Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 189 The Calm Zhao Ke

When Zhao Ke woke up, he felt dizzy. She tried to relieve the feeling by pressing her hands, but she immediately found that it was impossible because her hands were bound tightly.

She tried to struggle a few times before giving up this pointless attempt. Then, she raised her head slightly, looked around, and found that she was in an abandoned warehouse, surrounded by dirty straw and various tools, as well as some broken wooden barrels and wooden boxes.

Zhao Ke didn't understand the situation at all. There was an obvious gap in her memory, and before this gap, she clearly remembered that she was sitting in the carriage to the palace as usual.

She thought hard, and finally found the beginning of this blank space in a corner of her messy memory:

The coachman said to her: "The palace is here." Without thinking much, she opened the curtain of the carriage and walked out. Unexpectedly, just as she poked her head out, something hit the back of her head hard, and she immediately passed out.

Before falling into complete darkness, Zhao Ke didn't even have time to see exactly where she was and what the driver's expression was when he swung the wooden stick and slammed her on the head.

However, one thing is certain. At that time, the coachman definitely did not drive the carriage safely to the outside of Chu Palace as usual.

After all, Zhao Ke is a smart woman. When she was completely awake, she almost understood her situation - she was a family member of a prisoner who was almost filled into the Jiaofang Division, how could anyone treat her like this? Obviously, no matter who tied her to this place, the other party's goal must not be her, but the first floor behind her.

The development of Changyilou has been too rapid during this period of time, which has greatly reduced the living space of other restaurants. Except for Yixiaolou, which can make a little profit from the word-of-mouth accumulated in the past, the other restaurants are struggling to operate. Of course, the owners behind them will not be able to sit still.

It's not that Zhao Ke didn't expect this kind of incident to happen, but he just kept procrastinating with a fluke mentality, and didn't take timely measures to prevent it. After all, who would have thought that such a thing would happen so suddenly?

As the saying goes, if you guard against day and night, it is difficult to guard against house thieves. Zhao Ke really didn't expect that his coachman would be bribed without anyone noticing.

All in all, she is a weak woman trapped in such a place, and she is absolutely unable to escape by herself. For now, the only thing we can do is wait and see.

Thinking of this, Zhao Ke simply closed his eyes and fell asleep to recover some energy. Before leaving for the palace, she was busy sorting out the accounts, and didn't eat anything. In addition, she had been in a coma for an unknown amount of time, and her stomach was already empty. In order to prevent things from changing in the future, she must conserve her strength.

I don't know why, but Zhao Ke's heart is calm even though he is in an unknown and dangerous place. Although there are some elements of fear, he can still remain calm and calm on the whole, as if there is some kind of power Support her heart.

Zhao Ke, who had nothing to do in a short period of time, thought about this question seriously, and finally came up with a strange answer: because she believed that Li Xin would not let her go, and would definitely find a way to save her.

In her previous life, Zhao Ke had never trusted someone so firmly, even her husband, or even her parents.

Not to mention the husband, he was just a stranger living together because of a marriage contract. Zhao Ke never had much affection for that man. And her parents almost never set their sights on her, but always paid attention to her two incompetent younger brothers. In her heart, she always felt that even if she died suddenly, her parents would not shed a single tear.

But why do you trust Li Xin so much?

Zhao Ke asked himself again.

Obviously Li Xin threatened her with his life so horribly, and he didn't even give her much warmth. Why is this man so special in her memory?

Although Li Xin was willing to let go and trust her, it was only because he was lazy—at the beginning, Zhao Ke was really happy that she could get Li Xin's trust, but as time passed, she discovered the truth the truth.

Yes, Li Xin left everything to her just because he was lazy.

However, even so, Zhao Ke was still not angry about it, it was just a little funny. This was the first time she met a prince who dared to admit that he was lazy. This kind of unique style of painting was probably only found in Li Xin in the entire Tang Dynasty.

A prince without the slightest airs.

The reason why Zhao Ke has to go to the palace to report every two days is not just because of work needs. It must be admitted that a considerable part of the reason is because Zhao Ke likes to talk to Li Xin.

This kind of liking has nothing to do with the relationship between men and women, it is purely because the matter of talking to Li Xin is full of a special attraction.

Thinking of this, Zhao Ke suddenly understood the source of this attraction: every time she talked with Li Xin, she could clearly feel that she was a real person like Li Xin.

Let me ask, with such respect for the value of people as human beings, how could such Li Xin ignore the missing subordinates?

He will definitely find a way to save people.

Zhao Ke has no doubts about this.

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