Li Xin dared to swear to God, he had no idea that his behavior had caused such a huge trouble to his future father-in-law. If he could have anticipated such a consequence earlier, then he would definitely not have acted any differently from what he is doing now.

In fact, when Chen Yin was upset by these unnecessary rumors, Li Xin happily took Chen Youlan to Lantian County. At this moment, the two were squatting in front of a big dirty jar, you looked at me, I looked at you, neither of them spoke.

"The treasures you want me to see. Are these vats?" Although Chen Youlan was dressed in men's clothes, but because she and Li Xin were the only ones in this place, she didn't need to deliberately pretend, so her expression was very vivid, full of vivid doubts.

Li Xin and Chen Youlan were in a large courtyard filled with more than a dozen large vats, and each large vat was pasted with a piece of red paper with the word "酱" written in thick ink.

"Yes." Li Xin nodded, and answered Chen Youlan's question, "There are treasures in these tanks."

As he spoke, he reached out and lifted the wooden lid covering the tank.

Chen Youlan poked her head over curiously and took a look. The dark liquid was sleeping quietly in the tank, and a strong salty scent penetrated into her nostrils. It was a little difficult for her to adapt for a while, she shrank back subconsciously, and asked strangely: "What is this? This is also called a baby?"

Li Xin didn't answer, he put his hand into the vat with a smile, dipped his index finger in a little bit of the black liquid in the vat, stretched it to his mouth and sucked it up, with a nostalgic and happy expression on his face.

He said: "Yes, this thing is called soy sauce. In the next few hundred or even thousands of years, it will be an important seasoning that we Chinese people cannot live without."

When he said this, Li Xin's expression was very vivid, as if he had indulged in some kind of inheritance.

The soy sauce brewed from soybeans, which is familiar to people in later generations, was mature in the Southern Song Dynasty. From the day it was born, it has been loved by countless Chinese people and has become an important symbol, a sign, and a memory, far beyond the scope of a condiment.

Yes, the same characters, the same history, and the same taste are all important factors in shaping China, the most special country in the world. After being reborn thousands of years ago, he could taste the most familiar taste from his previous life again. How could Li Xinxin not feel inexplicable?

"Seasoning" Chen Youlan frowned and repeated. She was curious about the taste of the black liquid in the vat, but she didn't dare dip her hand into the vat like Li Xin did. Although she knew it was impossible, she was still instinctively afraid of the dark brown liquid, as if there was something like a poisonous snake sleeping in it.

She glanced at Li Xin and asked, "Is this delicious?"

Li Xin couldn't help laughing when he saw Chen Youlan's cute, cautious, curious and eager expression.

Since the last time he came to Lantian County to make pig-killing dishes, Li Xin had barely replaced the role of soy sauce with sugar and salt, and he has been obsessed with this important seasoning.

On the one hand, it’s because he misses soy sauce very much. He always feels that braised pork without soy sauce lacks a little soul, and it doesn’t taste like that. On the other hand, it is because his restaurant has entered an important stage of preparations for opening. As the largest restaurant in the future, there must be some unique skills that other restaurants don't have, right?

In Li Xin's view, in such a gourmet deserted Tang Dynasty, the condiment of soy sauce is enough to become the decisive winner of his restaurant.

Of course, pork dishes and Erguotou are also very important features. But in the final analysis, such things as unique moves must be the more Han Xin recruits, the better. Does anyone think that he has too many unique moves? Of course, a restaurant wouldn't think it has too many unique skills.

So, Li Xin sent someone to find some people who can make sauce. Although there is no mature soy sauce in Datang, there are several kinds of crude so-called "miso sauce". The method is extremely rough, there is no fixed formula, and the taste is not fixed, so not many people eat it.

Li Xin gathered these people who knew a little about making soy sauce, and talked about the soy sauce in his memory. He has always been a person who likes to read idle books, and he has read some snippets about soy sauce brewing. He simply poured all this knowledge to these semi-professional sauce makers, hoping that they could gradually explore and discover the real soy sauce based on this knowledge.

All these soy sauce makers were so excited that their eyes filled with tears, and they vowed to risk their lives to make the soy sauce the prince wanted. Of course, this was not because of Li Xin's excellent speech skills, but because the reward he gave was too generous.

The very simple truth in the world has actually been explained by the Chinese ancestors long ago - under the reward, there must be a brave man.

Encouraged by a large reward, these soy sauce makers worked hard day and night, and finally, they successfully produced precious soy sauce! So, after Li Xin tasted the samples sent by Lantian County, he immediately pulled Chen Youlan over excitedly.

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