Burning Moscow

Chapter 1315: Escape from the Tiger's Mouth (Part 2)

Unexpectedly, after taking a look at him, Trafkin shook his head and said, “No, comrade expert, it’s not that we told the military police that our documents were stolen, but that we tried to steal a few documents and passes so that we could Go back to Lutsk smoothly."

When the expert heard Trafkin's words, he was immediately discouraged and said weakly: "In the forest, except for us, we can't even see the shadow of a ghost. Where can we steal useful documents?"

Gerritka stood up after a long rest and said to the cultural relic expert: "Don't worry, comrade expert, we are going west in the forest. If we are lucky, we can meet a village. There are usually several villagers in the village. The German soldiers are stationed and they have their documents. We can use their documents and transportation to return to Lutsk."

"Let's go, comrades." Travkin also stood up and said to the two of them: "I guess our location is at least 30 kilometers away from Lutsk. In such deep snow, we must at least It takes ten hours to get back to Lutsk."

Trafkin was an old scout. Although he didn't have a compass in his hand, he looked at the surrounding terrain and accurately led the two of them to the west.

"Where did the regular army ambush the German convoy come from?" When he was passing through the forest, Trafkin's thoughts jumped back to the army ambushing the convoy. The more he thought about it, the more confused he became. Why did you attack the German convoy here?"

After walking in the snow-filled forest for more than two hours, just as the three of them were exhausted, the sharp-eyed Gretka suddenly noticed a small wooden house in front with white smoke from the chimney. He immediately pointed to the front and said excitedly: "Major, hurry up and see, there is a house there, and the chimney is still smoking. We can just have a rest there and eat something."

Trafkin stopped and took a closer look at the lonely cabin in front of him, then frowned: "Second lieutenant, do you see the motorcycle parked at the door? I guess there must be a German in it."

Hearing Trafkin's words, Gretka observed it carefully for a moment, and then said, "Comrade Major, I will go and take a look to see what is going on." After speaking, he took off his rifle on his shoulder. With the cover of trees in his hand, he quickly approached the cabin.

A few minutes later, Greteka approached the cabin. He saw clearly that there were two motorcycles parked at the door, one with two wheels and one with three wheels. The body of the motorcycle was covered with snow. If you have bad eyesight , I really can't see clearly in the distance.

He approached the window cautiously, leaned his back against the wall, and secretly looked into the room. I saw a long table covered with a tablecloth beside the fireplace in the house. Two German soldiers in underwear and army pants were gorging on the food on the table. A man in a hat was sitting on the ground with his head in his arms, his shoulders shaking constantly. There was still a woman's crying faintly in the room. Gretka checked it carefully and found that the sound came from a room with a closed door. Needless to say, there must be a German soldier in there. There are things inferior to animals.

Seeing this, the former German Wehrmacht officer was annoyed. He was holding a gun and hurried to the door, kicked open the door, raised the gun and aimed at the soldier who was eating at the table, shouting loudly: "Raise your hand!"

The German soldiers who were eating, heard the shouts, and looked towards the door at the same time. After seeing Greteka standing at the door clearly, a bald German soldier said with a disdainful taste: "Corporal, there is nothing for you here, hurry up!"

After Greteka kicked up the door, he saw a few sets of military uniforms thrown on the wooden table beside the door. To be precise, they were the uniforms of the SS. Three submachine guns were placed on the uniforms casually. He ignored the bald head, but asked furiously: "Which part of you are you? Take out your credentials!"

Bald stood up, walked to the place where the military uniform was placed at the door, and took out his credentials from the three uniforms in turn. When he was about to hand it to Greteka, the latter suddenly yelled: "Put your ID on the table, and you return to the dining table."

After Bald returned to the dining table, Greteka held the rifle with one hand, and quickly flipped through the three people's documents with the other hand. After reading the documents clearly, he couldn't help but be overjoyed. The three German soldiers were not only from the SS, but also from the military police. Among them, the bald head and the German soldiers sitting at the dining table were all first-level SS captains (sergeants), with a higher rank than himself. No wonder the tone of voice was so arrogant. There is also a third-level commando squadron captain (second lieutenant) of the SS who has not been seen. He is probably doing bad things in a closed room.

After reading these documents, Greteka couldn't help feeling ecstatic. As long as these documents were seized, even if he walked into Lutsk swaggeringly, he would not be questioned.

