Burning Moscow

Chapter 1176: Road Encounter Air Attack (Part 1)

The joining of troops in Yakovlevo means that our counterattack has achieved results. Therefore, Akhromeyev handed over the work of marking the map based on the battle report to several of his staff officers, and then called the division head of the 51st Guards Division to find out the details of the meeting.

Akhromeyev called the division head of the 51st Guards Division and said loudly, "Hey, is this General Tavart Kiradze? I am the Chief of Operations Akhromeev. I heard you Meet up?! Where? In Lakovo, northeast of Yakovlevo?! Great, this is really great, not only all the leaders of the group army are waiting for this good news from you, even the commander of the front army, also I can’t wait to hear the good news. Please wait a moment and I will take down my notes."

While speaking, he clamped the microphone with his shoulder, picked up a red and blue pencil on the table and started to record. In order to let us all know the specific situation in time, he also repeated loudly: "Persons participating in the meeting, you have...Lieutenant Colonel Lu Jin, commander of the 309th Regiment... Major Gilgin, the battalion commander; the 375th Division has... 1243 Regiment members. Company commander, Captain Gagokayev. Okay, Comrade General, I have all written down. Finally, on behalf of the commander of the group army, I would like to express my gratitude to you. It is really because of the bravery and tenacity of the commanders and fighters in the battle that we can defeat them. The Germans successfully realized this meeting."

After putting down the phone, he yelled at us excitedly: "Comrade Commander, we have joined forces. Our counterattack units and the 51st Guards Division have joined forces."

Although both Kirilov and Danilov heard clearly what Akhromeyev said when he answered the phone, they still picked up the piece of paper he was full of words and looked at it over and over again, as if from What new content can be seen above.

I saw the two of them look like children, snatching the paper around and looking at it, and couldn't help laughing. Although the counterattack is progressing well, I dare not take it lightly. Ask Akhromeyev to help me get through to the command of General Kravchenko, and I want to know about the fighting situation there.

Hearing Kravchenko’s voice, I immediately asked: "Comrade General. How is the situation with you?"

"General Oshanina," Kravchenko said easily: "After a fierce battle. We repelled the German attack. We destroyed half of the tanks, and the rest ran away dingy."

I was very dissatisfied with the vagueness in his report, so I asked: "Comrade General, I want to know the number of German tanks you destroyed and the casualties of our army."

The opponent was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "27 tanks were destroyed and 11 were injured. Our army lost 19 T-34 tanks. With 8 anti-tank guns, Shamrich tank battalion lost again. Three new tanks."

"Comrade General," I can't help frowning when I heard that the tank army in charge of the defense had paid such casualties, and asked: "It seems that your army's casualties are not small. Do you need me to send troops to reinforce you?"

"It would be great if we could send tank troops to support us, or we could send in matching shells for the new tanks." Kravchenko babbled: "Know that in the battle just now, our new tanks The pilots can only stand on the ground and watch the battle between the enemy and our tanks. If they have enough artillery shells, just one assault. At least half of these German tanks can be wiped out."

"Tanks, I don't have any extras now, because in the next counterattack. They will be more useful." His requests are beyond my ability, so I can only say softly: " As for the artillery shells, I will contact my superiors again and ask them to urge the transport troops to transport them to you as soon as possible."

"Thank you, Comrade Oshanina." Kravchenko said politely: "Don't worry, as long as there is a commander in the Fifth Guards Army of my tank, we will definitely not let the enemy from our position. by."

I put down the phone and thought for a long time. I felt that if Kravchenko was to solve the ammunition problem, Vatutin had to be found. Because only by his presence can the transport force give us the necessary ammunition and supplies first.

After Vatutin heard my voice. Immediately smiled and asked, "Comrade Oshanina, if you call me at this time, do you have any good news to tell me?"

"Yes, Comrade General." I said with a smile: "I am calling you at this time to report to you the progress of our counterattack."

Hearing that I was going to report on the progress of the counterattack, Vatutin looked a little nervous: "What's the situation, Comrade Oshanina, hurry up and listen!"

I briefly introduced the progress of the counterattack of the troops, and finally said: "Not long ago, the 51st Guards Division, which was holding on to Yakovlevo, and the 375th Infantry Division that participated in the counterattack, successfully met and blocked the German army. The back road. The German 2nd SS Panzer Corps, currently still in Prokhorovka, will soon have to retreat to their original starting position due to exhaustion of ammunition and fuel."

"Good job!" After listening to my report, Vatutin praised me, and then asked: "Is there anything I need to help? As long as I am able to do it, you will do it for you!"

"The German troops in Prokhorovka, in order to prevent their retreat from being intercepted by our army, have twice launched two attacks against the position of General Kravchenko's tank army." In order to prevent my flanks from being attacked by the enemy, Therefore, I must find a way for Vatutin to solve the ammunition problem for Kravchenko: "In order to ensure the safety of the line of defense, can you provide them with some help."

Vatutin was silent for a while, and then replied: "Well, I will transfer a tank brigade and an anti-tank artillery regiment to the position of the Fifth Guards Tank Army as soon as possible to strengthen their defense. But because of the reserve team They are still on the way, and they may have to wait two more days."

Originally, I heard Vatutin say that he would send a tank brigade and artillery regiment, and my heart was still ecstatic, but when I heard the words behind him, my heart was cold. It is said that I have to wait two more days and arrive in a week. I have to thank God. So I had no choice but to follow my original thoughts: "Comrade Commander, since the tank brigade and artillery are not able to arrive for the time being, can I replenish General Kravchenko with the new tank shells first? Face the German tanks that rushed over. , We can’t let our soldiers rush up and hit them in a tank without shells, right?”

