Burning Moscow

Chapter 381: trial

Hearing Turchinov's order, two soldiers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs grabbed one of my arms and dragged me away. I turned my head and glanced at Boroda, hoping that he could come out and say a few words. After all, he had served as an adjutant to General Meretskov in the front army headquarters. If he tells Turchinov, he must first consult May. Only after Commander Letzkov can I decide whether to let Secret Service take me away. If he said that, it is estimated that there is still room for improvement, but at this moment he is standing aside nervously, his body trembling like chaff. When Turchinov passed by him, he stopped to look at him, and saw him with a terrified expression. He snorted contemptuously, waved his hands and quickly caught up to us.

I was squeezed into the back seat of a jeep by two fighters, and then the two fighters also got on the car and sat on my left and right. Turchinov sat in the position of the co-pilot, turned his head and glanced at me, then told the driver: "Drive, go back to the front headquarters."

After the car started, I looked out the window, and there were quite a few commanders standing in the distance, pointing at the car I was sitting in. Although I have not been a teacher for a long time, I am confident that I have cultivated some contacts in such a short period of time, so I wishfully thought that as long as the car is driven forward, there will be officers and fighters who have received the news, spontaneously Standing in a neat line on the side of the road to see me off. Unexpectedly, the cars were about to leave the village, and no formed troops appeared. Even the commanders who were standing on the side of the road watching the excitement, when they saw our car approaching them, they hurriedly hid in the distance.

See this scene. I couldn't help sighing, knowing in my heart that the officers and men were shocked by the purge in previous years. To them. The soldiers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are as terrifying as the gods of death. Not to mention ordinary commanders, even Marshal Tukhachevsky, such a well-known big man, didn't mean to kill or kill. It's no wonder that Boroda shivered with fear when he saw me being taken away.

Just when I was discouraged, I inadvertently raised my head and saw two familiar figures in the rearview mirror. I quickly twisted my body. Lie on the car window and look back. I saw Vaskov wearing a hospital gown, supported by Ulanova, and ran behind the car with one foot and one foot shallow.

Because the speed of the car was too fast, and Vaskov was injured again, after running for a while, the two stopped. After standing still, the two raised their hands and saluted a standard military salute in my direction. Seeing this scene, my nose was sore. Tears couldn't help but slid down his cheeks. I was afraid that the soldier next to him saw the joke and turned around again after raising his hand to wipe away the tears.

When there were five or six kilometers away from the station of the front army headquarters, the jeep stopped by the side of the road. The soldier on my right opened the car door and got out. After getting out of the car, he quickly turned around, bent down and shouted at me in a low voice, "Get out of the car. Hurry up." At the same time, he reached in and grabbed my arm and pulled out. Because I was tied back, I couldn't stand up on the seat, and the speed of getting up was a little slow. The soldier sitting on the left became impatient and gave me a hard push on my back. I turned my head and gave him a fierce look. Only by the strength of the soldier outside the car got out of the jeep.

Turchinov looked at what happened with expression on his face, and waited until we all got out of the car. He opened the car door unhurriedly and walked out. He looked around, and said to the two soldiers: "Take her to the interrogation room." After saying that, he walked forward with his hands behind his back.

I looked around and found that there was a row of newly built wooden houses in the forest by the roadside. This row of houses had quite a few rooms. Soldiers with rifles were standing guard at each door. From such a tightly guarded situation Look, this is where the Secret Service detained the prisoners they captured.

I was being escorted by two soldiers when I was about to go, when suddenly there was the sound of a car's motor on the road. I turned my head and looked, and saw a truck with a canopy coming from the direction of the front army headquarters. Driven to a place not far from the jeep and stopped, then the tarp at the rear of the car was lifted and two soldiers armed with guns jumped out. After they got out of the car, they lowered the baffle, and then shouted into the inside: "We have arrived at the place, all get out of the car."

