Broad World

Chapter 628: Swapping bodies

Swap bodies?

Everyone was stunned when they heard these words, and Aberdell was even more taken aback, the hairs all over his body stood on end. He swallowed subconsciously, and asked in a trembling voice: "Dude! This joke is a bit big, can't we use another method?"

"Sorry, this is the only solution, and it's very important. Because you definitely can't fool the eldest daughter of the first family, Fei Li, so I have to do it myself. Don't worry, it will take about two days at most, and the time will not be too long." After speaking, Henry comforted and patted the son of Barr on the shoulder.

This is also a helpless move for him, because there is a terrible time curse on his body, no matter what form he transforms into, he will be in his infancy, so the transformation magic must not be used anymore, and can only be replaced by changing the body. Of course, the time can't be too long, because the target of the curse is the soul, so even changing the body will cause the age to go backwards, and it won't be visible in a short time, but once it exceeds seven days, it will become extremely conspicuous.

"Oh...Damn...Are you sure there will be no sequelae?" Seeing that he was doomed, Aberdell had no choice but to scratch his hair and asked worriedly.

As a warrior, although he didn't know much about this kind of esoteric magic, he still knew that magic like body replacement was usually very dangerous, and if something went wrong, the consequences would be unimaginable. The history of Faerûn has been filled with countless such tragic examples, including powerful masters. Henry could fully understand Aberdare's worries, and explained with a smile: "Don't worry. I promise that there will be absolutely no sequelae. You won't even feel anything during the whole process, and it only takes a few minutes to complete."

"Okay. Who made my brain more stupid." When the matter came to an end, Aberdell also knew that escaping would not solve the problem. While sighing, he reluctantly agreed.

Just do it, and soon Henry prepared the magic ceremony. The two drank a small bottle of each other's blood, and then began to chant complex spells loudly. After a while, strong magic surged in the entire passage The aura, even the bonfire was much dimmed in comparison.

A bridge built by two silver-white magic energies. I saw the souls of both parties slowly leaving their bodies, walking along the translucent bridge, and meeting each other after a while. They seemed to be unable to see anything, so they went straight forward, and at the moment of intersection, two transparent crystals were produced, and then entered the body together with the soul. "ah!!!!!"

Following two shouts, the two people who exchanged their souls were sweating profusely, panting heavily, as if the ceremony of just a few minutes had consumed a lot of energy, and they almost sat down on the ground .

"Are you two okay?!" Aimon hurried over to help. The two who were afraid of collapse accidentally fell down.

But as soon as she finished speaking, the body that originally belonged to Henry began to grow rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if taking hormones. In just a few minutes, he went from a boy of about thirteen to a boy in his twenties.

Such a strange change surprised everyone. Even a well-informed demon elf like Fei De stood up with an unbelievable expression on his face, while muttering to himself. : "My God! This is crazy... Could it be that my eyes are blurred?"

"Phew! It's not that your eyes are dazzled, but that the curse has been transferred to Aberdare's body with the soul." Henry, who had just completed the soul exchange, directly lifted off the armor on his body, revealing his huge chest. golden hourglass. Fortunately, he had been prepared and completed the suppression of the curse in an instant. Otherwise, the age of Aberdare's body will also degenerate rapidly.

"So, the two of you are switched now? Henry is Aberdare now. And Aberdare is Henry?" Imon couldn't hold back his curiosity anymore, his eyes widened. From time to time, he stretched out his fingers to poke and touch, and also asked all kinds of weird questions, which made the two of them have a headache.

In the end, Aberdell was so annoyed that he pretended to be vicious and threatened: "Damn! If you dare to poke again, I will use magic to turn you into a toad."

"Haha! It's up to you?" Aimeng's face immediately revealed a disdainful expression.

"Hmph, don't underestimate people, I have very powerful magic power now, and I can release powerful magic just by stretching out my hand." Aberdell closed his eyes and pretended to chant the spell. But even Korgan, who has different magical skills, can see that he has not been able to connect to the magic net at all, and the so-called spell is just a random thought.

After all, if you want to cast magic on the main plane, you must meet the minimum requirements. To describe it in a more numerical language, your intelligence cannot be lower than nine. But obviously, judging from Aberdell's current performance, he is far from reaching this standard. Even if he really has endless magic power in his body, it is useless, because he can't even construct a basic zero-level trick.