"The cannonball matter. You've told me many times." When I heard Vatutin mention this, I was a little impatient, and seemed to be angry at me immediately. But I obviously think too much. Because then I heard him say: "So, after dark. I arrange two convoys to deliver shells to Kravchenko’s troops. Since we have tanks with better performance than the Germans, we can’t let them be displayed. , We must let it fully play its due role."

Just when I thought Vatutin would hang up the phone, he suddenly said mysteriously: "Comrade Oshanina, I have a glorious and arduous task for you to complete. Do you have confidence?"

"Comrade General, I don't know what the task is?" These thoughtless words made me feel confused. So I asked cautiously: "Can you tell me?"

"That's it, Comrade Oshaninna." Vatutin said a little embarrassingly: "You also know that our deputy commander, General Apanashenko, is not used to staying in the headquarters and commanding troops based on maps. I like to go to the front line in person. No, he said he was going to the front line for inspection an hour ago. I couldn’t stop him. For his safety, I sent a guard platoon to go to the front line with him in a car. Inspect the fighting situation of the front-line troops. If he arrives at your headquarters, you must find ways to keep him, and don't let him run forward."

For Vatutin's mission, I am embarrassed. Suddenly, he couldn't find any words to answer him. Maybe it was my delay in speaking, which made him anxious. He raised his voice and asked, "Comrade Oshanina, have you heard what I said?"

"I heard, Comrade General." I said carefully: "If Comrade Deputy Commander of the Front Army arrives here, I will find ways to keep him, but if he has to leave, I can't help it. You know, he is me. The superior. According to the ordinance, the superior’s order must be executed unconditionally."

Heard me say that. Vatutin also said understandingly: "Comrade Oshanina, I understand your difficulties. Let's do it. If you can't keep him, you will follow him every step of the way until he returns to the front army headquarters. Do you understand? ?"

"Understood, Comrade General." Although I was reluctant in my heart, I could only honestly agree to Vatutin's order. At this moment, I didn't expect that just because of Vatutin's order, it almost killed me.

When I put down the phone, Kirilov saw me with a serious expression, and asked with concern: "Lida, what's the matter? It seems that you are in a very unhappy mood, depending on your appearance."

I nodded and said with a sad face: "Comrade General said on the phone that General Apanasenko, the deputy commander of the Front Army, ran to the front again to inspect."

"What, the deputy commander has come to the front line again?" Hearing this news, Danilov immediately jumped up from his position. He stared at me and said, "The front line is so dangerous. Senior commander, how can you run forward casually? Isn't there anyone in the front army headquarters to persuade him?"

"It's useless, Comrade Danilov." Kirilov said helplessly: "General Apanaschenko's seniority is old, and even Marshal Zhukov usually has to give them three points, not to mention that the seniority is far inferior to him. Commander Vatutin. What we can do now is to protect him as much as possible."

While we were talking, someone suddenly broke in and greeted us happily: "Comrade commanders, hello everyone, I wish you good health! How is your situation here? When I came in, I saw everyone Duxi smiled, did he win another battle?"

We stood at attention collectively and raised our hands to salute Apanashenko who had just walked in. After putting my hand down, I asked him helplessly: "Comrade Deputy Commander of the Front Army, why are you running to the front again? Don't you know that this place is too dangerous?"

Apanashchenko waved his hand at me and said disapprovingly: "Your commanders at the forefront are not afraid of danger. As your superior, how can I be greedy for life and fear of death?" Then he repeated the topic just now: " By the way, Comrade Oshanina, you haven't told me what happened here and why is everyone so happy?"

"Report to Comrade, Deputy Commander of the Front Army." I reported in accordance with the rules and regulations: "I used four infantry divisions, a tank army and a tank brigade today, plus several artillery regiments and guard rocket artillery battalions. The German forces in the Kovlev region launched a counterattack."

Hearing that the troops had launched a counterattack, Apanasenko immediately brightened his eyes and asked curiously: "How is the situation? Did you drive the enemy away from the position they occupied?"

"Yes, Comrade Deputy Commander." I replied, standing straight in front of him: "Under our powerful blow, the 19th German Tank Division was first defeated by our army, and then their infantry was suffering from our army. After the impact, he also gave up his position and retreated in the direction of Yakovlev.

Our counterattack forces are progressing smoothly. An hour ago, the troops of the 375th Infantry Division who participated in the counterattack had successfully reunited with the 51st Guards Division, which was holding on to Yakovlevo, blocking the inevitable retreat of the main German forces. Currently, the battle is still going on! "

"Where did our troops meet?" Apanashchenko looked down at the map on the table. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com waved to me and said, "Comrade Oshanina, please come here. Come. Please show me where our two heroic troops met in victory?"

I walked over, glanced at the map, and then pointed at Lakovo's location, and said: "Here, Comrade Deputy Commander of the Front Army. Our two divisions meet here."

Apanashenko looked at this place carefully, nodded, and said with satisfaction: "Yes, it is this place-Lakovo, I know this place, and I have been to this place several times." He stood up, looked at me and said, "Comrade Oshanina, since our troops are meeting here, why do we, as commanders, sit in the headquarters tens of kilometers away from them?"

Seeing my stunned look, he went on to say: "We should go to the meeting place immediately. This will help boost the morale of our army. Okay, Comrade Oshanina, don’t Frozen, let me go together!"

"But, Comrade Deputy Commander of the Front Army!" Before I could speak, I was interrupted by a wave of his hand. He said impatiently: "As a commander of the group army, don't you even have the courage to go to the front? I really misunderstood you." (To be continued.)

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