With their shouts, a dozen lieutenant-level commanders jumped out of the car one after another. Like me, they were all tied with their hands behind their backs. Because they were not too far apart, I took a closer look. They were all new faces, and I didn't know any of them. They should be the commander of the 2nd Assault Group that Secret Service grabbed from other divisions.

After the commanders got off the car, two soldiers with guns jumped out of the car. At first glance, they knew that they belonged to Secret Services. Like the first fighters who got out of the car, they were all responsible for looking after the arrested commanders. At this time, a second lieutenant opened the door of the car from the co-pilot and walked over and shouted at the four soldiers: "Hey, I said, you guys, don't dare, hurry over and lock them up."

After the four soldiers got the order, they immediately drove the commanders to the wooden house with guns. A captain may have been injured. He limped while walking. He walked slowly. A soldier rushed over and pushed him hard behind him. He yelled unceremoniously, "Go faster," Don't dawdle."

The captain was annoyed by this slap. He stopped and yelled at the soldier furiously: "Comrade soldier, I warn you not to push me anymore. I am the commander of the Red Army, not a traitor. Me and the Germans. You have no right to treat me like this after you have fought and been wounded in the battle."

Regarding the captain's scolding, the soldier raised the **** of the rifle and slammed it down, staggering the captain. Not reconciled, he rushed up again, hitting the captain's head with a few ruthless butts, and directly smashed the captain to the ground. Just as he was about to continue smashing down, the second lieutenant came over to stop him: "Okay, don't kill him." Then he called another soldier to come over, and the soldier who smashed the man, covered his face. It was the **** captain who walked towards the cabin.

Maybe I was so ecstatic that the soldiers who escorted me yelled a few times, but I didn't even hear it. It wasn't until the soldiers who pushed me in the car just pushed me on my back again that I knew it was time to follow them to the interrogation room. Regarding the soldier's rude behavior to me, I did not dare to care about him this time. I'm afraid that the captain will end up in the same way.

Two soldiers led me to the southernmost door of the wooden house and pushed my soldier. First, I went up and said hello to the two guards standing guard at the door, and then stood in front of the closed door and shouted: "Comrade Lieutenant, we have brought people here, can we go in?"

As soon as his voice fell, Turchinov's voice came from the room: "Bring her in."

The soldier agreed, pushed open the door gently, and leaned over to the soldier behind me and said, "Bring her in."

The room is small, with a square table in the middle. Turchinov was sitting behind the table. There is a small rectangular wooden table not far behind him. On the side of the table sits the famous sergeant. In front of him is placed a thick book and a pen in his hand. I guess he should be a recorder, specializing in Responsible for recording interrogation records.

Since there was no place to sit, I had to stand at the table. The two soldiers did not leave the room, but stood behind me.

Turchinov looked up at me and slowly said, "Major Oshanina, we brought you here today. We have a lot of questions for you."

I know that on the territory of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, there is no reason for it. During the defense of Moscow. After Bezikov and I were arrested at the Cheka headquarters in Lubyanka, if Stalin's phone call hadn't come in time, it is estimated that we had both become dead under the gun. So I nodded and answered steadily, "Lieutenant Turchinov, please. As long as I know it. I will know that there is no limit to words."

Turchinov turned his head and said to the sergeant sitting behind: "Sergeant Yaronsky, ready to start recording."

Yaronsky nodded quickly. Indicates that everything is ready.

Turchinov turned to me and asked: "Major Oshanina, first of all I will tell you an important thing: According to the German intelligence intercepted by our Ministry of Internal Affairs, the former commander of the 2nd Assault Army, Fraso The husband, the day before yesterday, had defected to the enemy on July 12 and embarked on the evil road of betraying the motherland and became a shameful traitor. Why did Vlasov betray? There is only one answer, he is an unprincipled traitor. A contender for fame and profit. His performance before this was completely a disguise to cover up his indifference towards the motherland. His participation in d was only as an upward ladder. His performance on the battlefield, such as In 1941, in Kiev and under Moscow, he tried his best to express himself and show his professional talents in order to achieve his goals."

