Changyilou, as a newly opened restaurant, has become prosperous and impressive in a short period of time, almost overpowering Yixiaolou, which has always been recognized as the number one restaurant in Chang'an. This of course attracted countless jealous eyes.

Therefore, when no suitable pork could be found anywhere in Chang'an, many restaurant shopkeepers secretly breathed a sigh of relief—without the signature dishes, you finally came down to the first floor to stand on the same starting line as us, right?

However, Li Xin shook his head, and calmly told these people with his actions: the answer to this question is no.

Some time ago, because Erguotou has been sold in limited quantities by Li Xin, its influence has long been overwhelmed by the equally amazing pork dishes.

Now, with a wave of his hand, Li Xin lifted Erguotou's purchase restriction order, and by the way, he also gave Erguotou a 20% discount for three consecutive days, which perfectly fulfilled Zhao Ke's promise to the customers in the restaurant at that time.

All of a sudden, Erguotou's sales surged, rapidly depleting the inventory left by the Lantian County winery during this period. Fortunately, the output of the winery has always been very satisfactory, so there is no worry about being out of stock in this regard.

The shopkeepers of the restaurant who thought they could take a breath were all dumbfounded: "What? Didn't you say that there is a problem with the production of this wine? How could it be solved at this time by such a coincidence?"

Even more suffocating is yet to come.

For a long time, Li Xin has always made a fuss about pork dishes, and didn't make too many tricks on other dishes such as chicken, duck, fish and sheep. This kind of psychology is a bit like those chip manufacturers nicknamed "toothpaste factories" in later generations-why rush to release all the good things at once? Just like squeezing toothpaste, squeeze a little at a time to maintain long-term attractiveness and competitiveness.

Now that there is no more pork, it is naturally time for Li Xin to "squeeze out" something new.

As a result, classic delicacies such as soy sauce chicken, braised fish, and boiled chicken came out one by one. Needless to say, soy sauce chicken and braised fish, this kind of dishes that people in Tang Dynasty have never seen before, the taste is novel and subtle, which is very in line with people's taste and aesthetics, and of course it attracted a lot of applause. The white chopped chicken is also well received by customers through the unique dipping sauce prepared by Li Xinxin soy sauce.

Due to the people's love for this dish, Zhao Ke even opened a special window selling boiled chicken in the corner of the first floor of Changchang. Customers can sit down in the store and eat with peace of mind, or take advantage of the When passing by, come in and buy one to take home, and share it comfortably with your family.

With these various new dishes, Changyilou’s reputation not only did not decline during the period of pork shortage, but also rose somewhat. When everyone talks about Changyilou, their tone always reveals a bit of anticipation inadvertently. : "Has there been any new dishes on the first floor recently?"

It can be said that from the present point of view, the first floor of Chang'an has properly become the vane of Chang'an cuisine. No matter what new dishes it has, other restaurants will imitate them as much as possible. Even Yixiao Restaurant has to let go of the so-called "No. 1 Restaurant in Chang'an" to follow suit.

However, everyone knows the famous saying: The first to do it is a genius, the second to do it is a mediocrity, and the third to do it is a fool.

This kind of behavior of following the trend is often disliked by the diners. Even if the food is quite delicious, it can’t be sold at any price. What's more, it is difficult for most restaurants to imitate the taste of these dishes on the first floor, even if they are six or seven points, such an approach will naturally not have the desired effect.

The major restaurants here regard the Changyilou as a thorn in their flesh, thinking day and night to bring down the Changyilou, but Li Xin over there doesn't take them to heart at all.

In Li Xin's view, with so many Chinese delicacies from later generations in his mind, fighting with these Datang restaurants is simply a blow to reduce dimensionality. How can there be any reason to lose? Might as well bother thinking about the next step in pork promotion.

So, under his deliberate operation, the mysteries of raising pork and killing pigs and bloodletting to remove the smell of pork gradually appeared on the streets of the market. And the saying that all the pork used in Changyilou comes from Lantian County outside Chang'an City also unknowingly surfaced.

When the major restaurants heard the news, they were like a group of hungry wolves who smelled meat. They sent people to Lantian County to check the situation. Even some big families sent people to Lantian County to buy pork to try.

Sitting in the palace of the Prince of Chu, Li Xin nodded in satisfaction when he heard the news that Zhao Ke reported.

According to the news he got, after he spread the secret of pork, villagers in several counties around Chang'an also began to try to raise pigs in this way. But because pigs take time to grow, only Lantian County, where almost all the people raise pigs, can supply a large amount of pork to Chang'an City in a short period of time. They were the first to hear, so they were the first to start the pork sacrament, and thus reaped a big first-mover bonus.

This is exactly what Li Xin wanted.

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