He rushed to the door of the house with his rifle in his hand, kicked open the door, raised his gun and pointed at the house, shouting loudly: "Third-level commando squad captain, come out!"

As he shouted, a shirtless German soldier came out from inside. He tied his pants as he walked, and said impatiently: "I said corporal, where did you come from..."

Before he could finish his words, the man who had been sitting on the ground suddenly jumped up, picked up a low stool next to him, and hit the SS ensign who had just walked out of the house. Unexpectedly, the second lieutenant flashed aside gently, and then hid, the man's stool smashed against the wooden wall. As soon as the second lieutenant turned and raised his foot, he kicked the man who was dazzled by anger to the ground, then drew the pistol from his waist and fired two shots at the man who fell on the ground.

Greetka watched all this happen in amazement. Although he had already surrendered to the Soviet army, he could not even let him shoot at his compatriots without hesitation.

Just when he was hesitating, he heard only one shout, and the bald head swooped at him and pressed him to the ground. Although Greteka struggled desperately, his fists were hard to beat by four hands. He was quickly subdued by three SSs and disarmed.

The ensign of the SS, who had been ruined by him, came over and smashed his forehead with a gun. The blood ran down Greetka's cheeks immediately, and the second lieutenant scolded angrily: "Damn the Wehrmacht, dare to take care of our SS, I think you don't want to live anymore."

"The third-level commando team leader, let me clean him up." Bald went to the door, picked up the submachine gun from the table, drew the bolt and pointed at Gretka and said, "Go to hell, the dog of the Wehrmacht. Hybrid."

Just when Gretka closed his eyes and waited for his death, he suddenly felt a chill rushing toward his face. After a crisp gunshot, he heard the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground. He opened his eyes and saw that it was Trafkin and the cultural relics expert who rushed in from the open door in time to save himself.

After Trafkin shot his bald head, he saw a German soldier raised his pistol and aimed at him, and immediately pulled the trigger at the opponent without hesitation. The shot-shot SS Lieutenant threw his pistol, stumbled two steps towards Telfkin holding his chest, and then fell to the ground one end.

Greetka, who had escaped from the dead, no longer had the psychological obstacles he had just mentioned. He picked up the rifle that fell on the ground and aimed at the German soldier who was standing by the dining table with his hands high, and pulled the trigger without saying a word. .

After solving the German soldiers in the house, Greetka picked up the documents just now and handed them to Trafkin, and said with some excitement: "Comrade Major, these SS are all military policemen in the field. Certificates, we can enter Lutsk smoothly."

When the two were talking, a beautiful young black-haired woman wrapped in a snow-white sheet rushed out of the room. Seeing the man lying motionless on the ground, he immediately yelled and threw himself on the other party and started crying. It was so sad that the sheets wrapped around her body did not fall off.

Greetka glanced at the woman's graceful figure, and then constricted her mind and said to Trafkin: "Her husband was shot to death by the Germans to protect her."

Trafkin nodded and looked at the sad woman and said, "This is the blood debt owed by the Germans to our people. Sooner or later we will collect it back." Then he coughed, cleared his throat, and then Said to Greteka and the cultural relics expert: "Well, hurry up and change into the SS uniform, and then leave here on their motorcycle."

"Then what will she do?" Gretka looked at the woman again, and asked hesitantly: "Should you just leave her here indifferent?"

"Second Lieutenant~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Please remember that we have more important tasks to perform, and we can't take her out of here." After Trafkin finished speaking, he raised his hand and patted the grid lightly. Ritka's shoulder, whispered: "I believe she will find a way to deal with the dead bodies in the house."

The three of them put on the uniforms of the SS, put on helmets and goggles, mounted the motorcycles left outside the door, and drove in the direction of Lutsk.

Wearing the SS uniform is equivalent to having an unimpeded pass. The patrols and checkpoints encountered along the way not only failed to check their documents, but even had a supply point that offered them free lunch.

When they arrived at the guerrilla camp outside Lutsk after spending four or five hours, they unexpectedly found that the people here went to the house. Seeing this situation, Greetka couldn’t help but anxious. He said to Trafkin: “Comrade Major, if we can’t find the guerrillas and the remaining two of us, then we will not be able to contact the group army command. What can I do?"

At this moment, someone nearby suddenly said loudly in blunt but fluent German: "Don't move, raise your hands! Throw all your weapons on the ground, and squat on the ground with your hands on your head!" (to be continued. )

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