"I received an order from my superiors. In order to purify the team and ensure the victory of the Volkhov Front Army in the new battle that is about to be launched, I must eliminate the Vlasov elements lurking in the Front Army as soon as possible...."

"Comrade Lieutenant," I heard this and couldn't help but interrupted him, reminding him kindly: "Vlasov's rebellion to turn to the enemy is just his personal behavior. It has nothing to do with the commanders of the 2nd Assault Army. Relationship. Yes, as a commander of the 2nd Assault Army in the past, I don’t deny that there may be an unstable Vlasov in the team. What you should do is to command the original 2nd Assault Army. The members carefully screened, instead of grabbing them all indiscriminately like now...."

Before I could finish, Turchinov slammed the table, stood up and shouted at me loudly: "Enough, we don't need you to teach me how to do things in the Ministry of Internal Affairs!" After he finished venting, he He sat down again and asked calmly: "Major Oshanina, let me ask you, what is your relationship with Vlasov?"

To his first question, I answered truthfully: "It's just an ordinary relationship between superiors and superiors."

After hearing my answer, he sneered and said: "Ordinary superior-subordinate relationship?! Would you be easily fooled by you when I was a three-year-old child? After our investigation, you were the first in General Fejuninsky's As the combat staff of the 54th Army, Vlasov sent you to the 2nd Assault Army after specially applying to his superiors. Let me remind you that you should not take any chances and try to get through. You have to know, no matter what. Anyone who arrives at the site of our Ministry of Internal Affairs and accepts our interrogation will honestly explain their problems."

Hearing what he said, I couldn't help but think of a paragraph circulating on the Internet, saying that archaeologists in the former Soviet Union found a mummy and it took a long time to figure out the age of the mummy. They heard that the KGB headquarters can solve all the problems, so they asked several KGB staff to help. Several KGB staff members were busy all morning, and then came out in sweat. Excitedly told the archaeologist: "I checked it out, 3147 years old." The archaeologist asked in shock: "How did you know?" The KGB pointed to the mummy and said, "It's easy. He recruited!"

At this time, Cheka, the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were the predecessors of the KGB. They fell into their hands, let alone ordinary people. Even the mummies had to be beaten. This shows how terrible they are. Thinking of this, I can’t help but beat There was a cold war.

It's such a tiny movement. It was noticed by Turchinov, and he asked vigilantly: "Major Oshanina, why are you trembling? Is it because I saw your lie and felt terrified?"

I took a deep breath, stabilized my emotions, and replied clearly: "Comrade Lieutenant, if you want to know why Vlasov personally transferred me to the 2nd Assault Army. I think I can. Tell you."

Hearing that I was about to confess, Turchinov excitedly shouted at the sergeant behind: "Yaronsky, prepare to record!" After shouting, he said to me triumphantly: "Go ahead, Major. You see, if you were as refreshing as you are now. Tell everything, everyone would save a lot of trouble. Speak, I’ll listen."

I thought about it, sorted out my thoughts, and then said unhurriedly: "After the defense of Moscow began. I first worked in the Western Front where General Zhukov was commander. Later, I was sent to General Lelyushenko. General Rokosovsky’s 16th Army, General Panfilov’s 316th Infantry Division, later the Eighth Guards Infantry Division. In the Panfilov Division, I used to lead A unit of the division participated in the Red Square parade. On the way back from the parade, I met Vlasov. At that time, he had just served as the commander of the newly formed 20th Army and was searching for suitable commands everywhere. Officer, go to enrich his army. Perhaps through someone’s introduction, he found me. Then we and a leader of Cheka went to meet the deputy commander of the group army who has not yet taken office...."

"Wait a minute," Turchinov interrupted me and asked, "Who is the leader of Cheka you are talking about?"

"Comrade Klochkov."

