Broad World

Chapter 960 and Associations

After more than two hours of strolling, Henry finally came to the headquarters of the peace (association) with the help of an enthusiastic Caleb angel. In Sigil City, if you need to ask for directions, the celestial creatures that can be seen everywhere are definitely the best choice. They will not only point out the right way, but will also personally send a ride when necessary, but only if the person's camp Cannot be biased toward evil.

After expressing his gratitude to the kind Angel Caleb, Henry began to look at the barracks ahead from a distance.

It was a low, quadrangular building facing the armory far away in the Ladies Quarter. Its narrow four sides were actually two-story corridor-style buildings, and the open space surrounded by the center was used as a parade ground. Unlike the headquarters of other factions, although the appearance of the barracks is majestic, it does not make people feel intimidated. After all, although Harmony is domineering at certain times, it is not evil. Most of its members are lawful good and lawful neutral , Lawful and evil only accounted for a very low proportion.

Because they require members to dedicate everything to the organization, and the guys in the evil camp are selfish, it is usually difficult to do this, so the entire peace (association) camp itself tends to be neutral with a little kindness.

However, since entering the area ruled by the Peace (Association) Association, Henry suddenly found that the surrounding streets were very deserted, with almost no signs of commercial activities, and three or five pubs and hotels were also in a state of semi-closure. Armed soldiers are patrolling in strict accordance with established routes, and anyone they consider discordant will be arrested and thrown into a dungeon to await trial by the Brotherhood of Order.

According to the introduction of Angel Caleb, more than 60% of the people will be released on the spot after the trial, and most of the rest will be released after being locked up for a few days...

In fact, there are not many people on the territory of the peace association at all. Not to mention merchants, even ordinary residents are pitifully few, and it is estimated that they are all probably caught by people from the Association (Association).



There was dead silence!

This is the scene around the peace (association) headquarters, which can no longer be described as miserable. Fortunately, they have never really grasped the rights to Sigil, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Okay, this is the place I'm looking for, I hope they won't be too difficult." After muttering something to himself, Henry walked straight towards the entrance.

Just when he was about to cross the road. Suddenly a soldier in armor ran over and shouted: "Stop! Young man! You are under arrest for crossing the street!"

"Huh?!" Henry looked at the other party in astonishment, feeling like he was crossing the road on the earth, and was accidentally caught by the traffic police...

"Hah! Raise your hands! You're under arrest! Don't try to resist! This is an urban barracks!" The soldier warned, taking out a rope, apparently intending to tie him up and put him in prison.

Seeing that the other party really wanted to tie him up, Henry immediately quit, took out the pin given to him by the Wizard King and explained: "Wait! I'm here to find Salin, the president of the Harmony Society, and this is a token. "

The soldier glanced subconsciously. Immediately showed a surprised expression: "Huh?! This is the sign of a senior member! There is even a name engraved on it! Where did you get it?"

"The owner of this pin gave it to me, and asked me to come to President Salin and ask about a very important matter." Henry said patiently at that time.

Although he hated the guy in front of him who was looking for trouble. However, considering the need for others, he had no choice but to resist the urge to use "suggestion" or "violent charm".

"Okay, since you have a senior member's recommendation, let's not pursue it this time. Remember, no crossing the street! No retrograde! Obey the order! Be (harmonious)!" The soldier waved his fist frantically shouted.

Henry suppressed a smile, and nodded with a serious expression: "I understand that order and stability are the foundation of the entire multiverse, and every intelligent creature should work hard to maintain it."

"Well said! It seems that you have comprehended our core spirit. I believe the president will be very happy when he sees it. Come with me. These days are not peaceful. Many enemies have united to launch a sneak attack on us. So you have to be careful." Said the soldier turned around and led the way towards the entrance of the barracks.

Obviously, this is a loyal member of the peace (association) association, and the requirements for order have reached a harsh level.

You must know that Sigil City is not one of those developed big cities on the earth, with all kinds of vehicles, and traffic accidents will occur if you are not careful. Even horse-drawn carriages and people riding horses are rare here, and the possibility of causing traffic accidents is basically zero, so making any traffic rules is simply nitpicking. Not only is it useless, but it will also cause a lot of inconvenience to people's lives.

besides. There is no uniform standard for arresting people in the peace (association) association, and it basically depends on personal preference. Some will be a little more relaxed, others will be strict and messy.

All in all, this organization is a complete disaster. They are neither as strict as the Brotherhood of Order, nor as decisive as the Mercy Extinction Society.

