Broad World

Chapter 613 Contact and Assassination

As soon as he entered the mage tower, Henry immediately felt a strange magical energy, from the ceiling above his head to the ground under his feet, it was everywhere. It seems that the dark elves' attitude towards magic is indeed much more rigorous than that of humans, otherwise they would not have made great efforts to build such a strict monitoring system.

But it's a pity that this thing can't deal with the legendary mage. He only played a little trick, released a trace of primitive magic power around his body, and instantly stirred up all the magic energy, let alone monitoring, he couldn't even get a little closer.

After quietly finishing the matter, Henry did not go directly to the library like ordinary people, but directly took out the Archmage's staff, and used the power on it to enter the invisible state. Before he figured out Alan's situation, he didn't want to attract too many people's attention, especially be careful with Chasma, the power of enriched uranium is not a joke, maybe let this guy research something, The entire city of Ust-Nassar had to be bombed to the sky.

According to the information given by Antleb, he avoided the patrolling golem and came to a room on the west side of the second floor without any hindrance. Before the door was opened, there was a burst of fierce quarreling inside. "Velva! You lowly commoner, how dare you refuse the invitation of the Hallett family. We are the fifteenth family in this city." A woman excitedly cursed loudly. She sounded so angry that there was a tremor in her voice.

"Sorry, Gedurella, I'm not interested in you and your family. And don't yell at me, because I can't resist stabbing a dagger in your neck." Showing weakness, the words revealed a threat.

"Can I understand this sentence as a declaration of war? You Huelva. A lowly commoner. You are declaring war on the fifteenth-ranked family of Uster Nassar?"

"Whatever you think. Now just leave my room. In addition, it's no wonder that the Hallett family has not grown at all after so many years. It turns out that there are too many idiots like you."

"Bastard! I'm going to kill you!"

"Oh, look, another idiot who doesn't have a brain and only uses brute force."


After hearing the sound of two people fighting in the house, Henry shook his head with a smile, and gently opened the door. A punch hit the tall dark elf female warrior on the back of the head. Before she could figure out what was going on, her eyes went dark, and she fell to the ground unconscious with a plop. The petite woman inserted the dagger back into its sheath, then smiled playfully and asked, "Boss, why are you here? I don't remember such a thing in the plan."

"No way, the plan can't keep up with the rapid changes. I need to know the whereabouts of Alan right away, I believe you must have a way, right? Dear Miss Velva." Henry spread his hands helplessly while speaking. Among the dark elves in the team, he liked the clever little girl in front of him the most, because she didn't have too many dark elves' bad habits, and was more like an ordinary human girl.

have to say. This underage dark elf girl was taken care of very well, and Henry even asked Robert to provide her with some conveniences for learning magic. Otherwise, no matter how talented he is, it is impossible to become a fifth-level mage in such a short period of time.

There is no doubt that Velva and Henry are very close, part brother and sister, part father and daughter, and often share some harmless little jokes. Although their age difference is more than double, the girl is sixty-four years old this year, and Henry is only less than thirty years old, quite a strange combination.

"Oh, it's not easy. You know that young master of yours is as vigilant as a mouse, and will disappear without a trace as soon as there is any sign of trouble. I only know that he is active in the storage room and basement on the first floor. It is impossible to determine the exact location." As he spoke, Velva didn't even look at it, and directly slammed the dark elf female warrior who fell unconscious on the ground with her elbow.

There was only a click, and the poor guy had a chance to kick his legs and die. No one can survive a broken spine and windpipe, at least not a dark elf.

Hearing the news, Henry instantly had a bad feeling. He frowned slightly and asked, "You mean my son has a certain degree of freedom? He can walk around in some places in the mage tower at will?"

After struggling to drag the corpse under the bed, Velva nodded helplessly: "Yes, he will appear in the library, dining room, storage room, and apprentice area from time to time every day. Once he finds someone following him, he will immediately use magic to escape. This The little guy is very familiar with the terrain, and he is guaranteed to disappear without a trace after two turns. I have to say, he really deserves to be your son. You must know that few people can pass the time when they are less than ten years old. There are so many people playing around."

"Excellent indeed. So he's a real mage, not just an apprentice?"

To be honest, Henry’s mood is a bit complicated now. On the one hand, I feel a little distressed. I can imagine what kind of harsh conditions a child under ten years old must endure to live in an environment full of dark elves, otherwise he would never develop such a vigilant character. When Lun was at home, he was very unresponsive, and he didn't even know to hide when it rained.