Turchinov turned his head and told Yaronsky, "Sergeant, write it down." Then he turned his head and said to me: "Major, keep talking. Who is the deputy commander of the army that has not yet taken office?" "

"It is a Chinese comrade who came to Moscow to recuperate. The position of deputy commander of the 20th Army was appointed by Comrade Stalin himself."

Hearing my mention of Stalin, Turchinov’s mouth twitched, unexpectedly without interrupting me, and asked me what the name of the Chinese comrade was. I was able to continue speaking smoothly: "After seeing this deputy After the commander, I returned to the Panfilov division and continued to serve as the liaison officer between the front and the division. It was not until General Panfilov died in the battle that I was ordered to act for the division to be reorganized into the Guards Division. The first division post after the Eighth Division."

Hearing this, Turchinov sneered, and said in a mocking tone: "You acted as the commander of the 378th Division. It was a low-rank and high-ranking position. Then what was the rank when you acted as the 8th Guards Division? Is it the captain?!"

As soon as his words were spoken, the people in the room suddenly burst into laughter.

"I was the rank of lieutenant colonel at the time." I ignored their cynicism, and continued to speak in accordance with my own thinking: "Before the start of the counteroffensive, my Eighth Guards Division was assigned to Vlasov's 20th Division. Army. Because of Comrade Stalin’s appreciation, I was promoted to the rank of major general and appointed as the chief of staff of the 20th Army."

The sneer on Turchinov's face disappeared as soon as he said this. The sergeant and soldier who had laughed a while ago also closed their mouths obediently. Apart from the sound of me talking in the room, only a few heavy breathing could be heard. sound. I speeded up my speech so as not to be interrupted by them later: "After I became the chief of staff of the group army, I participated in the great counterattack under Moscow with Vlasov. Maybe it was then that he recognized me. Therefore, after he was transferred to the commander of the 2nd Assault Army, he would apply to Comrade Stalin to transfer me from the 54th Army of General Fejuninsky to his army. After I arrived at the 2nd Assault Army, I Instead of staying at the headquarters, I went to Colonel Anchufeev’s division and served as the infantry battalion commander. Since then, I haven’t seen Fraso in just a few months. Husband, I’ve never called, and I don’t know anything about him."

Having said that, I feel that I have said almost everything I should say. In order to avoid the situation that if you say too much you will lose, I took the initiative to stop. Turchinov saw that I stopped talking, and asked in amazement: "Why didn't you say it?"

"I have said everything. I just want to tell you one thing. Although I was Vlasov's subordinate a long time ago, I am definitely not the kind of Vlasov like you said."

After hearing what I said, Turchinov lowered his head and thought, then waved at the soldiers standing behind me and told them: "You two will take Major Oshanina down."

"Comrade Lieutenant," the soldier who pushed me stepped up and asked him in a low voice, "Where should we lock her?"

Turchinov looked at me and replied: "Keep her locked up with those who were captured by the 378th Division."

"Yes!" The soldier agreed, turning around to push me out.

"Wait a minute," Turchinov stopped him and told him, "Untie her rope."

When the rope was untied~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I rubbed my red-strangled wrist and said to Turchinov politely: "Thank you!" Then I followed the two fighters out of this room. trial room.

Two soldiers escorted me to the door of a room not far away, and said to the sentry guarding the door: "I said, we are on the order of the Secret Service Section Chief to lock this major in here, you hurry up and shut the door. turn on."

The sentry looked at us, unlocked the key from his waist, opened the lock hung on the door, pushed open the door, and said coldly to me, "Go in."

As soon as I stepped into the room, the door was taken by the sentry, and then I heard the sound of a padlock.

I stood at the door for a while, and quickly adjusted to the light in the house. I could see that there was no furniture in the house. A dozen people squatted together and squatted on the ground. Seeing someone being locked in, they all cast a concerned look.

When it was clear that it was me who was locked in, they all stood up and rushed towards me, and asked with concern: "Comrade Master, it turns out that it is you! Why are you locked up by them too? Is it?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets at the starting point. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m. to read.)

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