The most important thing is that all of Henry's power comes from the creative power hidden deep in the soul. After the soul is transferred, these things are naturally brought into the new body, leaving almost nothing except a strong body .

Soon, Aberdare couldn't pretend anymore, he screamed strangely and rushed over to mess with Imon's hair. But the girl had been prepared for a long time, she raised her leg and stomped on his foot hard, and the two soon got into a fight again.

"Stop making trouble, come here, I'm starting to assign tasks now." Henry waved his hand, motioning everyone to get closer.

"Hey! Come on, I can't wait to start the killing spree." Kogan licked his lips bloodthirstyly, and his eyes revealed a gleam of excitement. Although he looked like a dark elf at the moment, he still showed an aura of not taking everything seriously.

Henry patted the dwarf on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Relax, my good dwarf, you will be able to hack and kill as much as you want in a short time. This is the plan. First, Aberdare pretends to be me and takes Jassie Ra, Imon and Minsk returned to the Geralt family and immediately launched an attack on the second family. As for the rest, return to the first family with me and wait for the opportunity to seize the dragon eggs. From now on, I am Wildrin. And Aberdare is Nim."

"Sounds good, but wouldn't the sudden loss of so many people in the team cause suspicion?" Jasila was the first to ask after hearing this. As a member of the Harper League. She pays great attention to details and sees the loopholes in an instant.

However, Henry obviously considered this question, and replied with a slight smile: "It's very simple, it can be said that he was killed in battle. Have you seen the body of the Elder Eye? It is normal to sacrifice such a terrifying monster. Absolutely no suspicion will be raised."

Jasila obviously disagreed with this statement, and frowned and retorted: "But the other party is a high-ranking priest, and it only takes a spell to expose such a lie. You must know that the eldest daughter named Feili has never trusted us, Spells such as detect lies are often used when speaking."

"Don't worry. I'm very good at the art of language, and sometimes the truth can often have a better deceiving effect." After speaking, Henry connected with a meaningful smile, coupled with Aberdell's tall body and The tendons all over the body make people feel awkward no matter how they look at it.

"Well, anyway, I'm tired of dealing with that sinister and cunning woman. In addition, her snake-like heart is also disgusting." Aberdare complained, and exchanged equipment and backpacks with Henry. These powerful magic items are of little use to him, especially those that increase spell slots and casting speed, they are completely useless.

After re-dressing neatly, Henry told the son of Baal very seriously: "Be careful. Once there is danger, immediately crush the transparent crystal in the soul, so that our souls can be exchanged back in a second. "

When it comes to his body and soul, Aberdell nodded immediately without daring to neglect: "Understood. But you should help us change the form now. Otherwise, as long as you pass through the gate of Uster Natha, you will be recognized in this form." .”

"Here, the transformation ring, which can turn you into any humanoid creature you have ever seen." Henry took out a few seemingly inconspicuous rings. It was something he had gotten from Kelben a long time ago, and it finally came in handy today.

Amon, Jasila, and Minsk took them one after another, and slightly changed their appearance. As for Aberdell, he completely copied Nim's appearance and body shape, and no one would be able to see the flaws unless he did it. Now that everything is ready, it's time to return to the dark elf city in crisis.

Ten minutes later, the two groups deliberately diverged the time. Advance in batches towards the direction of Uster Natha City. In order to deceive others, Henry's team deliberately tore the armor on themselves. There were also some wounds, and it looked like a bloody battle. Coupled with the huge corpse of the eyes of the elders, there is no flaw at all.

As soon as she left the influence range of "Terrifying Deep Cold", Viconia immediately shook the snow on the cloak, ran over and lowered her voice and asked, "Are you really planning to make an enemy of a god?"

"Of course, any enemy who dares to violate my bottom line will have to pay the price, no matter if he is a mortal or a god." Henry said this sentence firmly, without any room for compromise.

Hearing this answer, Viconia took a deep breath and warned: "Then be careful, Shar has given me a hint that several gods have already set their sights on this place, as long as one of them moves , then it will cause a chain reaction in an instant.”

"God? It won't be long before I make them pay for their arrogance... a very... very... a very painful price..." Henry deliberately spoke slowly, releasing a frightening energy from all over his body The aura, if you observe carefully, you will find that the endless universe is reflected in his pupils, which looks so deep, as if he wants to suck everything in.


Bow down and thank several book friends such as Back to the Loess and Face to the Sky, Hualong Zhiyi, and nxx for their monthly votes. I wish you all a happy new year and good luck in everything.

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