Of course, Henry would never say this in front of the other party. He would only silently laugh at these extreme idealists from the bottom of his heart. Anyway, Sigil City is full of all kinds of weird theories and silly philosophical views, and there is one more of them Not much, one less of them is not less.

Perhaps it was because Lavok's pin was indeed of a very high level, or it might be because of the high efficiency brought about by absolute order. After only a few minutes, the two arrived at the door of an office in the corridor on the second floor.

Without knocking on the door, and without any nonsense, the soldier opened the door and went in to give a military salute: "Report! Your Excellency, President, there is a person with a pin of our senior member saying that he wants to see you!"

"Meet me? Let him in until I get this document approved. Also, put that senior member's pin on the desk and you can go out."

The old man with glasses and a serious face continued to work without even looking up. It seems that for him, everything must follow a certain procedure, and no matter how urgent the situation is, the order and (harmony) cannot be broken.

"A rigid, inflexible old stubborn!"

Henry made an evaluation immediately after just glancing at it. He didn't think anyone who could say "Those who follow me prosper, those who oppose me perish. Get it, idiot?" would be a kind person. Most likely an extremist.

The old man unhurriedly reviewed the documents in his hand, and it took ten minutes before he stopped, picked up the pin on the table, carefully looked at it, and his face changed slightly: "That old fellow Ravok asked you to come? "

"Yes, I'm looking for the coordinates of a special universe. Your Excellency the Wizard King thinks that you may have some clues here." Henry bowed slightly and directly explained the purpose of his visit.

He could clearly perceive the terrifying power bred in the opponent's body, a terrifying energy that symbolized neutral order. Once it erupts, it is absolutely comparable to the incarnation of powerful divine power.

It is no wonder that the fifteen factions of Sigil can stand at the center of the entire multiverse. It turns out that their faction philosophy is not a mere theory, but has been transformed into a real power, a power that is not inferior to the gods.

It seems that Lavok is right. You need to be careful when dealing with these guys. Although you don't need to be too afraid according to your current strength, if you don't pay attention, you may really capsize the gutter.

"Hmph! That old guy hasn't changed at all after all these years, he only thinks of me when he needs help." Salin took off his glasses, showing a trace of disdain on his face.

Obviously, he hadn't had a good time with the Wizard King before. It is very likely that there have been disagreements and quarrels, and maybe there was a big fight in the end, otherwise there would be no such tone and expression.

as a wise man. Henry felt that at this time, it was best for him to remain silent, because he didn't understand the specific situation at all, and if he defended Lavok without authorization, it might arouse the other party's disgust.

Clutching the pin in his hand, Sarin was silent for a few minutes, then sighed slightly and asked, "Tell me, what kind of universe do you want to find? In Sigil, almost all the portals are controlled by fifteen major factions." And we and the (association) association are one of them.”

"A blue planet, oceans account for more than 70%. The people there have mastered advanced alchemy techniques and can create aircraft faster than sound, but the surface looks very weak..."

Henry described the situation on Earth in great detail, not even omitting certain details. He knew very well that Sigil City was the last hope, and it claimed to be able to find the answers to all questions here. If he couldn't find it, he had no choice but to take the risk and go to hell, the abyss, or a demiplane to try to tear apart time and space, and create a portal that could cross the universe.

Of course, there is a price to pay for doing so. Regardless of success or failure, it will eventually lead to a devastating disaster. For example, the collapse of the plane, or the formation of a black hole that cannot be closed.

"A galaxy composed of eight main planets and one star... I seem to have seen it in a certain record..." Salin muttered to himself, frowning.

The Peace (Association) Association has launched explorations on many planes and universes, and at the same time tried to quell disputes in these places. Therefore, there are a lot of records, some of which have already achieved initial results, and some of them were beaten by the other party. , I can't remember clearly, it's normal.

As soon as he heard the play, Henry's eyes lit up instantly, and he hurriedly asked: "Really?!! This is very important to me, please recall it carefully!"

Perhaps for the Peace (Association) Association, this is just an insignificant record, but it is simply a priceless treasure for him. According to the information from the other side, many things on Earth are worth looking forward to, especially the unique If you can learn from the existing magic system and integrate it, then the magic civilization you create can completely get rid of the shackles of the goddess of magic.


Bow down and thank Linglongshou, isaturday, optimistic about the big mountain, Adamien, Shuilansefengling and other book friends for their monthly votes. (to be continued ~^~)

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