On the other hand, he is very proud of being a father. From apprentices to full-time mages, countless people have tried their best to make it through their lives, but Alan has already completed it at an early age. If he continues to develop at this rate, he may become a very powerful spellcaster in another ten years, and his future prospects are simply limitless.

"I want you to assure me that this kid is definitely a mage above the third level. He once cast a second-level magic "pyrotechnics" in front of me. It was not a scroll or a magic item, but a real spell chanting and spellcasting actions." When this matter was mentioned, Velva showed a trace of anger on his face.

There is no doubt that it doesn't feel good to be tricked by a child who is more than fifty years younger than herself, but she almost lost confidence in her own strength.

Henry could imagine Huelva's embarrassment at that time. "Pyrotechnics", as the name suggests, produced a lot of sparks and thick smoke within a certain range. Causes disturbance to the enemy's eyes and respiratory system. Cause temporary blindness, severe coughing, etc. It is a very disgusting magic, and it has no actual lethality.

Thinking of that scene, he sneered mercilessly: "Aha! I really didn't expect that even a clever ghost like you would be thrown out. It seems that Allen should really be in no danger."

"Damn it! Put away your smug expression. I was just careless!" Velva jumped up from the ground and retorted loudly like a cat whose tail had been stepped on. Obviously, what she just said touched her sore spot, and her reaction was quite intense.

"A momentary carelessness? Do you think I will believe it? Forget it. Now is not the time to bicker. Leave that corpse alone and take me to the area where Alan is active. Now is the time to take him out of this ghost place After speaking, Henry directly took out his staff and shot a green light, and the powerful force of the "Disintegration Technique" instantly turned the corpse into a pile of powder.

He can't wait to see his son now, to see what this little guy has become after going through so much, and whether he really has the potential to become a powerful spellcaster.

Huelva glanced at the powder under the bed, with strong desire in his eyes. Any low-level mage will inevitably want to get more and stronger magic power, and she is no exception. However, the dark elf girl controlled her emotions very well. After packing up her things, she quickly closed the door and walked towards the first floor.

They just lead the way. The other followed behind while remaining invisible, and soon came to the remote corridor on the right side of the first floor. It's basically a storage room. Except for the golems responsible for carrying and patrolling, no one patronized at all, so it seemed very deserted, and there was no sound at all.

Just when Huelva was about to say something, suddenly, there was a wave of fluctuation in the air, followed by a sharp two-handed giant sword piercing the air, less than one millimeter behind her throat, was struck by another A force slammed it away, making a crisp sound unique to metal.


"Treating a lady, especially an underage girl, your methods are a bit too rough." Said Henry broke out of the invisible state and appeared on the spot. He held the staff of the archmage in one hand, and pressed the other hand on the handle of the knife, keeping Velva firmly behind him.

The attacker also showed his true form, and it was Solaufen whom he had seen at the door just now. He gripped his weapon tightly and shook his head with a wry smile: "Sorry, I don't want to do this either, but it's the only way to survive."

"Bastard! The point of the sword almost pierced my throat just now! Let me kill this bastard!" Huelva pulled out the dagger and wanted to rush forward as soon as he recovered. She looked extremely angry, the fierce light in her eyes soared, and she wished to cut the enemy in front of her.

But it's a pity that Henry dragged him back before he could take two steps. "Calm down, honey, you are not his opponent yet, let me do it."

Huelva glared a few times indignantly, then cursed in a low voice: "Damn it! Remember to teach this guy a lesson!"

"Don't worry, he will be punished. Also, take a good look at how you should fight as a part-time mage." Henry drew out his long knife and took a few steps forward while speaking.

He didn't attack immediately, but stopped and showed a meaningful smile: "Saulaufen, right? You should feel lucky, because a certain correct choice saved your life. Sneak attack, I can completely blow you to pieces."

"What does this mean? Why don't I understand?" Solaufen stepped back cautiously while speaking. He had heard the name Nim mentioned by countless people recently, and he understood how terrifying the warrior in front of him was. Without the help of magic, he would never have won the victory.

Henry stretched his muscles a little, and smiled mysteriously: "Don't worry, you'll know what's going on soon. Let's focus on this battle now, be careful, I always strike hard, Don't accidentally die..."

As soon as the words fell, he rushed out like an arrow leaving the string at a speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye...

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