust will not be reduced because of its rationality. So how long will it take for the damaged trust to heal? Perhaps only God knows this question.

Zhao Ke has a deep understanding of people's hearts. She may not be able to explain these great truths, but she must understand them in her heart. Therefore, even though she knew that Li Xin might not have the secret recipe for soy sauce and Erguotou, she still gritted her teeth and refused to reveal a word. She knew that once she spoke, she would never be Li Xin's real deputy again. Her life will stop at this night, and she will not move forward even a small step.

Li Xin fully understood what Zhao Ke was talking about.

In fact, the moment he saw Zhao Ke's miserable appearance, he only felt a little distressed for Zhao Ke at first, and felt sorry for her that she had to bear so much just for the sake of soy sauce and Erguotou. Guaranteed to endure the torture. That's why he told Zhao Ke seriously that she didn't have to bear these things, as long as she gave them what they wanted. It wasn't until Zhao Ke personally said the reason why she chose to endure these things and didn't reveal the secret, that Li Xin suddenly understood and thought of more things.

Although he really didn't want to admit it, Li Xin really couldn't say frankly such nonsense as "You are wrong, even if you told them the secret recipe today, I will still trust you 100% in the future". This made him feel a little bit more guilty, as if a considerable part of the shocking scars on Zhao Ke's body came from him indirectly.

Is this the pain that must be experienced to grow into a qualified superior?

Li Xin thought to himself with some self-deprecation.

"You've done a good job, you've always been very good." Li Xin reached out to help Zhao Ke remove the broken hair that blocked her view, then stood up and looked at Zhao Ke from a high position. He took off the lavender robe he was wearing, put it on Zhao Ke casually, and said to Chen Hu expressionlessly: "Break the legs of those two trashes and throw them out." In fact, he Originally, I wanted to chop off the heads of those two guys, but the taste of the words changed.

After all, they were just two idlers, and as accomplices, they really deserved to die. Li Xin said to himself like this.

When Chen Hu heard this, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes, but he finally bowed his head and agreed.

"I will give you an account of today's matter. This is my promise." Li Xin finally dropped this sentence and strode out of the stinky hut.

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