Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 111 The Immortal Touches My Top

"Baiyujing in the sky, 12th floor and 5th city. Immortals caress my roof, and I will live forever." Li Xin slowly read out two lines of Li Taibai's poems to support his point of view.

Empress Changsun was stunned. Although she has no talent in poetry, anyone who can read and read a few lines of poems can clearly feel the fairy spirit in these two lines of Li Xin's poems. In a trance, there is a feeling of floating among the white clouds and seeing the vague outline of the fairy palace.

Is it really a fairyland?

Empress Changsun naturally had such an idea, and immediately shook her head to drive away the idea—absurd! how can that be possible?

Li Xin said with a wry smile: "Actually, I don't know what that place is. If I have to say it, I think it should look like a fairyland. In that dream, I became another Li Xin, a completely different place." A Li Xin. He is also an orphan."

Seeing the flash of loneliness on Li Xin's face, Empress Changsun felt a little distressed.

"Although it's just a dream, it's very real in the dream. I seem to have really experienced the life of another Li Xin. I study in a school, and I have many teachers who teach me. But what I teach is not the Four Books and Five Classics, but something like The kind I just mentioned is similar to the knowledge of how to make iron blocks fly into the blue sky." Li Xin said.

Empress Changsun still didn't believe it. She said: "You mean the gods taught you spells?"

"It's not so much a spell, it's better to say it's the rules of the world's operation. To some extent, it's more like the truth of heaven and earth?" Li Xin spread his hands and said.

Indeed, if there is any truth in the world, it is definitely the sum of knowledge including a series of basic subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc. Of course, Li Xin does not dare to claim that he has completely grasped the truth of heaven and earth, but to a certain extent, it is absolutely not an exaggeration to say that he has seen through a trace of the truth of heaven and earth.

Empress Changsun couldn't help but smiled, and said: "How old are you, dare to talk about the truth of the world?"

Li Xin said with a wry smile: "Mother, if you add the twenty years of life spent in the dream, this son is already forty years old this year, a solid year of no doubt."

Empress Changsun hesitated for a second, and said, "That's just a dream, it doesn't count."

Li Xin did not answer, but continued: "Anyway, I have learned a lot in the school in the fairyland. Including the microbes I just told my mother, it was actually taught to me by the people in the fairyland. Even the last time I The double-entry bookkeeping method dedicated to His Majesty is also a common method used by people in Wonderland."

Empress Changsun asked strangely: "Do gods also need to keep accounts?"

Li Xin curled his lips and said: "According to my son's observation, the so-called gods, apart from having more knowledge than us, are actually not much different from us. They are also greedy, angry, and ugly. It’s not the same thing as the legendary gods who don’t have the seven emotions and six desires. Just imagine, if it’s not for the gods, they can also embezzle, so why do they need such complete accounts as the double-entry bookkeeping method?”

Empress Changsun scolded, "Why are you so outspoken? Are gods allowed to make unreasonable remarks?"

Li Xin shrugged; "Tell the truth."

He went on to say: "In short, my son experienced a lot in the dream, and finally woke up from the dream, changed back to the original Li Xin, and returned to the familiar Tang Dynasty. So, if the empress asks me, where did I know these things? Erchen can only say that he doesn’t know about weird things, it just happens naturally, very suddenly. If you have to ask for an answer, Nachen can only say that it was probably enlightened by a fairy in a dream. .”

Empress Changsun stared into Li Xin's eyes. Li Xin also stared at her without hesitation.

To be honest, Empress Changsun didn't even believe a single punctuation mark in Li Xin's words. Well, Datang didn't actually have such a thing as punctuation marks at this time, but it didn't matter. All in all, she just didn't believe it.

But at the same time, what she had to admit was that Li Xin's eloquent description did indeed reveal a strong sense of reality. If it was combined with Li Xin's performance during this period of time, people could not understand what he said. Find any point that can be refuted.

Seeing that Empress Changsun was silent, Li Xin uttered the last sentence he had expected, which was also the most convincing final blow: "My lady, I promise that all the things I know, except me It is impossible for another person in Datang to know, how can there be someone else in this world who can teach me this?"

Empress Changsun shook her head slowly, and said: "It's not that I don't believe you, it's because your words are too unbelievable. I'm afraid it's hard for any normal person to believe it?"

Li Xin said with a wry smile, "I understand."

Empress Changsun paused for a while, then said as if she was talking to herself: "However, apart from the possibility you mentioned, I can't think of any other reasonable explanations, that's all, I will be truthful about what happened today." Convey it to His Majesty, and it will be up to His Majesty to decide."

She looked at Li Dao: "I and Your Majesty are also afraid that you will be used by someone with a heart. If this person does not exist, no matter what you become or how many things you will become, you are a good boy of this Palace, and Your Majesty must be the same want."

Li Xin bowed down and said sincerely: "I will always remember how Your Majesty and Your Majesty treated me."

Empress Changsun smiled and turned to the chicken soup in front of her again, and said with a smile: "If you have nothing to do, come and see me, and you will have a conscience."

Li Xin could only scratch his head and giggle.

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